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The $100 cab ride blog -- ES in New York. (Updated w/PHOTOS 5:16 p.m.)


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Click HERE to see Skins at Giants Photos #1

Sorry for the late start to this. Unfortunately the internet is down in the press box. I am only on through a VPN tunnel to my work so I'm cheating. Don't tell anyone. Because of that, I won't really update much for a while but we are here and having fun. Iheartskins is literally in awe of my greatness and who can blame him really.

Oh, and Huly, you want to get to the Park at 7:30 or so :).

INACTIVES are: Campbell, Springs, Burns, Molinaro, Boschetti, Wade, Patten and Montgomery. Means Duckett will be suited.

Saturday, 7:30 a.m. -- Actually, it was 6:30 but this is an East Coast game :). Wake up. Talk to the hotel about how to get there since I'm afraid of New York traffic. I refuse to drive in New York. The city has me scared. I admit it.

Saturday, 10 a.m. -- My daughter wakes up. Little pathetic baby has an ear infection. Tuesday night her temperature spiked to 104.5. She was just a little snuggly, sick baby for a couple of days. She started to be more herself on Friday. In fact, I told the in-laws she has her first poop in two and a half days on Friday. This was big news. We do a little Wiggles aerobics before going outside.

Saturday, 3:55 p.m. -- Hit New York. JFK airport and I swear I see Tom Hanks running around as I'm walking through Terminal B. Wait for baggage for 40 minutes. I'm not impressed by the hurry up New Yorkers who can't deliver my bags to the one carosel there is faster than that.

Saturday, 4:45 p.m. -- I am in a Taxi line. This interests me as I've never actually been in a cab. Or, better stated, I've never actually been conscious in a cab, but I've been in a couple. I get Romanian driver Gregori. "How much to Jersey City?" I'm told $94. Oh, and I get to pay the toll. $100 even. Oh, and he doesn't know my destination so we have to ask in Jersey. I try to haggle. Apparently this is bad form. He pulls out a book and shows me the flat rate to like everywhere. Sure enough, $94. Hard to argue with the book.

Saturday, 5:05 p.m. -- Gregori honks the horn, smokes and talks on the cell phone while I'm listening to music in the back. Idly I look at the signage in the cab. Gregori was violating several of my Cab Passenger Bill of Rights. Smoke free, noise free -- no honking or music -- and indeed, no talking on hands free or hand held period. I feel so violated. I was unaware I had rights in someone else's car, but, I forget in the nothing is legal America, New York is the capital :).

Saturday, 5:15 p.m. -- I'm on all the roads I've seen in movies and TV shows. On the BQE there's a large painting on a wall that reads "Conservative Government." The trick is CON is bold and capped. And MEN is too. Get it? Con Men. As a Republican I should be offended by this, but, I'm not, for, in the end, I'd rather be conned than robbed :). Sorry libs :).

Saturday, 5:45 p.m. -- Canal Street. China Town. UNBELIEVABLE. The mass of people and crush of traffic is insane. I comment, but Gregori tells me this is nothing. It takes 10 minutes to go a block when there's traffic. I'm in Minnesota. We don't see the mass of people outside ever there. So much stolen stuff being sold on the streets. The Holland Tunnel entrance is seriously backed up. How do people live here.

Saturday, 6:10 p.m. -- Trustworthy guy offers to let us follow him to our hotel after not initially knowing where it was. We, uh, decline. 1.5 miles down Marin. Left on Christopher Columbus. We're there. The Hyatt Regency. Nice place. Big picture windows in the bar area overlook the Hudson and Ground Zero.

Saturday, 6:20 p.m. -- Contact Mr. Larry Michael. He's got big meetings, but will meet me at 9 for drinks. I watch the Mike Tyson marathon on ESPN Classic. The man was insanely good at 19, 20, 21. He was incredible. I still think at that time he was the best fighter who ever lived. Watch all the way until just after Spinks gets nailed out and the second round of Bruno before heading down to the bar.

Saturday, 9:10 p.m. -- Larry met at the bar. Head over to sit with some XXX Radio guys who have chosen the seat due to a remarkably fine Puerto Rican waitress with almost impossibly curly hair. Though orders are forgotten, drinks are rarely refilled and generally things are slow, we are all well pleased with her overall performance which includes walking by us several times. One of the crew is especially impressed by her. Massive fireworks display behind us, looking out on Ground Zero. Really nice positioning for the hotel.

Saturday, 11 p.m. -- Early, easy night. Head up to the room. Classic is now on Rahman. Sucks. Watch SportsCenter.

Sunday, 8:30 a.m. -- Iheartskins calls to inform the car is on the way and he's in the lobby. Head down to meet our intreprid lawyer.

9:05 a.m. -- Giants Stadium. Looks pretty good for getting older. Press Gate is closed. Can't seem to get in. Try going to other entrances but told we have to wait at the Press Gate. Finally find someone who tells us about going around the practice bubble to get in. I hear my first F-bomb in New York at 9:18 walking around when a, "Get the eff outta here," is clearly heard. We find our way in finally at about 9:30. They take bag inspection serious here. Turn on computers and cameras. Look through the lens.

9:30 a.m. -- In the press lounge chilling. Waiting for food. Giants stadium is WAY behind. No seating chart. No food out. No coffee. When the chart arrives, NO INTERNET. And I think it's STILL down, though I can type through VPN. Sonny joins us with some others. Vinny too. Sonny jokes about what if they shoot T.O. in Philly. Someone offers it wouldn't be a bad thing :). I explain to Vinny that we want Dallas to lose. We never want them to win :).

10:30 a.m. -- My second F-bomb, by one Jason LaCanfora talking about Joe Torre and what's he supposed to effing do. Jason isn't talking to me, but, apparently vulgar language easily heard is professional behavior. I find it interesting as I didn't know it was. Jason offers another bumble effing idiots about something, probably the tech guys who can't get internet working here, about 30 minutes later. A fan like me might have to follow his fantastic lead in professionalism and attitude in the press box I think.

11:15 a.m. -- Eating breakfast. The guy who was smitten for the watress enters. I observe he has very curly hair on his shoulder. He doesn't, but it was funny.

12:45 p.m. -- Head down to the sidelines. Impressed by number of Giants fans in the stands. It's loud, but not incredibly so to start the game.

First half from the sidelines -- The Giants are keying incredibly on the pitch/sweep play. Anything misdirection will beat them. This is the game trick plays would have worked. The defense just can't figure the Giants out. They throw it up and it's there for them, good coverage or bad. Bubba Tyer remains the biggest booster on the sidelines trying to fire these guys up, but, everything is a bit off again. Not quite able to make the stop. Not quite able to continue a drive. The team lacks some of the life it had against Jacksonville. Part of that is just being worn down by not making the plays it needs to make on either side of the ball. Very frustrating.


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Sorry for the late start to this. Unfortunately the internet is down in the press box. I am only on through a VPN tunnel to my work so I'm cheating. Don't tell anyone. Because of that, I won't really update much for a while but we are here and having fun. Iheartskins is literally in awe of my greatness and who can blame him really.

Oh, and Huly, you want to get to the Park at 7:30 or so :).

INACTIVES are: Campbell, Springs, Burns, Molinaro, Boschetti, Wade, Patten and Montgomery. Means Duckett will be suited.

I guess Big Joe is replacing Montgomery. I'm surprised Wade and Molinaro are both sitting, I guess Pucillo and or Walter are all we've got in terms of backup.

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Ladies and Gents, for whatever reason, all of my photo files are corrupted. What you see it the extent of what we have. Apologies.


Oh, that's too bad. I was going to ask if there were additional photos... I am sorry if you have lost most of your images. Could the corruption have anything to do with whatever computer you are using? (I have no idea, just a thought. :))


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Oh, that's too bad. I was going to ask if there were additional photos... I am sorry if you have lost most of your images. Could the corruption have anything to do with whatever computer you are using? (I have no idea, just a thought. :))


I even got a few of Fauria for you. :)

I don't know what the problem is except that each time I tried to open one of the images it crashed both Internet Explorer (which has no problem opening JPEGs) and Microsoft Picture Viewer. So I have no idea what the problem is.

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I even got a few of Fauria for you. :)

I don't know what the problem is except that each time I tried to open one of the images it crashed both Internet Explorer (which has no problem opening JPEGs) and Microsoft Picture Viewer. So I have no idea what the problem is.

Oh, you did? :D Thank you!

Could you upload them to a PhotoBucket or a site like it? Is that any better?


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