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Cover 2 defense


Is Gibbs too conservative  

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I've heard since the season began that teams are playing a cover 2 on us and thats why we haven't been able to go downfield. I then got to thinking about the big pass plays that we've been giving up and I wondered...do we play cover 2? And if we do, are we the only team that doesn't play it well? How come all the teams we play can complete long passes on us? Seems like all we have to do is play the same defensive coverage that they play on us.


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I just don't understand how Brunell isn't able to read the coverages. If two safeties drop, or two db's in general drop it's cover two and more than likely you'd want to check down to your intermediate and flat routes...

Cover two is VERY beatable. VERY.

If they're playing man under it's a little different of a beast but can still be beaten if the quarterback can read the coverage... Playcalling could also very well be a factor...

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It's because that isn't true.

They play cover 2 against us because MB isn't a deep threat and doesn't like ot throw to the middle of the field.

All they have to do from there is stop the run and they can play cover 2 all day.. ala the vagiants.

If we can run on them.. then they have to switch up the defense and we can make something happen. That is exactly why Portis makes such a large impact on our offense. If we had a deep threat QB like McNabb or Peyton,.. then wouldn't be seeing cover 2 week after week and the loss of Portis would not be nearly as large an impact to the offense overall. Having a QB with limited mobility just makes the problem worse.

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I thought cover two left the middle of the field open?

It leaves the middle of the field somewhat open and especially middle of the field deep ball.

MB hates throwing middle of the field deep balls. They know that and Arrington likely knew that.

Giants just broadcast to the world how to shut us down,.. cover 2 and LB blitz and stop our run. simple as that. now we need to make some freaking adjustments and use all of the damn weapons we have.

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They play cover 2 against us because MB isn't a deep threat and doesn't like ot throw to the middle of the field.

BINGO! Remember the graphic during the cowboys game talking about how Brunell throws to the outside more than anyone? That's why a cover 2 is successful against us. Throwing to the middle of the field should split the safeties in the cover 2, but for some reason our passing game is almost non-existent between the hashes.

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The best way for the Skins to beat a cover 2, other then running Portis, is getting Cooley down a seam over the middle. Good TEs and a good running game can exploit the cover 2, which forces the safeties up and opens up the outside. I remember hearing Cooley mentioned as a major key in the Viking game, because he would be a mismatch for the Viking LBs in the cover 2 scheme they play. The Skins didn't go to Cooley all game.

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Cover 2 defense is unbeattable it just is. Its a fact of football. IF you run a cover 2 Defense you can shut down your opponent dead in their tracks...there are no known cures to overcome it. It is one of footballs biggest mysteries...has been and always will be. The Redskins are just the latest victim. If you lineup on offense and see that your opponent is lined up in the base cover 2 scheme you might as well throw up your hands and say doggoneit what do u want us to do now ....and concede the game right there. You can go cry to the media how your offense is useless, worthless and WILL NOT operate vs. a cover 2 scheme.


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Cover 2 defense is unbeattable it just is. Its a fact of football. IF you run a cover 2 Defense you can shut down your opponent dead in their tracks...there are no known cures to overcome it. It is one of footballs biggest mysteries...has been and always will be. The Redskins are just the latest victim. If you lineup on offense and see that your opponent is lined up in the base cover 2 scheme you might as well throw up your hands and say doggoneit what do u want us to do now ....and concede the game right there. You can go cry to the media how your offense is useless, worthless and WILL NOT operate vs. a cover 2 scheme.


I know you're being sarcastic, and cover 2 is very beatable..

But that means MB needs first to throw the ball without getting sacked or rolled out of the pocket and second he needs to throw a precise pass down the middle.

Neither of which has been happening with any consistancy.

The only other way to beat it is to run hard. But you know they will be putting a full week of practice into stopping our run.

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I know you're being sarcastic' date=' and cover 2 is very beatable..

But that means MB needs first to throw the ball without getting sacked or rolled out of the pocket and second he needs to throw a precise pass down the middle.

Neither of which has been happening with any consistancy.

The only other way to beat it is to run hard. But you know they will be putting a full week of practice into stopping our run.[/quote']

Im glad someone realized i'm being COMPLETELY 100000% Sarcastic.

I agree with everyone on here...im baffled why cover 2 stymies AL SAUNDERS OFFENSE WEEK IN AND WEEK OUT.

I dont understand it personally. Its not the 4-6 defense of the mid 80's....AKA some exotic scheme that hasnt been solved before.

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The Tampa Bay Buccaneers lived off of the Cover-2 defense which forced teams to run the ball. I find it hard to believe that it is "beatable". I see teams around the league using it all the time effectively and it isn't that easy to beat. Defenses use it when their team is already ahead in points or when the opponent's running attack doesn't require safety help.

Even if Cooley were able to get onto the middle of the field in front of the two safeties, there are three linebackers already there to cover that soft zone. The two soft zones on the ends still have to be fought for by wide receivers and are only open for a limited time until the safety comes over for support.

The cover 2 does require a little extra time and anticipation to beat, not to mention it forces the QB to throw a lower percentage throw in a tight spot. Give any QB time and they can easily take apart this simple defense.

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If you all can remember during that game... there was a very nice camera shot of a perfect example.

They had that floating camera almost directly behind MB and Cooley was making a cut across the center of the field. Exactly what you should do against a cover 2... but MB just badly missed way behind him and almost threw an interception to the deep saftey. It was right in his hands. That is a perfect example of why cover 2 works on us.

Now it's not all MB's fault, our O line and D line were getting pushed around like a pee wee team. And Mark had to run for his lifre a few times. But IMO.. it's obvious that Mark needs to work all week on staying IN THE POCKET and not dropping back 15 freaking yards to throw a pass (which makes me want to puke every time i see him do it and run right into a fast DE coming around the back), and work every pass up the middle.

If we don't make adjustments,.. any team with fast DE's and a couple good LB's will shut us down.

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The Tampa Bay Buccaneers lived off of the Cover-2 defense which forced teams to run the ball. I find it hard to believe that it is "beatable". I see teams around the league using it all the time effectively and it isn't that easy to beat. Defenses use it when their team is already ahead in points or when the opponent's running attack doesn't require safety help.

Even if Cooley were able to get onto the middle of the field in front of the two safeties, there are three linebackers already there to cover that soft zone. The two soft zones on the ends still have to be fought for by wide receivers and are only open for a limited time until the safety comes over for support.

The cover 2 does require a little extra time and anticipation to beat, not to mention it forces the QB to throw a lower percentage throw in a tight spot. Give any QB time and they can easily take apart this simple defense.

Cover 2 is completely beatable.. Peyton, McNabb, Grossman, Favre, Eli, etc... they would all tear a cover 2 apart. As long as you can throw a accurate pass in the middle of the field and are a threat for a deep pass down the middle (like Eli did to us TWICE).. you will shread a cover 2.

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Looks like it all points to MB then...certainly we have recievers that can get open. Sounds like it backs up my other post about getting Campbell in there and the sooner the better. We know he can throw down the middle, and can get away from pressure so why not get him some experience for Gods sake!!!!


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It's because that isn't true.

They play cover 2 against us because MB isn't a deep threat and doesn't like ot throw to the middle of the field.

All they have to do from there is stop the run and they can play cover 2 all day.. ala the vagiants.

If we can run on them.. then they have to switch up the defense and we can make something happen. That is exactly why Portis makes such a large impact on our offense. If we had a deep threat QB like McNabb or Peyton' date='.. then wouldn't be seeing cover 2 week after week and the loss of Portis would not be nearly as large an impact to the offense overall. Having a QB with limited mobility just makes the problem worse.[/quote']

What are you talking about? The cover two is designed to take away your deep passing. The only way to beat the cover two is to run the ball and thow screen passes to the sidelines. The key is to run the ball. You cant have these small receivers catching the ball over the middle against a cover, they will get their bell rung.

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Most of the League plays a version of the Tampa 2 (Cover 2). Giants have a better D-Line... Their Safety's dont come up as much as ours do to help with the run.

All it takes is a little play action and our DB's freeze.

Sunday they were out of position most of the day.....

Eli's passes wernt that good but with our guys late it made him look great.

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