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Amendment 2 in MO

Inigo Montoya

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Their are no legal implications... none. It would be decidedly difficult to claim intimate knowledge of implications that do not exist. Yet you claim that "in legal terms" a miscarraige can also be murder.

Just because you say something does not make it true. Honestly, to read your posts it's like you are from a different country or a different world or a different universe.

In my strange different universe laws regarding embryonic stem sell research have legal implications ;)

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In my strange different universe laws regarding embryonic stem sell research have legal implications ;)

Alexey, you are one strange duck!

whoa... work happened and I came back to inner-fighting. Let me see if I can get back on track.

Back on track:

People are already using embryos for invetro-fertilization. The unused embryos are then thrown away. Why not let them be donated to science for a possible good use?

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Alexey, you are one strange duck!

Please do me a favor and stop replying to my posts, and I shall do the same for yours. A civilized discussion is hardly possible when one comes out calling another a fool...

alexey's ignore list...population: you :)

If possible, I would ask other posters to try and minimize quoting of his most insightful posts.

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Yes, most artificial sweeteners cause health problems in mice. The comparable amount that affected mice was was something like a human drinking 100 cans of soda every day for 20 years. That isn't even relevant. Nobody else is out there curing blindness in mice through other methods. I think that people like you don't really care until it hits home to you or a close friend or family member.


People like you? wow, you dont know me and you dont care to know where I am coming from. So people like you need to chill the **** out. I said what I think without condeming you tell hell or various other places. People like you obviously resort to insults and anger in order to win an arguement. :rolleyes: Way to go, you are quicker on your feet with a deragotory comment...

you win

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Please do me a favor and stop replying to my posts, and I shall do the same for yours. A civilized discussion is hardly possible when one comes out calling another a fool...

All that for saying that you are one strange duck? I think your planet may have a different definition of strange duck.

People like you? wow, you dont know me and you dont care to know where I am coming from. So people like you need to chill the **** out.

you win

What is this, Springer? You don't know me! You don't know me!

I tried to get the discussion back on track, no thanks to a few strange ducks here and there. But so long as I win, then it's all good.

I win! I win! I am the champ!

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All that for saying that you are one strange duck? I think your planet may have a different definition of strange duck.

What is this, Springer? You don't know me! You don't know me!

I tried to get the discussion back on track, no thanks to a few strange ducks here and there. But so long as I win, then it's all good.

I win! I win! I am the champ!

Actually you dont know me!!! has got to be from some movie. anyway, i just dont like being told people like me have no sympathy for people with specific diseases or illnesses. I just think there are better ways to approach finding a way to cure them and I dont believe in the "ends justify the means" arguement.

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Back on track:

People are already using embryos for invetro-fertilization. The unused embryos are then thrown away. Why not let them be donated to science for a possible good use?

Okay, back to the topic. This is a tough question... on one hand I dont support the way in which you get to have "extra" embryos. Sorry, you will think I'm crazy but I dont.

Unfortunately it happens, so what do you do with the "leftovers" now I'm in a predicament. If i dont support the way in which we got to this point, how can I then support what to do with the result? And how can I not support using what is going to be discarded as a way to possibly help cure something?

The answer is I dont know.

For the Amendment 2 law in MO, this state has essentially given researchers the ability to create embryos for the sake of science. there is practically no limits on what can done with this amendment passed. just like people get paid to chew gum for market research companies, women will get paid to help with this research. WTF? We are not talking about already discarded embryos, we are talking about creating them for science only, there is no reason to allow that.

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Have scientists figured out how to retrieve the cell without killing the embryo?

Have scientists figured out how to use placenta stem cells

Have scientists figured out how to use adult stem cells.

*Who's against furthering these roads*

IF there is no reason to "start the slippery road" to selling embryo's for science then lets not do it.

In a couple years there will be no debate on this as there is a fix in already.

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Unfortunately it happens, so what do you do with the "leftovers" now I'm in a predicament. If i dont support the way in which we got to this point, how can I then support what to do with the result? And how can I not support using what is going to be discarded as a way to possibly help cure something?

The answer is I dont know.

Just to let you know, a woman would currently have two options. They could have them discarded OR they could have the embryos reinserted at a time when they couldn't become pregnant to have them more naturally disposed of. Still, the end result is that the embryos are treated as waste.

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Don't confuse religion and ethics. Everyone is having money taken out of their wallet for stuff they believe in and stuff they do not believe in, stop whining.

it's called being frustrated with how low our standards have sunk to save an old movie star. dont force your "beliefs, morals, ethics, faith" whatever on me. Keep your hands off of my body.your song and dance of "dont impose on me" is whining and it's old.

Please, so I should just be able to do whatever I want? Everything is relative. That would work real well.

sorry but most people's ethical standards are derived from their religious beliefs.

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What you may be missing is that what stem cell research is really about is HOPE. Hope for people suffering from paralysis, blindness, Parkinsons, and a host of other horrible diseases. For these people, the ability to fight their illness is tied to hope. There are innumerous studies that show that positive outlook has all sorts of positive medical benefits. These folks need hope even if the actual answer is a long way off.

There are two moral levels here. There is the responsibility to potential or microscopic life compared to that of realized life. Given that most of us shower and use soap we partake in microscopic genocide on a daily basis. My spiritual question rests in when the soul begins. Does each ova have a soul ready and waiting? Does each sperm? I find it hard to visualize a cell as a complete human being. I certainly respect your difference of opinion and acknowledge that I have no clue when an organism becomes a person, but I do believe it makes an important distinction.

I also think the potential of saving millions of lives and the hope that this gives millions of people should not be squandered.

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I too want those who are gravely ill to have hope, just not at the cost of lowering the dignity of human life. I respect people who want to help others, I don't respect the "Whatever it takes to cure these diseases crowd"

Anyway, it's my daughter's first b-day so I am going to leave this discussion and come back in the morning. Apparently the Tailgate is nothing like the Stadium and this thread will be "locatable" in the morning.

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Probably. Happy Birthday to your daughter! :cheers: And for the record, I didn't think that was what you were saying only adding the hope perspective to the scientific argument. This is actually a very difficult issue especially for those with deep Christian beliefs.

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