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FACT or FICTION: The Rivalry is officially back


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I know everyone heres is gonna say fact, cause it is, but at least explain why.

FACT because since Gibbs has come back he's gotten everyone up to play this game no matter what. This game will go down as one of the more classic chapters of the dallas washington rivalry. It was a war and the toughest and most COMPLETE team won today. Now what does it mean for our season? Eh, doesnt matter, we beat the cowboys this year, and thats a moral victory should we continue to struggle after this game.

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The rivalry has always been here as far as us fans are concerned. It's the players that need to understand this hatred we have for dallASS. I think Joe Gibbs has tried to instill that emotion into this team. If Joe can keep this team intact, maybe we'll see that same hatred in the players attitude towards dallASS as us fans do.

It used to be that way every year until the salary cap and free agency. Now players come and go and have no sense of loyalty and tradition.

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Oh it's back!!!! To all my fellow REDSKINS fans Let us all wear our Burgandy and Gold everyday this week. Let's rub this victory in all the cowboys fans faces.

Let's not be rude or anything, just wear the burgandy and gold, Cowboy fans are steaming about this loss. :rotflmao: Can't wait to hear all the if's and but's about why Dallas lost. I'll remind the cowboy faithful that their very own Bill Parcells once said " If ifs and buts were candy and nuts it would be Christmas everyday"

This rivalry has been back since Joe Gibbs returned.:helmet:

Thank you Joe Gibbs:helmet:

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I say Fiction cause it was nver gone.

What makes the win great to me it I get to keep the "hahaha my team is better than yours" trophy. Me and I guy (BIG BOYS FAN) I work with got a cheap trouphy with an ugly cup on it that has the above quote on it. Whoevers team does better gets the trouphy for the week. Man am I gona rub it in. May even bring some Redskin stuff in to put on his desk. heheheheheheheheheh Man I love it.

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Yep it's back.

Dallas fans " we've won the last 15 of 19"

Redskins fans: "we've won the last 3 of 4 in the last 2 seasons"

Haha, exactly what I said to my Cowgirls fan today on the phone. He pulled out the 15 of 19. So I calmly asked, "what have you done for me lately" his response "what do you mean?". To which I said "3 out of 4 is what I mean".

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Well for one, it was never "dead" it was just that for the majority of the 90's and early 2000's it didn't mean as much to the NFL because both teams were mediocre, but has always been big to the fans of each team.

I truly feel though that it is back in a bigger way now because both teams are better, more is on the line, and it seems that homefield advantage once again means something BIG in this rivalry. It's like the road team is going to have to do something SPECIAL to steal a win on the road....

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