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Amendment 2 in MO

Inigo Montoya

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Well first off I want to thank MO voters for further diminishing the value of life. Way to go liberal politics, throw a commerical of a shaking Michael J. Fox on TV and tell people you are trying to cure him. cure him with what? your means justify the end BS???? this is an unethical means to an unproven and unnecessary end:rolleyes: I guess 30 million dollars can by an amendment to the constitution, thats great news.

The following quote is from the St. Louis newspaper this morning:

"I just thought that whatever they need to fix what I’ve got is worth voting for," said Duffin, a St. Ann resident.

Whatever they need? wow, we live in the most selfish and crazy world.

I want to know why one earth there is such a huge push for embryonic stem cell research from the government? I want to hear from you all and give me a good reason as to why we should change the research focus from a proven and ethical stem cell research (adults) to an unproven, unethical stem cell research.

Article link: http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/politics/story/9F7DE82B974D006D86257220002BEA72?OpenDocument

No on Amendment 2: http://www.nocloning.org/

Yes on Amendment 2: http://www.missouricures.com/

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and I hope that if they ever find a cure for a disease that you may have one day. You refuse treatement because of how it was discovered.

you added nothing to my hope for discussion thank you.

you insult me and hope that one day this unethical means to your hopefull end will work out... sorry but thats just not how it should work.

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What exactly do you propose people do with the unused embryos? They are gonig to throw them away instead of trying to use them to find a cure for a disease?

and I hope that if they ever find a cure for a disease that you may have one day. You refuse treatement because of how it was discovered.

Amen to that!

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yes it is.

What is hypocritical is that the same people who think that God wants people to be kept alive via feeding tubes, are the same folks who think this type of research diminishes the value of life, or will motivate people to get abortions.

How does a feeding tube relate to creating "life" just to end it for the purpose of science?

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yes it is.

What is hypocritical is that the same people who think that God wants people to be kept alive via feeding tubes, are the same folks who think this type of research diminishes the value of life, or will motivate people to get abortions.

I also never said anything about people being motivated to get an abortion. Please read what I wrote instead of having a blanket idea about one group of people and labelling me with it.

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I also never said anything about people being motivated to get an abortion. Please read what I wrote instead of having a blanket idea about one group of people and labelling me with it.

You are the thread starter so it is your job to clearly define your position.

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You are the thread starter so it is your job to clearly define your position.

I thought I had defined my position, I dont like the creating of stem cells for science. I believe that it is creating life only to end it. To make matters worse, I think this is such a crap-shoot to see if it will do anything.

Embryonic stem cell research is being sold as a way to find cures, when there is no proof that it will help cure these diseases at all.

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I thought I had defined my position, I dont like the creating of stem cells for science. I believe that it is creating life only to end it. To make matters worse, I think this is such a crap-shoot to see if it will do anything.

Embryonic stem cell research is being sold as a way to find cures, when there is no proof that it will help cure these diseases at all.

Well then, perhaps you shouldn't live in a democracy. What is un-ethical to you, is fine for others. We live an a nation where majority rules. I guess now you know how it feels to be a minority.

while there may be no "proof" it will help cure any diseases, there is no "proof" it won't. I prefer to live in a nation that works towards curing diseases.

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Well then, perhaps you shouldn't live in a democracy. What is un-ethical to you, is fine for others. We live an a nation where majority rules. I guess now you know how it feels to be a minority.

while there may be no "proof" it will help cure any diseases, there is no "proof" it won't. I prefer to live in a nation that works towards curing diseases.

:applause: Exactly. Yeah, we should always approach science, before we let them do the research, by saying you can't prove it'll work :rolleyes: OF ****ING COURSE NOT!!! THEY HAVEN'T BEEN ALLOWED TO TRY YET!!!

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Are you also opposed to in-vitro fertilization? Embryos goto waste there. So why? Why can't they take an unused embryo from an IVF procedure, and use it for the greater good of mankind?

Yes I am and thats the primary reason for being against it. I think in the name of science in some cases, convenience in others people have taken what should be defined as the beginning of life and and turned it into a gray area so they can live with themselves. And the limitations and what it acceptable will only be expanded further and further.

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And the limitations and what it acceptable will only be expanded further and further.

What about bringing up Involuntary Manslaughter charges against women who, unwillingly, did something that (arguably) prevented embryo from implanting in the uterus? It goes both ways.

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Scientists are figuring out how to get the cell without destroying the embryo.

let them... Let's not provide an easier path that could lead to ugliness.

They can also get cells from donated placenta's: I'm guessing there are a ton of them available... Our family donated 2.

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This does not properly reflect the issue at hand. Please read the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stem_cell_controversy

Thank you I did read it and this is exactly what i am saying:

1) Embryos are lives

An embryo contains the potential to form a human, therefore it should be valued as highly as a human life

(2) Exploring alternative therapeutic options

Embryonic stem cells should be abandoned in favour of alternatives, such as those involving adult stem cells

(4) Overstatement of research potential

Scientists have long promised spectacular results from embryonic stem cell research, and this has not yet occurred

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Well then, perhaps you shouldn't live in a democracy. What is un-ethical to you, is fine for others. We live an a nation where majority rules. I guess now you know how it feels to be a minority.

The majority of people in the US are christians. Let's just make that the official religion if the majority believe it.

Yes I am and thats the primary reason for being against it. I think in the name of science in some cases, convenience in others people have taken what should be defined as the beginning of life and and turned it into a gray area so they can live with themselves. And the limitations and what it acceptable will only be expanded further and further.

You are managing to say a lot of words without really making any points. You are ignoring actual real-life situations because it is easier to just say "in the name of science". It's a cop-out excuse for not being able to defend yourself.

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