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joking and teasing aside.....


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I don't know who you're talking to, Eagle091. Go browse some Eagle boards though in your spare time. Andy isn't as beloved as you think. A lot of people are getting tired of his act. Eight years he's been the coach and we still have the same problems we always have. Wasted timeouts, horrible clock management, horrible playcalling. I like Andy as a person but if he hasn't changed this in eight years he's probably never going to change.

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will gibbs coach past next season?? his age and success in nascar I think would lean towards no. and also, parcells is kind of in the same category. especially if neither make the playoffs or don't go very far into them.

I bet this is going to be your holiday wish this year :)

Cheer and HTTR

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will gibbs coach past next season?? his age and success in nascar I think would lean towards no. and also, parcells is kind of in the same category. especially if neither make the playoffs or don't go very far into them.

People have been adamant about Parcells not coming back after the 2003 season. I actually lean towards Parcells coming back mainly because he signed a 1 year extension. There's no reason to do so unless you are about 90% sure you have another season in you. I think the Owens situation has driven him a little bit nuts, like it would any coach...but so far it really hasn't been that bad. Owens has yet to miss a game and played very well in 2 of the 3 games so far. And if there's one way to get on Parcells' good side, it's playing very well despite being hurt, which Owens did against Tennessee.

I'm not saying that Owens will never be a problem, but I can see Dallas possibly beating Philly this Sunday and then most of the Owens talk will eventually die down for at least this season. And if they go say 9-7 and just miss the playoffs, I could see Parcells saying he just wants one more season to fix the holes and make the Cowboys a Super Bowl contender (whether they'll be able to do that or not is a different story).

I think Gibbs' intentions are pretty clear. He would like to win a Super Bowl, but I think at the very least he wants to make the Skins a perennial playoff team and then just hand the reigns over and just work in the front office.

It seems like Parcells wants to be more involved and Gibbs wants to be less involved. For Parcells, that may drive him too nuts and get him away from the game. On the other hand, it appears he can't live without it either.

For Gibbs, it appears that he wants to search other avenues in life or football. He doesn't appear like the type that would step down without a Super Bowl appearance or at least an appearance to NFC Championship game to me.

So when either one of them actually states that they are retiring, I'll believe it.


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I do think some of it has to do with age, but at the same time, I think it has to do with his connection to the team.

Not many coaches have a deep connection with the team they coach for, and much less the organization. As Gibbs has stated, this is his dream job. During the overtime drive, you could see Gibbs with his eyes closed, as he was probably just praying to have his team win. To me, that's why I think that he looks so emotional/drained/nervous/sad/sick/etc. during and after games. He honestly lives and dies with the team each week. And when I say that, I say that with the utmost confidence.

You've definitely watched more Skins games than I have since I'm a Cowboys fan. But the first time around with Gibbs I never once recall him looking like he does when Washington is losing. It's a good point brought up by WhoDel. I'm sure he was emotionally attached to the team in his first run and maybe he's more emotionally attached since he wants to prove the doubters wrong. But, I think his age is noticeably wearing on him.


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You've definitely watched more Skins games than I have since I'm a Cowboys fan. But the first time around with Gibbs I never once recall him looking like he does when Washington is losing. It's a good point brought up by WhoDel. I'm sure he was emotionally attached to the team in his first run and maybe he's more emotionally attached since he wants to prove the doubters wrong. But, I think his age is noticeably wearing on him.


I think the biggest difference between the first time around and right now is that the first time around Gibbs becoming a head coach was a career move, a personal goal and a logical next step in his mind and heart...I don't think he became fully emotionally attached to the city, the team and its fans until after he had found tremendous success and tasted Super Bowl victory (only because the Super Bowls came immediately).

This time around, though, it's not a career move on his part...it may sound naive but I truly believe Gibbs was 1,000% sincere when he said he came back to the Skins in order to restore its winning ways and recapture its winning spirit. He's not back for himself, this was not a move dictated by his ego...for lack of a better way of putting it, he's doing this almost strickly for the fans and the franchise...he's not doing it to prove he still has "it". So his mental and emotional approach towards the games and the moves is different this time around, which probably shows in how he is during the games and on the sidelines.

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I don't know who you're talking to, Eagle091. Go browse some Eagle boards though in your spare time. Andy isn't as beloved as you think. A lot of people are getting tired of his act. Eight years he's been the coach and we still have the same problems we always have. Wasted timeouts, horrible clock management, horrible playcalling. I like Andy as a person but if he hasn't changed this in eight years he's probably never going to change.

I have nothing but the utmost respect for Andy Reid.... he's one of my all-time favorite coaches. With that being said, I recall every season after the Eagles falter in the playoffs how Eagles fans try to run him out of town.... and it always perplexes me.

So I happen to agree with WhoDel.

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I think the biggest difference between the first time around and right now is that the first time around Gibbs becoming a head coach was a career move, a personal goal and a logical next step in his mind and heart...I don't think he became fully emotionally attached to the city, the team and its fans until after he had found tremendous success and tasted Super Bowl victory (only because the Super Bowls came immediately).

This time around, though, it's not a career move on his part...it may sound naive but I truly believe Gibbs was 1,000% sincere when he said he came back to the Skins in order to restore its winning ways and recapture its winning spirit. He's not back for himself, this was not a move dictated by his ego...for lack of a better way of putting it, he's doing this almost strickly for the fans and the franchise...he's not doing it to prove he still has "it". So his mental and emotional approach towards the games and the moves is different this time around, which probably shows in how he is during the games and on the sidelines.

One thing most of us know about Gibbs is his deep faith.He is a very religious man.I'm sure that life for St. Joe has been that of reflection,prayer(lots of it),understanding his next "calling" and commitment to others.After years of stumbling thru season after season after his departure to Nascar,skins fans hungered for something,anything that resembled his leadership and success.I know I did."Boy,we'd give anything to have Gibbs back right now".How many of us said that over and over,knowing that he never would.How many of us remember how we felt when we heard the incredible news of him returning?!It was instant jubilation.All of us grabbed our cell phones and called fellow fans to see if they "heard the news". The city went crazy.It was the second coming.Gibbs knew our thirst for his leadership.As Cali says,Gibbs isn't back to prove that he still has "it".He's always had "it".Football,Nascar,a higher calling to serve others.Thats........"it".Joe isn't back for Joe,Joe is back for us.Take that to the bank,fellow skins fans.Joe knows football,Joe knows life,Joe knows we needed him.

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Andy Reid brought a faultering team and fan base back to their feet. He has shown them a winning formula that does everything but bring home the ring. If Eagles don't bring it home this year, what happens? Their years of prominence in the NFC East may be done now that the others have strengthened. The Eagles will have a decision to make, do they keep Andy and think eventually he'll win it all like the Steelers and Cowher. As a Redskin fan, I hope they fire him! Reid is a very good coach, but please with the Gibbs comparisons.

Coughlin is another Fassel. He can get a team to the playoffs occassionally, period. He'll be looking for work if he can't take control. For a disciplinarian, there is a lot of undisciplined behavior!

Parcell's has never seen the end of a contract. This will continue. He will end out back in the northeast in a front office.

Gibbs always completes obligations. Whether he is head coach or in the front office is yet to be determined, but he will be a Redskin until his contract expires. My feel is GW becomes HC.

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