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Dallas' failed 2 point try...


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I'm sick of hearing that the Girls would have won 20-19 had they kick the PAT instead of going for 2. Every single event/play affects the very next event/play.

Had they kicked the PAT the score would have been 7-5...but it would have changed EVERYTHING in the game from that point on...we MAY have blown them out 45-7 or they may have blown us out 35-5...

On ESPN, NFL.COM and every where else they are saying that the Cowboys would have won 20-19. It's just getting on my nerves.

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The talking heads on the sports channels get paid to do one thing, TALK, and when they have nothing substantive to say, well then they have to speculate, and one of the things they love to do pretend that if one thing had been done different then the outcome of the game would have been relatively unchanged except for the final score. This is why so much has been said about TO's dropped pass, if only. Well, ok, if only he had actually run it in for the TD, does that mean everything else would have been the same? Of course not.

Reasonable people understand these things and take them into account with a grain of salt, the talking heads are there to keep themselves employed and to fill 30 to 40 minutes of air time talking.

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Also, the people that criticize him for trying for 2 are going overboard. When you are up by 1 point, going up by 2 is worthless. The odds of a scoring combination involving that second point coming into play is very unlikely (obviously, it panned out, but you can't bet the game on the low odd outcome). Gaining a 3 point lead instead of a 2 point lead is far more valuable. I would have gone for 2 as well.

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Also, the people that criticize him for trying for 2 are going overboard. When you are up by 1 point, going up by 2 is worthless. The odds of a scoring combination involving that second point coming into play is very unlikely (obviously, it panned out, but you can't bet the game on the low odd outcome). Gaining a 3 point lead instead of a 2 point lead is far more valuable. I would have gone for 2 as well.

in the first quarter? the risk is far too great.... always take the sure points until you have to take the added risk.

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Statistically it is better to for 2 points, here's why...

They showed a graghic that extra points are made 99% of the time...495 out of 500 this year where as 2 XPTs were made 62% of the time.

So for every 100 TDs score there are 99 points added due to extra points...but at the same token, for every 100 TDs scored and a 2xpt being tried would result in 62 successes or 124 points.

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I think Parcells decision not to challenge the safety call was a worse decision

he probably got confirmation that his knee was down while the ball was still in the endzone, but I was thinking the same thing, if they where going to challenge it, it was such a momentum swing.

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I think Parcells decision not to challenge the safety call was a worse decision

Bubba posted this pic in another thread, it clearly shows that the ball never made it out of the endzone before Jones' shoulder is down on the white line of the end zone, which is part of the endzone. Think reverse touchdown, the ball not the player has to get out. Parcell's and the Dallas review staff were correct in not challenging.


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Parcell's said that he went by the chart, which all coaches use to determine if they should go for two. He was correct to do so. And Gibbs would have gone for two after Cooley's td, or maybe even after Portis scored. The ball is not round. It always takes a funny bounce. That is one of the things that makes football great.

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Parcell's said that he went by the chart, which all coaches use to determine if they should go for two. He was correct to do so. And Gibbs would have gone for two after Cooley's td, or maybe even after Portis scored. The ball is not round. It always takes a funny bounce. That is one of the things that makes football great.

Its not a rule that you have to follow the chart, if thats the case, why have coaches. Why not have a chart for every play in every situation.

A chart is there to help guide them on the decision but doesnt make it.

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Its really such a dead point i think the only reason the national media discuss' it is because they just want one more thing to nag Parcells with and get a rise out of him or TO, thus improving ratings. Steve Mariucci is the only analyst who has gotten it right...Any kind of coaching desicion like that that happened so early in the game is virtually a moot point because there was so much football played after that things would have been totally different for both teams. There would have been more risks taken, more shots downfield, etc. Its fun to monday morning Quarterback especially with Dallas but its a moot point and should be left alone. The only stats that matter in the end are Win and Loss. And we got a Win....so screw sportscenter.

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Two points here (and I know I'm preaching to the choir)...

1) As has been mentioned, we would have had an opportunity to go for 2 later in the game as well and (if the stats in this thread are true) we would have had a better than 50% chance of getting the 2. That point alone nullifies the idea that Dallas would have been running out the clock AFTER Novak missed the FG.

2) None of this is relevant unless you want to throw in ALL the other "what ifs" as well. What if the refs don't miss some big Dallas penalties or what if the refs don't call Fauria for holding for simply being run over (negating a 30 yard completion to Lloyd)? Or, my favorite, what if we had actually converted on 3rd and 4 with under a minute to go and given Novak a much more makeable FG attempt the first time around. That decision is the most on par with questioning Parcells' choice to go for 2 (since it's a matter of a coaching decision). Gibbs or Saunders were apparently playing for a long FG instead of running a screen or slant to pick up a first down/10 more yards which could have made Novak's first game-winning attempt the final play of regulation.

The bottom line is this: It was a neck and neck game that came down to the final minute. We executed late in the game and the Cowboys did not.

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