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If Rogers catches the easy INT....


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what about if pierce got that easier INT. he would have had a pick 6. stop playing the what if game....

Chill dude. I'm not aiming for people to say we would've won. i'm wondering what people think would've happened. Like do you think if we had gotten that INT does Pierce get the chance for his easy INT?

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Then we would have gone on to play the panthers in the nfc championship... oh wait do you mean the easy int he missed against the Cowboys- a closer first half and the game would have been completely different, OH YOU MEAN TODAY'S DROPPED INT??? No telling, but if had gotten a TD off of it, that would make a 10pt differencial in the score.



maybe he'll get the next one

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Those that argue 'it wouldn't have mattered' miss the point. NFL games are about momentum. We get that ball, who knows what happens....

There are 5-10 plays per game that could turn a game. Whether a team capitalizes or not often determines the outcome. Btw, on the forced fumble, Rogers had a good shot at the recovery as well. Just couldn't finish the plays.

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Rogers need to practice catching footballs. He has dropped everyone that hit his hands since being a Skin. When a ball hits your hands, their is no excuse for dropping it when you make millions of dollars a year. I would practice all year long if I were paid what he is. Who knows what that could of done to the mentally challenged skins today.

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