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Exhibit A: Romo = Campbell


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Look, at this point in the season we're sitting at 2-5 and our schedule isn't going to get easier. Forget Superbowl aspirations, hell right now forget playoff aspirations. It makes more sense right now to put in JC. I could care less that he will throw interceptions. I'll take some one who acts like he has a pair and will play to win. The other alternative we have is in their right now. Playing scared and playing not to lose. Brunell is only looking to his left and not more than 10 yards down the field and you think that gives us the best chance to win? What ever it is that you're smoking, I don't want any.

I'm with you. How in the world are we ever gonna find out what JC is made of if he sits on the sidelines with a clipboard and earpiece? We know what MB is made of and it's not getting us anywhere EXCEPT frustrated! Like you said EVERYBODY knows that MB is gonna throw left and it will only be for a GOOD 8-10 yards, if we're lucky. All we're good for is 3 and out. That $HIT gets OLD real quick. Have you noticed that our most impressive drive in any game usually takes place w/i the last 2 mins. of the game...excluding the Titans game, that is. What happens with the other 58 mins.?

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The big difference between Bledsoe and Brunell, is that Bledsoe makes BIG mistakes a lot. Brunell does not, he simply makes questionable decisions. How many INTs has Brunell thrown in the redzone? For bledsoe thats 2 in 3 weeks.

Brunell isnt directly hurting the team like Bledsoe was. He is just managing the game in a way that is not that affective.

Thats where i think the difference is.

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Romo sits to pee UNITED THE OFFENSE


CAME INTO A GAME WITH NO EXPERIENCE,the game was almost lost,he threw some int's

but so did Blitzoe .Fartcells made the right choice,now the team has confidence in the QB,exactly what we are lacking

so why then is Bill still thinking of going back to Drew :D

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Unlike Parcells, Gibbs isn't going to succumb to the chants of the fans who have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. Yeah, Bledsoe was putrid, but according to what seems like the majority of incessant whiners on this board, so is Brunell. What does Parcells do? He throws in an untested youngster who proceeds to suck just as bad as the able vet. Do you detect a theme?

Point being, all the Brunell bashers clamoring for Campbell would most likely see the same disappointment the Cowboys fans saw in Romo sits to pee. Glimmer of hope in the QB of the future? Sure. But until the fat lady sings on the Redskins hopes (and yeah, she's warming up backstage) Brunell is the one who gives us a shot at this point. When all is lost and Gibbs still refuses to put Campbell in for invaluable experience, then ***** and moan all you want. Until then......

Bledose had managed to help the Cowboys move the chains against the Giants and had thrown for 112 yards in the first half and ran for a TD. He has had success throwing the ball deep and does not throw 3 yard passes on 3rd and 8. He forces opposing defenses to respect the deep pass which opens up the running game and he moves the chains. Granted he is not mobile at all and takes sacks... but Dallas' offensive line is much more suspect than ours.

Bledsoe made one bad throw and was yanked prematurely. Parcells made a mistake in my opinion.

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How did you become such a great fan? :rolleyes:

what are you talking about...you're not a loyal fan for booing this dead horse we are riding every week?!!true fans want to see this team succeed and i'm tired of the same old crap every week from #8 i will be booing his _ss from home with a FREE JASON CAMPBELL(from the clipboard)t-shirt on!!!!!:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Unlike Parcells, Gibbs isn't going to succumb to the chants of the fans who have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. Yeah, Bledsoe was putrid, but according to what seems like the majority of incessant whiners on this board, so is Brunell. What does Parcells do? He throws in an untested youngster who proceeds to suck just as bad as the able vet. Do you detect a theme?

Point being, all the Brunell bashers clamoring for Campbell would most likely see the same disappointment the Cowboys fans saw in Romo sits to pee. Glimmer of hope in the QB of the future? Sure. But until the fat lady sings on the Redskins hopes (and yeah, she's warming up backstage) Brunell is the one who gives us a shot at this point. When all is lost and Gibbs still refuses to put Campbell in for invaluable experience, then ***** and moan all you want. Until then......


I actually cannot beleive you just said that. Are you that naiive? Romo sits to pee was playing in his first game. He is expected to mess up. Campbell will mess up too. BUt who cares? Once Romo sits to pee develops the cowboys will be a good team. And once Campbell develops (if we ever get him in there) we ill be just as good.

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i couldnt even read anymore posts after this.....a good season?!?!?! you have got to be kiddin. i mean, the only reason he has a good qb rating is because he throws 2 yard passes, which my grandma can do. sometimes, and very rarely, our amazing wr's, santana, can make a lot out of 2 yard passes by schooling everybody in the league. that would be the only way he gets that many yards. the only way to end this rant would be assume what you said was a joke, and not even that good of one.....oh what the hell, ill give it a laugh :laugh:
Whatever man, he is in the top third of the league in nearly every statistical category.
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I didnt feel like going through all the pages of this cause Im sure there was so much hate thrown towards my team that I chose not to view it. However, I want to introduce something that might not have been introduced.

About Romo sits to pee/campbell comparrisions, Romo sits to pee has been in the same system going on his 4th season I believe. campbell is going into his second year with his second system. The comfort levels between the two have to be unmeasurable. If your an always go with the second guy if we arent winning type of guy that means nothing to you, but the rest of us see Romo sits to pee as someone well experienced in the system and campbell as a second year guy in a first year offense.

So the only true comparision between the two situations is that both teams have a percentage of their fan bases calling for change cause their teams dont have winning records off the bat. Other than that, they couldnt be more different.

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You MB supporters (JG included) are just prolonging the inevitable. Are we going to start JC green next year and waste that season too, or are we in for yet another season of MB mediocrity?
It is inevitable that I will die, but I want to live until then. The very act of living is "just prolonging the inevitable."

As long as we have a shot at making the playoffs (even a slim one), we should start Brunell. Don't quit while we still have a chance! Live while you're alive!

If we were mathematically eliminated, I'd say start Campbell. But we are still in it! Don't quit yet!

Oh, and Brunell usually plays well against Dallas.

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The original post was good and well thought out. Unlike many of the posts that followed. When are some of the posters on this board going to realize that they are not even minor-college-team level caliber waterboys, never mind NFL caliber coaches.

First step at actually pretending how to be an NFL coach, being able to watch a game and assess the play on the field. If some of you could do that, you would see that MB is not the problem with this team, not even just the offensive side.

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It is inevitable that I will die, but I want to live until then. The very act of living is "just prolonging the inevitable."

As long as we have a shot at making the playoffs (even a slim one), we should start Brunell. Don't quit while we still have a chance! Live while you're alive!

If we were mathematically eliminated, I'd say start Campbell. But we are still in it! Don't quit yet!

Oh, and Brunell usually plays well against Dallas.

So you want to sacrifice any future hope for this team to preserve this years "SB Run"? You are either severely lacking in odds calculation skills, or are not really a fan of winning. And you didn't answer my question about starting JC green next year.

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I watched the Monday night game. That Dallas team lacked life until Romo sits to pee came in. They were dead in the water. Yes, Bledsoe made the occasional throw that was good, but overall the Giants defenders could just rush to a point about 7 yards behind the center and know that the QB would be sitting there, just patting the ball. Throw in poor blocking and you have a recipe for disaster.

If the viewers and fans in the stadium could see that, the other 52 players could see that as well. They knew they were going nowhere fast with Bledsoe and so the team was playing disheartened.

When Romo sits to pee went in, even after the INT on his first play, you could see that the team was re-invigorated. They were playing more with a purpose on both sides of the ball, and had Romo sits to pee been able to limit his mistakes, they would've won that game. The defense stiffened and the offense started rolling. Had TO not dropped that fourth down pass and the Cowboys had converted there, the whole outcome might have been different.

The Cowboys were clearly a better team with Romo sits to pee in there than with Bledsoe. Each time they had the ball, they moved down the field. The Giants defense didn't make them punt, I don't think one time. It was either a TD or an INT. Romo sits to pee drove them to two TD's --both were passes-- and also ran it in for a two point conversion. He never failed to move the ball... he simply stopped himself with mistakes. If Romo sits to pee would've had the benefit of practicing with the starting unit all week preparing for the Giants and had he used just a smidgen more discretion, Dallas might very well have walked out with a victory Monday night. A victory that Romo sits to pee would've been responsible for in large part.

If you didn't watch the game you won't get what I'm talking about. The team just played better and with more urgency for Romo sits to pee. They responded to him and you could tell they beleived in him and his ability as a QB. The TE's were able to get out in patterns instead of staying in to block for a statue. Once he cuts down on those mistakes... he's going to make Dallas much, much, MUCH better than they were with Bledsoe. Mark my words.

The rest of the team saw a winner who made some mistakes that everyone makes the first time they ever play in the NFL. They saw a winner that they know can take them where they want to go. They saw a winner instead of a guy who has proven over the last decade or so that he just can't get it done. They know Bledsoe will never take them where they want to go and you could tell that they knew it. There was just something missing with Bledsoe that they regained when Romo sits to pee came in.

I really hated to see the change because I think Dallas will be light years better with Romo sits to pee. Even with his mistakes, he'll move that offense up and down the field. It made me upset to know that we've seen the last of Bledsoe, because I think he was the main thing holding them back.

Watching Romo sits to pee come in and seeing how the team responded to him also made me feel... jealous. That is exactly what I want to see us do. If you don't think the rest of the team sees Brunell and knows that he's holding us back, then you don't know much about the pshycological side of football. Lloyd getting open play after play and the QB not being able to get the ball to him has to be making Brandon just want to scream. Cooley hardly ever getting a look... they're all having to bite their tounges I'd wager.

If Campbell came in, you bet he'd make some mistakes. So what. That's going to happen, but at least you know the team will get better each day as Jason improves. I think you'd see an immediate increase in the player's enthusiasm for playing the game and Lloyd, Moss and Randal El will be getting used like they should be.

Think of it this way, if you have the choice to see one of these two scenario's which would you take... honestly:

1. Mark Brunell in:

Drive 1: One first down then a pass thrown short of the marker on third down and the team punts. Opponent takes over at their own 35.

Drive 2: A few first downs consisting of runs and short passes and then a punt. Opponent takes over at their own 25.

Drive 3: Three and out (Punt). Opponent takes over at their own 40.

Drive 4: Several first downs consisting of primarily Portis runs and short passes to Portis with a couple of short passes to Moss. Then Portis runs it in for a TD.


2. Jason Campbell in:

Drive 1: Portis runs and an intermediate throw to Lloyd move the ball to mid-field. Then a bomb to Moss on third down falls incomplete and we punt. Opponent takes over at their own 35.

Drive 2: A bomb to Moss moves us to the opponents 35 yard line. After a run by Portis and a very good scramble by Campbell nets another first down, Jason throws a 15 yard out that is intercepted and run back to the 25.

Drive 3: An incomplete deep pass to Randal El. Portis has a decent run for a first. A 15 yard pass to Lloyd is complete. Another 15 yard Pass to Moss. Lloyd takes a short pass and runs to the 5. Jason throws into the end zone and it is intercepted and run out to the 40 yard line.

Drive 4: Portis runs for 20 yards. Jason hits Moss deep for 40 yards. Lloyd catches a 20 yarder. Then Randal El catches a slant and runs for a TD.

In both cases, the opponent gets the ball at the same point on the field... the 35, 25, and then the 40. In both cases out of 4 drives we get one TD. The difference would be in a couple of places. With Jason in when the other offense takes over, two of those drives would have ended with INT's. That would give the other team more momentum than getting the ball on a punt would have.

However, the defense would know that they have to defend the entire field because they would have been challenged deep several times. Some complete, some incomplete. Still, that would back them off of the line of scrimmage considerably. Taking men out of the box and opening things up for the running game much more.

They would also realize they needed to watch Lloyd and Randal El as closely as Moss and Portis. That would open things up even more. Throw Cooley in there and you have to defend a lot of dangerous players.

Finally, the defense knows that if they don't keep discipline in their rush lanes, Campbell will run for first downs all day long. That really vexes defensive coordinators.

Just think what it would be like once Jason figures out how to avoid the mistakes. Some of those drives that end with turnovers will start ending with TD's. Improvement. That isn't going to happen with Brunell. He'll only get older and worse. Jason will improve and punts and turnovers will start changing to field goals and TD's. It will be so exciting.

Plus, just like Dallas responded to Romo sits to pee... our team would find renewed hope with Campbell in. They would feel liberated and know they will improve instead of the slow, incessant decline they're doing with Mark right now.

Now, I don't know about you guys... but I'd rather see the scenario with Jason Campbell any day of the week and twice on Sunday's. Yes there were turnovers on two of the drives and none with Brunell... but there is so much missing from Mark's game that it just makes it easy on the defense. Much like playing Bledsoe and rushing to a point makes it easy on defenses. At least with Bledsoe they have to defend the deep ball. With Brunell, teams don't even have to do that.

Watching deep balls going to our great receivers, both complete and incomplete would be a joy. Just seeing defenses have to defend deep and watching Lloyd snatch some of those long balls would be great.

This is without even mentioning the pass interference calls you get when you throw deep some. Add that factor in and it makes an easy decision even easier.

Yes, there will be mistakes... but by God, we'll have a chance to do good too. I'm sick of seeing punts. I'd rather see turnovers with us at least trying to go downfield and with us at least trying to see what we have for the future of our QB position.

Romo sits to pee had INT's... but he had some beautiful passes too. His two TD's were great and his ability to move in the pocket sure bought him some time and avoided what would've been easy sacks with Bledsoe.

Our season is going down the drain. At least give our guys a fighting chance. They deserve it. Put Campbell in and let's live with his mistakes. We'll also be living with his long completions and his TD's too. By next year, we WILL be a superbowl contender and there won't be any if's. You know... If Brunell can do this and if Brunell doesn't do that. We'll be set to make a real run at it.

If for no other reason that this: Philly is set with McNabb. NY is set with Eli. Now, I'm afraid that Dallas will be set with Romo sits to pee. We don't want to be the only NFC East team stuck with what amounts to a 40 year old guy trying to hang on for another year in what is a young man's game.

Make the change and excite Redskins Nation again. We deserve it.

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I watched the Monday night game. That Dallas team lacked life until Romo sits to pee came in. They were dead in the water. Yes, Bledsoe made the occasional throw that was good, but overall the Giants defenders could just rush to a point about 7 yards behind the center and know that the QB would be sitting there, just patting the ball. Throw in poor blocking and you have a recipe for disaster.

If the viewers and fans in the stadium could see that, the other 52 players could see that as well. They knew they were going nowhere fast with Bledsoe and so the team was playing disheartened.

When Romo sits to pee went in, even after the INT on his first play, you could see that the team was re-invigorated. They were playing more with a purpose on both sides of the ball, and had Romo sits to pee been able to limit his mistakes, they would've won that game. The defense stiffened and the offense started rolling. Had TO not dropped that fourth down pass and the Cowboys had converted there, the whole outcome might have been different.

The Cowboys were clearly a better team with Romo sits to pee in there than with Bledsoe. Each time they had the ball, they moved down the field. The Giants defense didn't make them punt, I don't think one time. It was either a TD or an INT. Romo sits to pee drove them to two TD's --both were passes-- and also ran it in for a two point conversion. He never failed to move the ball... he simply stopped himself with mistakes. If Romo sits to pee would've had the benefit of practicing with the starting unit all week preparing for the Giants and had he used just a smidgen more discretion, Dallas might very well have walked out with a victory Monday night. A victory that Romo sits to pee would've been responsible for in large part.

If you didn't watch the game you won't get what I'm talking about. The team just played better and with more urgency for Romo sits to pee. They responded to him and you could tell they beleived in him and his ability as a QB. The TE's were able to get out in patterns instead of staying in to block for a statue. Once he cuts down on those mistakes... he's going to make Dallas much, much, MUCH better than they were with Bledsoe. Mark my words.

The rest of the team saw a winner who made some mistakes that everyone makes the first time they ever play in the NFL. They saw a winner that they know can take them where they want to go. They saw a winner instead of a guy who has proven over the last decade or so that he just can't get it done. They know Bledsoe will never take them where they want to go and you could tell that they knew it. There was just something missing with Bledsoe that they regained when Romo sits to pee came in.

I really hated to see the change because I think Dallas will be light years better with Romo sits to pee. Even with his mistakes, he'll move that offense up and down the field. It made me upset to know that we've seen the last of Bledsoe, because I think he was the main thing holding them back.

Watching Romo sits to pee come in and seeing how the team responded to him also made me feel... jealous. That is exactly what I want to see us do. If you don't think the rest of the team sees Brunell and knows that he's holding us back, then you don't know much about the pshycological side of football. Lloyd getting open play after play and the QB not being able to get the ball to him has to be making Brandon just want to scream. Cooley hardly ever getting a look... they're all having to bite their tounges I'd wager.

If Campbell came in, you bet he'd make some mistakes. So what. That's going to happen, but at least you know the team will get better each day as Jason improves. I think you'd see an immediate increase in the player's enthusiasm for playing the game and Lloyd, Moss and Randal El will be getting used like they should be.

Think of it this way, if you have the choice to see one of these two scenario's which would you take... honestly:

1. Mark Brunell in:

Drive 1: One first down then a pass thrown short of the marker on third down and the team punts. Opponent takes over at their own 35.

Drive 2: A few first downs consisting of runs and short passes and then a punt. Opponent takes over at their own 25.

Drive 3: Three and out (Punt). Opponent takes over at their own 40.

Drive 4: Several first downs consisting of primarily Portis runs and short passes to Portis with a couple of short passes to Moss. Then Portis runs it in for a TD.


2. Jason Campbell in:

Drive 1: Portis runs and an intermediate throw to Lloyd move the ball to mid-field. Then a bomb to Moss on third down falls incomplete and we punt. Opponent takes over at their own 35.

Drive 2: A bomb to Moss moves us to the opponents 35 yard line. After a run by Portis and a very good scramble by Campbell nets another first down, Jason throws a 15 yard out that is intercepted and run back to the 25.

Drive 3: An incomplete deep pass to Randal El. Portis has a decent run for a first. A 15 yard pass to Lloyd is complete. Another 15 yard Pass to Moss. Lloyd takes a short pass and runs to the 5. Jason throws into the end zone and it is intercepted and run out to the 40 yard line.

Drive 4: Portis runs for 20 yards. Jason hits Moss deep for 40 yards. Lloyd catches a 20 yarder. Then Randal El catches a slant and runs for a TD.

In both cases, the opponent gets the ball at the same point on the field... the 35, 25, and then the 40. In both cases out of 4 drives we get one TD. The difference would be in a couple of places. With Jason in when the other offense takes over, two of those drives would have ended with INT's. That would give the other team more momentum than getting the ball on a punt would have.

However, the defense would know that they have to defend the entire field because they would have been challenged deep several times. Some complete, some incomplete. Still, that would back them off of the line of scrimmage considerably. Taking men out of the box and opening things up for the running game much more.

They would also realize they needed to watch Lloyd and Randal El as closely as Moss and Portis. That would open things up even more. Throw Cooley in there and you have to defend a lot of dangerous players.

Finally, the defense knows that if they don't keep discipline in their rush lanes, Campbell will run for first downs all day long. That really vexes defensive coordinators.

Just think what it would be like once Jason figures out how to avoid the mistakes. Some of those drives that end with turnovers will start ending with TD's. Improvement. That isn't going to happen with Brunell. He'll only get older and worse. Jason will improve and punts and turnovers will start changing to field goals and TD's. It will be so exciting.

Plus, just like Dallas responded to Romo sits to pee... our team would find renewed hope with Campbell in. They would feel liberated and know they will improve instead of the slow, incessant decline they're doing with Mark right now.

Now, I don't know about you guys... but I'd rather see the scenario with Jason Campbell any day of the week and twice on Sunday's. Yes there were turnovers on two of the drives and none with Brunell... but there is so much missing from Mark's game that it just makes it easy on the defense. Much like playing Bledsoe and rushing to a point makes it easy on defenses. At least with Bledsoe they have to defend the deep ball. With Brunell, teams don't even have to do that.

Watching deep balls going to our great receivers, both complete and incomplete would be a joy. Just seeing defenses have to defend deep and watching Lloyd snatch some of those long balls would be great.

This is without even mentioning the pass interference calls you get when you throw deep some. Add that factor in and it makes an easy decision even easier.

Yes, there will be mistakes... but by God, we'll have a chance to do good too. I'm sick of seeing punts. I'd rather see turnovers with us at least trying to go downfield and with us at least trying to see what we have for the future of our QB position.

Romo sits to pee had INT's... but he had some beautiful passes too. His two TD's were great and his ability to move in the pocket sure bought him some time and avoided what would've been easy sacks with Bledsoe.

Our season is going down the drain. At least give our guys a fighting chance. They deserve it. Put Campbell in and let's live with his mistakes. We'll also be living with his long completions and his TD's too. By next year, we WILL be a superbowl contender and there won't be any if's. You know... If Brunell can do this and if Brunell doesn't do that. We'll be set to make a real run at it.

If for no other reason that this: Philly is set with McNabb. NY is set with Eli. Now, I'm afraid that Dallas will be set with Romo sits to pee. We don't want to be the only NFC East team stuck with what amounts to a 40 year old guy trying to hang on for another year in what is a young man's game.

Make the change and excite Redskins Nation again. We deserve it.

Holy Christ thats a lot to read. Im sure you make some life altering points in that novel you just wrote, but the sheer mass of said thesis is just too daunting. Im just going to agree and declair you the winner by size of arguement presented. :1stplace: :writing:

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So you want to sacrifice any future hope for this team to preserve this years "SB Run"? You are either severely lacking in odds calculation skills, or are not really a fan of winning. And you didn't answer my question about starting JC green next year.
Well, if things are as bad as you think, we will be mathematically eliminated in no time, and Campbell will start. But if the defense shapes up and we win a few games in a row we will be right back in the thick of things and I will be saying I told you so.
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