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Theory About the Defense: Saunders to Blame?


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This is something that crossed my mind the other day...but might be true. Maybe the D faltering has something to do with Saunders Offense. As far as I can remember, the cheifs never had a good Defense while Saunders was there. His style of offense(score quickly, air it out), does not fare well for our defense. If you cannot control the clock, and 3 and outs are happening, then the Defense is never rested.

I don't know if this is true, but I remember making a thread similiar to this in the offseason.

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All I can say is that in 04', our team was near the bottom in possession time, but we had one of the best defenses DC has ever seen. Since then, we lost some crucial 'Redskins' or guys that were brought up on this team (Champ Bailey, Antonio Pierce, Fred Smoot, LaVar Arrington [even if I do hate him and think he always sucked], and Ryan Clark). I honestly believe the guys coming to Washington nowadays are guys that A) Want money, or B) Want to go to an instant contender, as opposed to in 04' where [C) Play for Joe Gibbs] was the prevalent choice.

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All I can say is that in 04'' date=' our team was near the bottom in possession time, but we had one of the best defenses DC has ever seen. Since then, we lost some crucial 'Redskins' or guys that were brought up on this team (Champ Bailey, Antonio Pierce, Fred Smoot, LaVar Arrington [even if I do hate him and think he always sucked'], and Ryan Clark). I honestly believe the guys coming to Washington nowadays are guys that A) Want money, or B) Want to go to an instant contender, as opposed to in 04' where [C) Play for Joe Gibbs] was the prevalent choice.

In '04 our defense came out of nowhere. These days, theres a ton of film and so on about scouting out our defense and our tendancies. We also had better players then...this d is nowhere comparible to that d.

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Our offense looks as bad at the beginning of games as it does at the end, so I don't think that explains it. Secondly, even in 2004 when our offense was putrid, tons of 3 and outs, our D was good. Thirdly, Saunders isn't even running his offense because he is hamstrung by Gibbs and Brunell's inability to throw down field.

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In '04 our defense came out of nowhere. These days, theres a ton of film and so on about scouting out our defense and our tendancies. We also had better players then...this d is nowhere comparible to that d.

In 04' our defense looked a lot like Buffalo's and Tennessee's before it. There was film to be seen back then, too. I believe teams have a four game period before they get film in to review the current season. Given your logic, midway through 04' we should have been figured out. Hell, we should have sucked immensely last year. Fact is, and I think you're agreeing with me, that we lost some crucial players on our team. Those players were the ones dissecting opposing teams' playcalling and formations, and then getting our players to line up correctly. We no longer have that anymore. This is the reason for the drop off moreso than our own offensive playcalling and time of possession.

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It definitely is a factor. But not an excuse. It's very simple. I've been saying it for a couple weeks now. Every NFL defense depends on who they have lining up at DT. Watch what a difference it makes if we have Griff and Big Joe back healthy vs Dall-ass.

Besides, I'll quote the classic Sam Huff. If you're tired of being on the field then get them off on 3rd down. Simple as that. That's one major beef I've had with GW's defense all along. They've consistently been bad on 3rd downs. Esp 3rd and long! How the hell is that possible?!?! One thing? DT's that don't command a double-team and subsequently, you don't get good 1v1 matchups for speed rushers. QB is allowed to step up in the pocket and deliver.

So the moral of the story? WE NEED SOME BIG TIME DT'S THAT CAN STAY HEALTHY!!!!

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I hate to say it but our defenses has always been about schemes to offset our poor pass rush and d-line. The overflow of blitzes was to create pressure. The Buddy Ryan crap was the same and it doesnt take long for NFL coaches to figure out how to beat you if you cant just line up and beat your man one on one. If we had one pure stud who could force doubles and some pressure up front watch how quickly our d would improve. Are you listening Andre?

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Certainly a good observation. Actually many have said that we need to run the ball more. What they are really saying is that we need to control the clock. Sure we may not sustain a drive initially but committing to the run and staying committed bodes well later in the game. Parcells makes a good point that Saunders philosophy has not worked with regard to controlling the clock.

This must change from now on. If we don't run the ball 30-40 times a game we're not playing Redskins football. No more excuses that we haven't sustained drives. If we commit to the run early it takes a toll on the defense later on. We're making our O-line work way too hard on screens, sweeps, and pass pro. Dirty smashmouth football is what we need to play. That's Redskins football. All that other stuff you can mix in once in a while.


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This is something that crossed my mind the other day...but might be true. Maybe the D faltering has something to do with Saunders Offense. As far as I can remember, the cheifs never had a good Defense while Saunders was there. His style of offense(score quickly, air it out), does not fare well for our defense. If you cannot control the clock, and 3 and outs are happening, then the Defense is never rested.

I don't know if this is true, but I remember making a thread similiar to this in the offseason.

Actually, I think it's Hitler's fault....

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