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VT, WVU, Mary, etc Homers: STOP !!


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This was originally supposed to be a response in a thread about why the Redskins pass up so much talent from WVU, VT, Marshall, Mary, and about any other school in you area. Once I got rollin however, I decided it deserved it's own thread.

I really wish you people would stop with the geographical :pooh: . It frankly makes you appear as an ignorant homer to the DC area. You can take a group of almost any colleges and produce a thread like yours. OK, I'll play the game. As some know, I don't really have geographical alliances (other than Michigan) so I'll just pick my favorite 3 colleges.

2005 Draft:

Marlin Jackson (cb) Michigan: Will definately develop into a shut-down corner in this league. Started as a rookie for a very solid Colts secondary. Blessed with great size, speed, and strength for a corner -- loves to come up and support the run. Is good in blitzing situations. Oh yea - doesn't drop easy picks (ala #22) By the way - he went #29 in the same draft that we took Carlos #9 :doh:

Adam Terry (LT) Syracuse: A true monster at 6'8" 335 lbs, and still has very good feet. He is currently pushing Jonathon Ogden (a lock HOF'er) for his job. Had he been drafted by us, he would have already TAKEN Samuel's spot.

Matt Roth (DE) Iowa: Has as many sacks as our new "Pass Rush Specialist" while remaining much more stout against the run

Sean Considine (S) Iowa: Philly got this guy at pick number 109 and he is steadily taking the job of (Pro Bowler) Michael Lewis. Does anyone doubt for a second that he could walk in here and start TOMORROW ??


Chris Perry (RB) Michigan: Compare him to Ladell........he has better speed, better feet, and catches the ball better out of the backfield. What more do you want from your 3rd down back?

Bob Sanders (S) Iowa: Another young stud on that Colts' secondary. They already claim him as their leader on defense. Again -- would play circles around AA.


Dallas Clark (TE) Iowa: Unbelievable hands. Came in and made a former fan favorite (Marcus Pollard) expendible. Will be a consistent Pro-Bowler in this league. Compare him to Fauria :laugh:

Eric Steinbach (G) Iowa: A starter since his rookie yr on one of the better lines in the NFL. Although overshadowed by guys like Levi Jones and Willie Anderson, still managed to be an alternate to last yr's Pro Bowl

Victor Hobson (OLB) Michigan: Got the most playing time and tackles of any rookie Jets LB since James Farrior. Earned rookie of the week honors twice. Has the speed to effectively cover in space, and the size (250) to stand up against the run. Compare him to Rocky. No, not now. When Victor was a ROOKIE.


Dwight Freeney (DE) SYR: Really don't feel much explanation is needed here.

Aaron Kampman (DE) Iowa: Imagine our bookends if we would have went this way in the '02 draft. And we could have done it too -- because Kampman sliiped all the way to pick 156.

I don't have time for any more bc I have to get to the gym. Hopefully I have illustrated my point well enough. The VT, WV, Marshall area has no more talent we passed up (probably less) than any other 3 solid colleges I can pick out of a hat.

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This was originally supposed to be a response in a thread about why the Redskins pass up so much talent from WVU, VT, Marshall, Mary, and about any other school in you area. Once I got rollin however, I decided it deserved it's own thread. .

I Hopefully I have illustrated my point well enough. The VT, WV, Marshall area has no more talent we passed up (probably less) than any other 3 solid colleges I can pick out of a hat.

You started with 4 schools WVU, VT, Marshall, Mary (I'm gonna guess you reffering to UMD) but then end with WVU, VT and Marshall. I don't recall anyone ever asking to draft any player from Marshall.

So if you choose UMD instead of Marsahll :laugh: as your third school in this comparison I would have to disagree with you.

Maryland has a nice amount of players starting in the NFL

01 Kris Jenkins DT Car

01 Lamont Jordan RB Oak

03 EJ Henderson OLB Min

04 Madieu Williams FS Cin

05 Shawne Merriman OLB SD

05 Domonique Foxworth CD Den

06 Vernon Davis TE SF

06 D'Qwell Jackson ILB Cle

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talk about a homer....according to your draft we would have more hawkeyes than hurricans on this team!

eh......that was kinda the point of the thread. I was to choose only 3 colleges and show why we should have drafted from them. If I were able to choose from 50 schools it would kind of defeat the purpose.

{edit} If you were saying it was Hawkeye heavy as opposed to Wolverines and Orangemen....I can easily add some picks from U of M and SYR.......

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It's never going to stop, especially when it comes to all the obnoxious Terpies around here.

These were the people laughing at John Hall because he was upset while leaving Ashburn.

Of course, I haven't heard much from them lately since their hero Novak did his best Jose Cortez impression.

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What about UVA? Lot of UVA players in the NFL, some of them not too bad.

EDIT- Found a list of ACC players in the NFL. UVA has 23:

Ronde Barber, Tampa Bay

Tiki Barber, N.Y. Giants

Darryl Blackstock, Arizona

Aaron Brooks, Oakland

Ahmad Brooks, Cincinnati

Elton Brown, Arizona

Brad Butler, Buffalo

Chris Canty, Dallas

Angelo Crowell, Buffalo

Isaiah Ekejiuba, Oakland

Patrick Estes, San Francisco

James Farrior, Pittsburgh

D'Brickashaw Ferguson, N.Y. Jets

Thomas Jones, Chicago

Patrick Kerney, Atlanta

Ryan Kuehl, N.Y. Giants

Wali Lundy, Houston

Billy McMullen, Minnesota

Heath Miller, Pittsburgh

Alvin Pearman, Jacksonville

John St. Clair, Chicago

Matt Schaub, Atlanta

Terrence Wilkins, Indianapolis

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I think that we do have a lot of local homers here in regards to their favorite college teams. At the same time, we seem to have a love affair with every player from "the U". I really don't care what college they attended (or slept through) as long as they play good sound football for the Skins. Once you put on the B & G, your college is irrelevant. By the way, "the U" stinks this year. I don't want a single draft pick (if we have any left) to come from Miami.

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Yeah how'd you forget Howard? We just played against an ex Bison, Antoine Bethea, who has started the whole season for the Colts as a rookie safety. He's the second DB to get drafted from HU and start as a rookie in as many years.... and next year another DB, Geoffrey Pope, will likely get drafted from HU as well(Legit 4.28 40).

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I'll give ya one -- Nate Washington (for the Steelers). He came from Tiffin College. Thats right boys and girls....he was a Dragon !! Tiffin is about an hr and 1/2 away from me (Division III). How the Bengals and Browns past this local kis up I have no idea.....Tiffin is a well-known hotbed for NFL talent....


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Aaron Kampman was available in the offseason and I was practically begging for us to get him but we just had to overpay Carter. :doh:

Yeah, I remember you and some others wanting him. Seems like he wanted to stay in Green Bay though since he signed back with them relatively fast in free agency.

We could have made the push for him, may not be as fast as Carter, but he is better against the run and I believe has a better stat line.

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