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WTF happened exactly yesterday in the Skins game?


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Forgive me for my ignorance, I bought two ounces of w**d last night and smoked it all with my fellow Eagles fans until we woke up this morning.....lol

But I didn't watch the Redskin game except for the Cooley TD in the first qt...or was it the second, it was the nice catch in the front corner of the endzone.

After breezing through the Stadium, folks are saying Moss was getting cheap shots left and right, ARE and Lloyd nearly came to blows, and Clinton b*tched out of the second half.....

I know how fans over react, so I'm having trouble believing any of this...

Can someone give me a run down of what happened in the game. Not trying to stir anything, but I really want to know because it's not normal to read some of those posts. They have so much hatred and venom that it seems manufactured....

Dock, 53, goal, even tr1.....tell me something.....cause if what I read was true, even a little bit, then what caused the meltdown of a team that I figured was the 1A in the division along with the Eagles, who might I add are not receiving any Christmas cards from me this year!

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No chemistry,no leadership,Inept play in the qb.

Skins actually played decent in the 1st half and were in the game. The defense was knocking Peyton around pretty good including one brutal high/low that bent him like a pretzel. You don't usually see him taking hits like that.

Colts came out in the 3rd quarter though and just really outclassed them. I've heard lots of Skins fans blaming Brunell (as usual) but really it was the Skins secondary that blew the game. Archuletta was out of position and gave up a long TD pass to Wayne. Rumph absolutley got his ankles broken by Marvin Harrison on a simple in route. Springs was giving up completions left and right (up until he had to leave for cramps...WTF?? Suck it up)

The Skins offense was their typical dump pass to the left, screen to the right, dump to the left. I'm guessing they only used 2-3 pages of the 700 yesterday.

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The Redskins were playing well vs. Indy for about 26 minutes. Then Santana Moss got jacked up after an incomplete pass so he decided to chase down the defender and tey a flying helmet shot. The ref called him for it and the Redskins completely melted down after that. They finished the 1st half ahead by one but Indy got it together and rolled all over us as the world expected.

I don't know WHAT da heck happened between ARE and Lloyd but they almost came to blows. Our P/K lost his marbles on a penalty and took off his helmet, drawing another flag. We kicked off from like the 5 yd line. Most ridiculous meltdown in recent memory.

CP got hurt in the 3rd. I think it was a strained calf muscle. Ladell filled in REAL well, but it was garbage time all thru the 4th.

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Forgive me for my ignorance, I bought two ounces of w**d last night and smoked it all with my fellow Eagles fans until we woke up this morning.....lol

But I didn't watch the Redskin game except for the Cooley TD in the first qt...or was it the second, it was the nice catch in the front corner of the endzone.

After breezing through the Stadium, folks are saying Moss was getting cheap shots left and right, ARE and Lloyd nearly came to blows, and Clinton b*tched out of the second half.....

I know how fans over react, so I'm having trouble believing any of this...

Can someone give me a run down of what happened in the game. Not trying to stir anything, but I really want to know because it's not normal to read some of those posts. They have so much hatred and venom that it seems manufactured....

Dock, 53, goal, even tr1.....tell me something.....cause if what I read was true, even a little bit, then what caused the meltdown of a team that I figured was the 1A in the division along with the Eagles, who might I add are not receiving any Christmas cards from me this year!

I thought the skins came out with some fire. Played pretty well the first half, got a lucky break when Freeney sacked Brunell but got a piece of his facemask. That was on third down, and the skins were going to have to punt. Instead they got 15 yards and a first, resulting in that Cooley TD you mentioned.

THey played pretty tough defense too.

But after halftime the wheels fell completely off. Moss lost his cool a couple of times (the corner was a bush leaguer, and getting some dirty shots in on Moss), but of course the ref always see's the retalitory shot from moss and not by the corner.

Then, and I still don't know why the skins punter Frost lost his cool, got 2 unsportsmanlike flags (and I still dont' know what he was upset about), so they had to kick off from thier 5, yes, 5 yardline. Needless to say Peyton got pretty good feild postion.

From there, it was just ugly. Skins wideouts fighting each other over this, that and the other thing, Gibbs had a glossed over look in his eye, and he looked like he was wishing he had stayed in NASCAR.

Portis looked like he got injured too, but I'm still not sure where. And late in the Game Moss comes up lame grabbing his hammy.

Like I said, they had a decent first half, but after halftime, I was actually embarrased by them for representing the NFC East.

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Wait....so let me get all this straight....

1 - Clinton got hit in the nutts with a helmet.

2 - Moss went ape-shyt over a late hit and "attacked" him

3 - ARE and Llyod almost really came to blows

4 - And now the punter, the friggin punter snapped?

Thanks fellas!

Memo to self : Must stop smoking so much w**d!

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I like your style num5! A lot of costly penalties (which nobody seems to mentioning), We didn't really protect brunell. We constatnly threw for 4 and 5 yards on third downs when we really needed 8 or 9 all because "thats what the defense was giving us" It was was the Peyton Manning show, how do you stop a 6'5 qb with a rocket arm? You dont, or at least we dont

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Same old problems:

1. Can't get pressure on the QB with four Dline players.

2. Secondary has trouble covering WR's.

3. Played good run defense in the first half, but once again, got run on in the second half.

4. LB's had trouble covering the TE's.

5. The Oline could not consistently run or pass block. This was the 32nd ranked defense against the run, but the skins failed. Both tackles were beaten many times by the Colts DE's.

6. The skins do no open the field, spread the field or go deep. Defenses now just contain Moss and Portis and leave man coverage on everyone else. They can pressure the line-of-scrimmage and contain the screens and short passes because they are not afraid of being beaten deep.

The two cheap shots on Moss were bush league plays by the Colts DB.

The skins punter did take his helmet off and got a penulty for his stupidity.

ARE and Lloyd are just competitive players.

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Same old problems:

1. Can't get pressure on the QB with four Dline players.

They did in the first half.

I think you have to put at least part of the collapse on the coaches. The team was outcoached in the third quarter.

Some of it you can put on lack of effort, tackling, making wrong choices, etc.

But you have to put a lot of it on the coaches.

5. The Oline could not consistently run or pass block. This was the 32nd ranked defense against the run, but the skins failed. Both tackles were beaten many times by the Colts DE's.

Amen, brother. This line would have lost to every NFL team.

6. The skins do no open the field, spread the field or go deep. Defenses now just contain Moss and Portis and leave man coverage on everyone else. They can pressure the line-of-scrimmage and contain the screens and short passes because they are not afraid of being beaten deep.

It was said weeks ago.

Just defend the run, and the short screen passes. This offense hasn't shown it can do anything else.

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1) We were missing 3/4 of our starting D-Line due to injury;

2) Springs is out of shape, but really had to play because our other starting cb is out;

3) Kenny Wright is doing his best impression of last year's Walt Harris;

4) Marcus Washington is hurt.

5) Saunders' play calling is that of a scared coach. Dink and dunk, and passing short of the first-down marker just doesn't cut it in the NFL...this could be Brunell, but I don't think so.

6) The O-line is not comfortable with the new blocking scheme.

7) Portis continues to play hurt.

Other than that, the refs sucked.

I hope we get some players back soon...

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We had ALL the momentum in the game with about 4 minutes going into half. Then 3 personal fouls completly changed the face of the game.

-Santanas penalty was inexcusable, no matter how late you were hit.

-Excessive celebration was a ticky tacky call(like all of those calls), and I didnt really see what happened there

-still dont know what frost freaked out about, but that was stupid as hell also

I seriously think that the game would have gone down to the wire if it wasnt for that string of events. We had EVERYTHING gonig for us at that time(offense moving the ball, and defense actually somewhat stopping the colts)

but after that, it seemed like our whole team was deflated. And the colts coming out of the half and scoring at ease was the nail in the coffin IMO

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Here's the play by play, Indy obviosly in blue. Just complete inept play calling and execution in the second half....heart and luck the first.

3 and out to start the game

11 play TD drive to start game…Was 0 Ind 7, Plays: 11 Yards: 92 Possession: 5:56)

8 plays and punt

Defense holds to three and out

7 plays, TD to Cooley Was 7 Ind 7, Plays: 7 Yards: 45 Possession: 2:35

10 play FG drive Was 7 Ind 10, Plays: 10 Yards: 61 Possession: 4:38

9 plays and missed FG

3 and out---give up TD on punt return (Skins up 14-10)

10 play FG drive GREAT HOLD BY D Was 14 Ind 13, Plays: 10 Yards: 52 Possession: 2:16


4 play TD drive Was 14 Ind 20, Plays: 4 Yards: 55 Possession: 2:01

5 plays and punt

4 play TD drive Was 14 Ind 27, Plays: 4 Yards: 81 Possession: 2:02

3 and out

7 Play TD drive missed 2 pt conversion 33-14

15 plays and missed FG

10 play FG drive Was 14 Ind 36, Plays: 10 Yards: 46 Possession: 5:30

15 play garbage time TD… 4 minute drive

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Santanna Moss was cheap shotted, and he got nailed by the ref for retaliating.

The Refs called a bogus 15 yard "excessive celebrating" flag on ARE after his punt return

Then they called someone offsides on the kickoff, so the Skins snuck Frost in to punt the free kick instead of kickoff, after the whistle blew for the kick, the refs blew the play dead after Frost kicked for no apparent reason (other than to help Indy who was caught off guard), and he nailed it so that ruined a great kick, and the surprise... and Frost went ape ****, and grabbed his face mask in anger taking his helmet off, he tried to put it back quickly when he realized he took it off, but was caught, and another 15 yard penalty, Gibbs pulled him to have Novak kickoff from the 5 yard line....

Then the Colt got excellent field position, was aided with a bogus roughing the passer penalty, when the colts lineman pulled Washington into Manning. Later in the drive on third down and 1, the refs called a obvious out of bound pass a TD (only one foot inbounds), before the booth changed the call


Portis got kneed in the balls, and in the second half had an Indy lineman knee his shin. He came back to play after both injuries

Lloyd was upset with something on the field, and ARE was trying to calm him down, and they yelled at each other for about a minute, a little later on the bench they were talking normal, it was just a spur of the moment thing, and I am sure it wasn't directed at ARE, he just got it for trying to calm Lloyd down.

two things about the game were the refs were calling some strange stuff, and the Colts seem to have some cheap shot artists on their team.

and Manning lit up the defense in the third quarter to put the game out of reach

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Santanna Moss was cheap shoted, and he got nailed by the ref for retaliating.

The Refs called a boogus 15 yard "excessive celebrating" flag on ARE after his punt return

Then they called someone offsides on the kickoff, so the Skins snuck Frost in to punt the free kick instead of kickoff, after the whistle blew for the kick, the refs blew the play dead after Frost kicked for no apparent reason (other than to help Indy who was caught off guard), and he nailed it so that ruined a great kick, and the surprise... and frost went ape ****, and grabbaed his facemask in anger taking his helmet off, he tried to put it back quickly when he realized he took it off, but was cauught, and another 15 yard penalty, Gibbs pulled him to have Novak kickoff from the 5 yard line....

Then the Colt got excellent feild position, was aided with a boogus roughing the passer penalty, when the colts lineman pulled Washington into Manning. Later in the drive on third down and 1, the refs called a obvious out of bound pass a TD, before the booth changed the call

damn those damn refs. they are the cause to all of our problems :doh: :rolleyes:

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Portis got kneed in the balls, and in the second half had an Indy lineman knee his shin. He came back to play after both injuries
Portis wasn't kneed in the balls, he got a helmet straight where it hurts - somebody should make a GIF of that - it pretty much symbolizes this whole season so far...
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Portis wasn't kneed in the balls, he got a helmet straight where it hurts - somebody should make a GIF of that - it pretty much symbolizes this whole season so far...

I guess speared, or headbutted would have been a better term :),

you are right it wasn't the Colts player's knee that cracked his nuts

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Santanna Moss was cheap shotted, and he got nailed by the ref for retaliating.

Jason David pushed him over right when Brunnell started to scramble from the pass rush and went down. Once the QB scrambles out of the pocket with the ball still in his hands, the defense can outright thrash the receivers to the ground if they want to since the receivers could now be considered blockers.

Moss was lucky he didn't get ejected for that.

The Refs called a bogus 15 yard "excessive celebrating" flag on ARE after his punt return

Who knows if it was bogus or not. They didn't show what the celebration was.

Then they called someone offsides on the kickoff, so the Skins snuck Frost in to punt the free kick instead of kickoff, after the whistle blew for the kick, the refs blew the play dead after Frost kicked for no apparent reason (other than to help Indy who was caught off guard), and he nailed it so that ruined a great kick, and the surprise... and Frost went ape ****, and grabbed his face mask in anger taking his helmet off, he tried to put it back quickly when he realized he took it off, but was caught, and another 15 yard penalty, Gibbs pulled him to have Novak kickoff from the 5 yard line....

One thing wrong. It wasn't a free kick. It was a kickoff and the Skins can't punt in that situation. That's why the whistle was blown. Frost couldn't punt the ball since it wasn't a free kick.

Then the Colt got excellent field position, was aided with a bogus roughing the passer penalty, when the colts lineman pulled Washington into Manning.

That was a bad call. Whether or not it really aided in the Colts getting a FG and still being down by 1 at the half is the question.

Later in the drive on third down and 1, the refs called a obvious out of bound pass a TD (only one foot inbounds), before the booth changed the call

I'm not sure what the gripe here is. It was a close enough play, they reviewed it, and they got it right. No harm, no foul.

two things about the game were the refs were calling some strange stuff, and the Colts seem to have some cheap shot artists on their team.

I didn't think the refereeing was too bad, sans the one play where they called a low hit on Washington when Ryan Diem yanked him into Manning. The Jason David vs. Moss stuff wasn't really bad....just people don't know the rules that WR's can be thrown to the ground and treated like a blocker when Brunnell is out of the pocket.


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The ARE celebration penalty was legit because he fake ran into the goalpost and fell down. I believe that part of the new anti-TD celebration penalities prevents the player from celebrating with anything on the field like Steve Smith using the goalpost as a firepole against the Bears last year, or Chad Johnson using the pilon as a putter.

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Jason David pushed him over right when Brunnell started to scramble from the pass rush and went down. Once the QB scrambles out of the pocket with the ball still in his hands, the defense can outright thrash the receivers to the ground if they want to since the receivers could now be considered blockers.

Moss was lucky he didn't get ejected for that.

the problem with your scenario, one the whistle had blown, two even blocking a defender can't hit the guy in the back of the head. No way he would get ejected for a head butt.... and he should have controled his emotion... but it was a cheap shot plain an simple.

Who knows if it was bogus or not. They didn't show what the celebration was..

he was flagged for falling to the ground after running into the goal post.... the rule says you can't go to the ground to "celebrate" (ala Steve Smith poses) he didn't do that, he just fell down.

One thing wrong. It wasn't a free kick. It was a kickoff and the Skins can't punt in that situation. That's why the whistle was blown. Frost couldn't punt the ball since it wasn't a free kick.

I was wrong about that one

That was a bad call. Whether or not it really aided in the Colts getting a FG and still being down by 1 at the half is the question.

I believe it was on third down when it was called

I'm not sure what the gripe here is. It was a close enough play, they reviewed it, and they got it right. No harm, no foul.

I was just pointing out with the other calls, can lead to a build up of fustration, like someone is against you.

I didn't think the refereeing was too bad, sans the one play where they called a low hit on Washington when Ryan Diem yanked him into Manning. The Jason David vs. Moss stuff wasn't really bad....just people don't know the rules that WR's can be thrown to the ground and treated like a blocker when Brunnell is out of the pocket. YAKUZA

The refs were bad, but not the reason the Skins lost, Mannings third quarter was the reason we lost,

you completely miss the point on the Moss vs David thing, as pointed out before.

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