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Props to Oline...pass blocking


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I was very impressed with the pass blocking...didn't expect it since Dallas had 6 sacks in last game. Jansen must have done very well after the Tuna kinds called him over the hill. I saw Samuels got owned by Ware once for a sack but must have handled him fairly well the rest of the game.

Don't know what went on in run blocking. :doh:

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The run would have been there for us in the third if we had a chance to stick with it. Unfortunately we couldn't get the Cowboys offense off the field and by the time we got the ball back we had to play catch up, which usually means more passing, less rushing.

Protection was good yesterday but Brunell made it tougher on our guys than he had to. If he had stepped up in the pocket occasionally he could have avoided a lot of the pressure he was getting.

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Those offensive linemen need to take a hard long look at themselves in the mirror after not being able to win the battle at the goaline at least one time in six or seven tries.

Dockery Dockery Dockery :doh: :doh: :doh:

4th and 1 Portis has a hole Dockery is one on one with Brady and Dock gets stood up and pushed to the side :doh:

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I was very impressed with the pass blocking...didn't expect it since Dallas had 6 sacks in last game. Jansen must have done very well after the Tuna kinds called him over the hill. I saw Samuels got owned by Ware once for a sack but must have handled him fairly well the rest of the game.

Don't know what went on in run blocking. :doh:

Ware owned Fauria NOT Samuels on the sack he had. I dont know why the coaching staff decided to put Fauria on Ware two plays in a row especially after he got ran over by Ware on the first play. In fact, I hope they release Fauria's sorry ass. The guy has done NOTHING for this team except make costly penalties and suck at blocking.

Our OL did a GREAT job in pass blocking this week but the run blockin

g needs to improve. Hopefully they can bring it together next week.

CP seemed to have a lot of space on that 4th and 1 if he would've gone to the other side instead of going right behind Dockery. I think he could've scored easily if he did that. I dont know if anyone else sees this or not but a lot of times the outside lane is open and instead of CP running outside, he turns inside. I think he needs to utilize his quickness and speed more by turning it outside.

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I have been saying this since the early 90's. Most of Dallass defenses have been small and quick. The last BIG defense they had was the Doomsday D of Randy White, Too Tall etc. Since the Jimmy Johnson Days, I have always said, run between the tackles and wear them down. But we always seem to go to the outside which plays to the strength of their D. Speed. Remember Dexter Coakley in the 90's? You could never run sideline to sideline on him.

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I thought the pass blocking was exceptional. Brunell is like any QB in the league, give him time and he'll make the throws. Although the Dallas D is something like 4th in run D, the run block was fairly ordinary. Portis only sprung really one play, and i think that one was because of a block from Lloyd.

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Pass blocking was solid, except for the those two consecutive plays where we tried to block Ware with Fauria (WTFSpurrier??)

Run blocking, for the most part, sucked. We got no push on the goalline in like 7 tries. Inexcusable.

Exactly - why are they doing the Spurrier scheme of putting a tight end on the guy Samuels is guarding. Just plain strange.

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Pass protection was excellent.

I blame the run blocking mostly on boring and unimaginative run plays. Against a Defense as good as the one Dallas has against the run you have to spice things up in the run game. The one creative play they called resulted in a 40 yard TD run.

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