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Question about the celebration penalty


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Last week we got a 15 yarder because portis came up and posed next to santana. According to the rules, that was a multiple player celebration and we should have been penalized.

THEN, why didn't the Giants get penalized 15 yards after Strahan's sack when he and about 5 or 6 other Giants started (for some reason) shooting jump shots.

Why wasn't that a fifteen yarder and a first down?

I think they either need to get rid of this terrible rule or call it consistently


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Anyone else seeing that the officials seem to be prematurely calling 1st downs when the spot of the ball seems to be clearly a half yard short of the marker?

like it matters? I would hope that the refs are giving them an advantage with the way that we have been playing. The giants have the worst defense in the NFL, and we put 3 points on them

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I was going to post something about the gay-ass jumpshots the Giants DL were doing all game. I would think it should have been flagged, however I don't think it would have changed anything (obviously). I'm probably just mad that we looked so bad today.

Either way, a celebration is a celebration and the fact that they all were shooting J's together means that, by definition, they should have been flagged.

I'm NOT saying we lost due to reffing. In fact, we wouldn't have scored unless the refs hadn't handed us a first down on our one FG drive (the BAD roughing call).

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that's not a penalty

but this is

That's what I really dont understand, they even had more players involved in their celebration. 3 players were initially celebrating in ours with Portis posing, and Moss being picked up by Lloyd. I think the refs are crazy to be honest, and just trying to let that one with Reggie Bush slide since it's his first NFL TD...but regardless, they made the rule for everyone, and everytime I've seen them penalize a team for it, it was a bad call, but when a team deserves it (under their rules), they dont get penalized. :doh:

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That's what I really dont understand, they even had more players involved in their celebration. 3 players were initially celebrating in ours with Portis posing, and Moss being picked up by Lloyd. I think the refs are crazy to be honest, and just trying to let that one with Reggie Bush slide since it's his first NFL TD...but regardless, they made the rule for everyone, and everytime I've seen them penalize a team for it, it was a bad call, but when a team deserves it (under their rules), they dont get penalized. :doh:

the nfl doesn't want to stop spontaneous true emotion, and celebration, but excessive "staged" type celebrations, done for show.... or to taunt... while many are borderline, it does stop the excessive...

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You guys are crazy. Besides 15 yarder or not we whipped you guys good peroid.

peroid? Hum, is that a word?

In defense of the refs, the refs were the 12th man for the Giants, they spotted the ball at least 1-1 1/2 yards for the Giants first down, the refs have portable TV's on their belts to see if the TV crew caught obvious holds by the Giants and when the TV crew did capture the hold on TV then the refs called the holding, the Giants were offsides many times,reference the TV "calling", it is approved in the refs gamebook for the refs NOT to call obvious celebrating for the opposing team playing against the Redskins, AND it is okay in the refs playbooks for any opposing team to hang on the Redskin receivers because they are picking their nose while looking at the ground so they don't see the interference or for that matter any call FOR the Redskins, therefore the refs don't "have" to call interference.

As far as whipping our "guys", I wouldn't call 19 points a whipping; when a team is busting their "*)s* and opposing teams are being given the game it is somewhat a morale buster FOR any NFL team; isn't that how your team felt against the Colts? I have the game on tape, would you like a copy and since you are a fan for the Giants, I would be more than willing to circle the obvious calls for you that should have been called and were "over looked due to nose picking by the refs or TV reception interference ".:gaintsuck

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peroid? Hum' date=' is that a word?

In defense of the refs, the refs were the 12th man for the Giants, they spotted the ball at least 1-1 1/2 yards for the Giants first down, the refs have portable TV's on their belts to see if the TV crew caught obvious holds by the Giants and when the TV crew did capture the hold on TV then the refs called the holding, the Giants were offsides many times,reference the TV "calling", it is approved in the refs gamebook for the refs NOT to call obvious celebrating for the opposing team playing against the Redskins, AND it is okay in the refs playbooks for any opposing team to hang on the Redskin receivers because they are picking their nose while looking at the ground so they don't see the interference or for that matter any call FOR the Redskins, therefore the refs don't "have" to call interference.

As far as whipping our "guys", I wouldn't call 19 points a whipping; when a team is busting their "*)s* and opposing teams are being given the game it is somewhat a morale buster FOR any NFL team; isn't that how your team felt against the Colts? I have the game on tape, would you like a copy and since you are a fan for the Giants, I would be more than willing to circle the obvious calls for you that should have been called and were "over looked due to nose picking by the refs or TV reception interference ".:gaintsuck[/quote']

Damn those nose pickers!!!

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I was wondering about that myself all throughout the game. At first I thought it only applied to TD celebrations, but I remember when we fumbled against Jax and the Jags got penalized for celebrating after recovering. So it doesn't have anything to do with TD Celebrations. It seems like the refs need to do a better job of calling that.

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