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Now I know how tr1 feels. (Owens highlight from the Eagles game!)

Big Weirdo

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THEREAFTER, I always considered you to be a fair and honest man. Honestly, with the stats that he has brought so far along with the circus, do you feel TO was worth it?

Very tricky question based on the fact that we're four games into the season. I'm very much aware that you believe T.O. is no longer a dominant reciever anymore. It's very clear that T.O. is a very big target for the media so I don't blame all of the circus on T.O. We knew what we were getting into. On the field, he's done everything we could ask of him and has opened up things for Julius Jones and Glenn. Outside of a broken finger and a few dropsies, I think his performance has been adequate given Bledsoe's erratic performances thus far.

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Very tricky question based on the fact that we're four games into the season. I'm very much aware that you believe T.O. is no longer a dominant reciever anymore. It's very clear that T.O. is a very big target for the media so I don't blame all of the circus on T.O. We knew what were getting into. On the field, he's done everything we could ask of him and has opened up things for Julius Jones and Glenn. Outside of a broken finger and a few dropsies, I think his performance has been adequate given Bledsoe's erratic performances thus far.

But is it worth all the nonsense, sideline outbursts, criticism of the QB (even if it's warrented - it's not his job) etc? Wouldn't you just rather have Keyshawn at half the price? Any Cowboy fan who says otherwise is full of it.

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But is it worth all the nonsense, sideline outbursts, criticism of the QB

I don't know what's worse? TO drawing attention to himself by wearing a cycling outfit in training camp. T.O. writing a tell all book. T.O. missing TC practices nursing a hamstring. T.O. nursing a broken finger. T.O. suffering from an adverse reaction to pain killers. T.O. letting his emotions go on the sidelines. Or the media attention and scrutiny that follows this guy like a shadow? As far as the sideline outbursts, it happens EVERY week across the NFL. While I like to have players with passion, emotion and that hate losing, I am disspointed in some of T.O.'s post game comments.

Wouldn't you just rather have Keyshawn at half the price?

I wish T.O. was more Keyshawn like in terms of how Key handles himself but we are much more of an eplosive team with T.O. even when he's a decoy.

Any Cowboy fan who says otherwise is full of it.

I don't think this is a fair statement. T.O. is much more of an explosive player and demands the attention of an opposing defense. We've gone 6-10 and 9-7 with Keyshawn.

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I don't know what's worse? TO drawing attention to himself by wearing a cycling outfit in training camp. T.O. writing a tell all book. T.O. missing TC practices nursing a hamstring. T.O. nursing a broken finger. T.O. suffering from an adverse reaction to pain killers. T.O. letting his emotions go on the sidelines. Or the media attention and scrutiny that follows this guy like a shadow?

Well boo f'n hoo. You knew that going in when you and practically every other Dallas fan was poppin wood at the thought of having the guy - the media hoopla is part of the TO package. "I love me some me." TO gravitates toward the cameras - so let's no act like he's the victim here.

I don't think this is a fair statement. T.O. is much more of an explosive player and demands the attention of an opposing defence. We've gone 6-10 and 9-7 with Keyshawn.

Key word is "with" - you had those records with Keyshawn - not because of him. If win 10 or 11 this season - will it be because of the addition of TO? I doubt it. It will most likely be because of improved defense and Oline play.

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Well boo f'n hoo. You knew that going in when you and practically every other Dallas fan was poppin wood at the thought of having the guy - the media hoopla is part of the TO package. "I love me some me." TO gravitates toward the cameras - so let's no act like he's the victim here.

Key word is "with" - you had those records with Keyshawn - not because of him. If win 10 or 11 this season - will it be because of the addition of TO? I doubt it. It will most likely be because of improved defense and Oline play.

Fair enough. We'll see how it plays out.

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...It's very clear that T.O. is a very big target for the media so I don't blame all of the circus on T.O. We knew what we were getting into.

Just out of curiosity, why "don't (you) blame all the circus on T.O." He overdosed, 911 was called to save his life, he had to be revived. Pretty hard for the media to orchestrate that.

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