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Scene from leaving section 140


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Well......as we were leaving.

A Skins fan got into an argument with a Dallas fan. Skins fan sucker punches the Dallas fan.

Other fans break them up.

Security shows up.

Dallas fan looks at the guard and proceeds to call him an N-bomb.

I believe at that moment, the guard wasn't on duty for a few min while he whooped the Dallas fan.


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That's unfortunate. We should give other fans grief, especially Dallas fans, but not resort to violence.

well he kinda brought it on his self. Dude shouldn't have said that out of his mouth. If it was in the hood, he might have been stomped to the point of unconciousness.

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Not all Cowboy fans are idiots.

Since I live in Dallas, and see Dallas games every year......and also go to games Dallas against Philly and sometimes Dallas against the Giants........I can say I have never had trouble with the Dallas fans IN THEIR HOUSE.

To say all Dallas fans are terrible is silly


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Um, have you considered becomming a Philly fan?

You speak as if you haven't been in this situation.

Easy to say being that you don't live in DC area and don't have to put up with all the antagonizing Puke fans in the area that get their jollies off messing with Skins fans. I've got no respect for a person that can't respect his home town, let alone, one that blatantly disrespects their hometown by cheering the arch rival. It's as they've been scared as a child by the Skins and are taking it out on them. Makes me sick. Far too many "opposing team" fans show up at Fed Ex and I'd like to be a little more scary of a place to come. There shouldn't be any cheers at FedEx when the opposing team does good. And for a fan to drop the N bomb to the very guy there keeping his arse safe, he deserves a good stomping. I hope he was in blue and silver too.

There was a woman Cowboys fan there that got into it with a female Skins fan and from what I hear, it got real nasty. The Skins fan took it hard. That should never happen and should have been broken up immediately. In order for FedEx to remain civilized, sometimes you have to take out the trash!

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I dont understand the N-bomb dropping. Stupid in my opinion and the Dallas fan probably deserved the ass whipping that he was handed.

As for fighting, I truly dont understand it. Everyone should expect to be heckled every now and then, but the escallation into a fight is out of control. Theres no need for fighting.

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well he kinda brought it on his self. Dude shouldn't have said that out of his mouth. If it was in the hood, he might have been stomped to the point of unconciousness.

Yeah, really...that is one word you DO NOT say to a black man, especially one with a badge... :laugh:

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You speak as if you haven't been in this situation.

Easy to say being that you don't live in DC area and don't have to put up with all the antagonizing Puke fans in the area that get their jollies off messing with Skins fans. I've got no respect for a person that can't respect his home town, let alone, one that blatantly disrespects their hometown by cheering the arch rival. It's as they've been scared as a child by the Skins and are taking it out on them. Makes me sick. Far too many "opposing team" fans show up at Fed Ex and I'd like to be a little more scary of a place to come. There shouldn't be any cheers at FedEx when the opposing team does good. And for a fan to drop the N bomb to the very guy there keeping his arse safe, he deserves a good stomping. I hope he was in blue and silver too.

No, I don't live in DC.

OTOH, I am one of those "opposing team's fans". I've been to Skins games in Tampa and in Jacksonville.

And you know what? I've never once had somebody claim some right to "defend their turf" by picking on "the invader".

Some smiling smack talk? Yeah, what's the point of going to the game if you're not going to voice some opinions?

Now, if you want to cheer because "obnoxious drunk picks fight with cop, loses", then hey, I'm with you. But when it becomes "people wearing the wrong colors should be scared to come into 'our' stadium", then (IMO), you've crossed into Philly-dom.

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