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Get the Mods drunk!!


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So there I was, typing away halfway through the 3rd quarter. Ranting about what type of fan would boo, when my thread disappeared.......

Now you seasoned vets probably know this, but I'm a newbie and theres lots of us. During the game, there is actually a Mod online supervising us idiots. He's unable to enjoy his teams game because he's got to babysit us and our rantings. My thread had been moved to the gametime thread (because thats where it belonged but i'm a newbie remember?)

So I think we owe the Mods a break. Is there a way to lock the board from any threads during the game except for Blondies (I think) gametime thread? If not, are y'all willing to make it at least a sign of bad taste if not a "manLaw" to post new threads during the game?

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So there I was, typing away halfway through the 3rd quarter. Ranting about what type of fan would boo, when my thread disappeared.......

Now you seasoned vets probably know this, but I'm a newbie and theres lots of us. During the game, there is actually a Mod online supervising us idiots. He's unable to enjoy his teams game because he's got to babysit us and our rantings. My thread had been moved to the gametime thread (because thats where it belonged but i'm a newbie remember?)

So I think we owe the Mods a break. Is there a way to lock the board from any threads during the game except for Blondies (I think) gametime thread? If not, are y'all willing to make it at least a sign of bad taste if not a "manLaw" to post new threads during the game?

Dammit... If you give these mods an inch, they'll take a mile. Don't you know anything, NOOBIE!! Seriously, maybe we should just use some restraint instead.:point2sky

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People just do not like rules and regulations. They will ***** about being put in the No New Threads group all the while admitting to not even looking if the thread has been posted before. The society that we live in just does not think. I can include myself with this to a certain extent. I am not perfect but, I am so damned close it's scary. :silly: The only way to get people to not make duplicate threads during the game would be to lock the Stadium except the gamethread ( as you stated). That is just crazy though. You would think people would just, out of respect, follow the rules that are set forth. :doh:

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Not starting duplicate threads?

No sorry for being unclear. For not starting new threads during the game.

Mods would this help y'all out at all or would you still have to give up the game?

I don't think that too many of us fans would be willing to give up watching the team to police this board. I don't think I would

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Watching the game and not the forum.......................... what a novel idea :laugh: Thanks for the thought :cool:

Just so you know, there's normally 3 or 4 staff members following the happenings on the forum during games. We do the job because we want to do it, and while it can make it hard to catch the game, we find our own ways of doing it ;) Personally, I only get to see about half the games a season, so it's easy for me to watch this place while listening to XXX game coverage.

I'll be glad to accept a case of beer in lew of a brake to watch the game this week ;)

Good post PG, and pretty much spot on.

The thought of locking the board during games has come up once, and dismissed quickly by the staff. This place is about the exchange of ideas and opinions, not the opression.


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Watching the game and not the forum.......................... what a novel idea :laugh: Thanks for the thought :cool:

Just so you know, there's normally 3 or 4 staff members following the happenings on the forum during games. We do the job because we want to do it, and while it can make it hard to catch the game, we find our own ways of doing it ;) Personally, I only get to see about half the games a season, so it's easy for me to watch this place while listening to XXX game coverage.

I'll be glad to accept a case of beer in lew of a brake to watch the game this week ;)

Good post PG, and pretty much spot on.

The thought of locking the board during games has come up once, and dismissed quickly by the staff. This place is about the exchange of ideas and opinions, not the opression.


OK, is there a way we can send the working mods that famous case of beer? I figure y'all are spread over the country, but a gift card from a local grocery chain can be exchanged for beer, right? I don't pay a darned penny for use of this board, I'll gladly contribute to a "Get the Mods Drunk fund". How do we start it? This fund would be purely voluntary by the way. What do you say guys?

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Come on Pete, is there an address we fans can use to send say a $10 gift card from Kroger/Giant/Martins/FoodLion etc too? I know you DID NOT ask us too, but is there one we could use?

Hey, send it to the PO Box 75 in Kent Narrows, MD. Thats where all the mods live.

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Forgive me for being a stupid newbie, but next year I won't be a newbie (still stupid tho) Is it a written "rule" already?

Well, on another point, it is a bit absurd to expect everyone to post in one game thread. There are so many posts happening so quickly, you cant possibility read everything that is being posted. So if the thread is just for people to post and no one is actually reading the posts, then what is the point?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it.......

I thought this board was about sharing views, insights and knowledge. I would think that requires people reading also. Dame it, there I go thinking again....

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Well, on another point, it is a bit absurd to expect everyone to post in one game thread. There are so many posts happening so quickly, you cant possibility read everything that is being posted. So if the thread is just for people to post and no one is actually reading the posts, then what is the point?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it.......

I thought this board was about sharing views, insights and knowledge. I would think that requires people reading also. Dame it, there I go thinking again....

I thought his POV was that people are starting repetitive topics over and over and then the MODs would have to merge and/or close the thread instead of watching the game.

While this board is about sharing views, insights, and knowledge... It isn't about beating topics to death because you want to see your user name next to a started topic or in fear that your POV will be 'overlooked' because it wasn't quoted. Rules are rules and should be followed when they are set forth, to better your experience with this board. As much as we get tired of reading the same crap over and over and over and over.. I am sure that the MODs get the same feeling when they have to constantly merge/close them. A little respect is all that is being asked.

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Well, on another point, it is a bit absurd to expect everyone to post in one game thread. There are so many posts happening so quickly, you cant possibility read everything that is being posted. So if the thread is just for people to post and no one is actually reading the posts, then what is the point?

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it.......

I thought this board was about sharing views, insights and knowledge. I would think that requires people reading also. Dame it, there I go thinking again....

Agreed, the game threads can be a bit cumbersome to read

But don't give up on that thinking thing, I've heard good things about it. Gonna try it myself one day

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Come on Pete, is there an address we fans can use to send say a $10 gift card from Kroger/Giant/Martins/FoodLion etc too? I know you DID NOT ask us too, but is there one we could use?

Dude, the beer thing was just a joke. Much obliged for you effort, and support.


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