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We are 1 play and 1 penalty away from 5-3....

[S.S.F. | Nero]

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Play: Week 1 vs MIN. Mark Brunell passes to Santanna Moss in the endzone late in the game, Moss catches the would be TD pass but it is knocked loose on a jarring hit by the safety, Darren Sharper. (If Moss holds onto the ball, we likely win the game).

Penalty: Week 6 vs. TEN. One of the replacement D-linemen (Cornelius and Joe Sal were hurt), I think it was Montgomery, commited a facemask that made it 1st and GOAL from the 1 as opposed to 3rd and GOAL from the 3. (If this penalty isn't committed there's a chance that the Titans don't score the TD and are held to 3pts., thus, we likely win that game).

Now, I know the old sayings, "If 'ifs and buts' were candy and nuts.....etc" and "Hindsight is 20/20", but the point I'm trying to make here is that this team, while not performing up to many if not everyone's expectations, is only 1 play and 1 penalty away from a 5-3 record.

All of the other happenings in the games could be argued to have affected the outcome as well and many likely did, but it just goes to show how precarious an NFL football season can be and how EVERY single play counts.

Food 4 Thought.

Go 'Skins.

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A coin toss in the Jags favour cold have seen them win that OT game. So, we'd be 4-4 just to even out this imaginery record.

Id say for the most part, the way we've played, we shud be 3-5. We just havent been that good. Our D is pretty highlight less to say the least.

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Of all our losses this year, the Titans one hurts just simply becasue we could have beat them. If you beat the teams you shud beat, and get lucky with a few others, you can easliy go 12-4. But we seem to drop half of our sure-set games. I know none of the games we play are definate outcomes, but that Titans game, i mean, it was their first win dammit!

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Meaningless....good teams don't get into these situations.

We are a average team. But that's all right for this season. I still want it all but the win yesterday makes up for so much crap. Like it has been said, its good sometimes to be lucky and win one then it is to be good and still lose. We were lucky . :helmet:

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Every season for almost every team has a handful of plays that, had they happened differently, would have reversed the outcome of games, for both good and ill. That's just the way it works. The good teams tend to be able to make more of those critical plays go their way than the bad ones do. It's an exercise in futility to pick them apart, except as a study of how much parity there is in the league.

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We could have easily won every single game this year.

That being said, we also could have lost every one of them. We just need to find a way to win like we did yesterday. Do or die in Philly - we win, we're right in the middle of the playoff race. We lose, we're out of it. Plain and simple.

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There are so many more plays/penalties/calls that could have been made than just those two that could have made the games go any way.

Now....let's revisit my original post....

...All of the other happenings in the games could be argued to have affected the outcome as well and many likely did, but it just goes to show how precarious an NFL football season can be and how EVERY single play counts.

I find it intriguing yet somewhat unsettling how many on these boards have selective comprehension and fail to "get the point" of certain threads.

They seem to read whatever they want to into the post and then react accordingly. LavarLuver this was not directed at you but rather the slew of other KIAs ('Know It Alls' for the non-KIAs) who have bashed this thread.

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