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yeah it's to call out the crybabies. Being the Maker of the idiotic anti-brunell sig, I would think you could take your pick as to which one you are: Top left or bottom right.


But what do I know? Since I don't have pgitta or Aghar's exact same viewpoint, I'm not entitled to an opinion.:doh:

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Where's the crybaby saying we are in 11th place in the conference. You know the conference where the top 6 teams go to the playoffs. That is the crybaby for me.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Redskins Diehard gets to be my personal hero for Wednesday, 18 October 2006.

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lol the message is, if your team has superbowl aspirations, makes a bunch of huge free agent and coach signings, and then starts the season 2-4 with a loss at home to an 0-5 team with a rookie QB and the leagues worst run defense, you should maintain your team is still a superbowl contender.

Thinking is for losers. After all if youve stuck with the Redskins for 14 years with 2 playoff apperances to show for it, you are a fairweather fan.

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Remember folks, fan is short for fanatic. Therefore, this is a cult. We fanatical followers of the Redskins should be expected to be extremely hostile to all negative opinions.

Then again, most of the naysayer types go beyond simple criticism into the realm of scapegoating and personal attacks. It's probably far too late at this point but next time you should consider polite criticism over angry tirades. You might also want to offer solutions to the problems you raise. For example, those that dare commit the ultimate heresy of calling for Gibbs to be fired never have an answer for who might replace him.

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lol the message is, if your team has superbowl aspirations, makes a bunch of huge free agent and coach signings, and then starts the season 2-4 with a loss at home to an 0-5 team with a rookie QB and the leagues worst run defense, you should maintain your team is still a superbowl contender.

Thinking is for losers. After all if youve stuck with the Redskins for 14 years with 2 playoff apperances to show for it, you are a fairweather fan.

The idiot that started this thread and the idiots that liked this thread should read this, it puts you in your place pretty well.

Last time I checked 2-4 wasn't very good, last time I checked 11th place is only decent in NASCAR.

Amazing how talking about the problems of the Redskins is considered crying now. Here I thought the purpose of a message board was to dicuss facts.

I guess I was wrong, it smeems a message board is place for a bunch of ex high school cheerleaders who want to get all in your face whenever you say anything negative about their team.

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Can we make this the "Loudmouth12thMan and Co." quarantine thread?

Seriously, then we could keep the more vacuous members of the Brunette/Dear Leader Gibbs Brownshirt Brigade out of the other threads and have actual discussions with the other thinking board members (be they homer or doomer.)

most of the naysayer types go beyond simple criticism into the realm of scapegoating and personal attacks.

Ah yes, you get to define words and the boundaries of debate too, I forgot. "Scapegoating" to your kind seems to be any criticism directed at a single individual, especially one who either is or is in close association with GIbbs. It's why many of the 'homers' who pretend that everyone else is negative will criticize every other area of the team except QB or the head coach.

None of you people (of the 'new wave' anti-antis)were on this board when Samuels, Lavar (when still good,) Ramsey, Jansen or Ade Jimoh were bashed and trashed while some of us defended them. Your claims of scapegoating are exaggerated and are completely subjective. Simply put, anything you don't like directed at a single target will be considered "personal attack" and "scapegoating."

What I HAVE noticed is that NONE...NOT ONE of you people have said a word in defense of the DEFENSE that has carried this team for TWO years and given it chances to win games the offense (led by Gibbs, ya know) had no business being in. Now that they 'need us' more than ever, you're nowhere to be found. For you, it's all about the Gibbs and his boy.

Where is the spirited defense of the O-line when someone criticizes IT rather than Brunell for poor use of the pocket?

You're nowhere because it's not about being positive OR negative. It's your "Dear Leader" complex.

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The idiot that started this thread and the idiots that liked this thread should read this, it puts you in your place pretty well.

Last time I checked 2-4 wasn't very good, last time I checked 11th place is only decent in NASCAR.

Amazing how talking about the problems of the Redskins is considered crying now. Here I thought the purpose of a message board was to dicuss facts.

I guess it was wrong, it smeems a message board is place for a bunch of ex high school cheerleaders who want to get all in your face whenever you say anything negative about their team.

What some are watching is the relative lack of distinction between "us" and "them". :silly:

Like the old Crossfire :laugh:

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Hang on now, might I not come to the conclusion that I should keep my faith in this team and the coaching staff through a logical thought pattern? The way I see it, we have proven players and coaches, twice we have seen that the new offense can be explosive when it gets rolling, and the season is far from over.

I have to ask, the next time Im at the game, will you all cheer for a Brunell TD pass or stay in your seat grumbling that Campbell would have done it more efficiently?

The naysayer crowd calling the homers blind is no different from us telling you you're dumb. Im sure a lot of us have perfectly logical reasoning behind why we think the way we do. Unfortunately the two thought processes are polar opposites.

I for one, also find it difficult to comprehend how someone can be a loyal fan of an organization and yet write off its entire effort and/or call for the removal of its greatest champion.

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