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Results in key Senate races: Reuters poll


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By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent Thu Oct 5, 7:01 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats must gain six seats in the November 7 election to recapture U.S. Senate control, and they lead in three of the seven most vulnerable Republican-held states, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Thursday.

Democrats lead Republican incumbents in Montana, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania. Republican incumbents lead in Virginia and Missouri, the polls found, with races in Republican-held Ohio and Tennessee deadlocked.

The polls of at least 600 likely voters in each state have a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Here is a summary of the results in each race polled:

CONNECTICUT - Sen. Joseph Lieberman (news, bio, voting record), running as an independent, has a 53 percent to 33 percent lead on Democratic anti-war challenger Ned Lamont. Lieberman, a three-term Democratic incumbent, lost the party primary in August after Lamont attacked his support for the Iraq war.

MARYLAND - Democratic Rep. Ben Cardin leads Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele by 45 percent to 37 percent in the race to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Paul Sarbanes (news, bio, voting record).

MISSOURI - Republican Sen. Jim Talent (news, bio, voting record) leads Democratic state Auditor Claire McCaskill by 43 percent to 39 percent in a contest that has been close all year.

MONTANA - Democrat Jon Tester leads Republican Sen. Conrad Burns (news, bio, voting record) 46 percent to 42 percent after Burns suffered a series of problems, from returning donations from associates of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff to comments seen as insensitive to some ethnic groups and to out-of-state firefighters.

NEW JERSEY - Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, considered vulnerable after polls showed a tightening race, leads Republican challenger Tom Kean Jr. by 45 percent to 35 percent.

OHIO - Republican Sen. Mike DeWine (news, bio, voting record) has pulled into a dead heat with Democratic Rep. Sherrod Brown (news, bio, voting record) at 41 percent each. DeWine had been trailing in other recent polls.

PENNSYLVANIA - Rick Santorum, the third-ranking Senate Republican, trails Democrat Bob Casey Jr., the son of a popular former governor, by 48 percent to 36 percent.

RHODE ISLAND - Sen. Lincoln Chafee (news, bio, voting record), a moderate Republican in one of the most Democratic states, trails Democratic challenger Sheldon Whitehouse by 45 percent to 41 percent.

TENNESSEE - In a race for the open seat of retiring Senate Republican Leader Bill Frist, Democratic Rep. Harold Ford (news, bio, voting record) Jr. and Republican Bob Corker, the former mayor of Chattanooga, are deadlocked at 40 percent each.

VIRGINIA - Republican Sen. George Allen (news, bio, voting record) has survived a series of recent campaign missteps to take a 48 percent to 37 percent lead over Democratic challenger James Webb.


Amazingly enough George Allen is apparently staying ahead of Webb. And I must admit I am disappointed that Steele is falling behind.

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Damn, the last few polls I saw had the Virginia race much closer than that.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15065908/ this one is a week old

NEW YORK - Incumbent Republican Senator George Allen and Democratic challenger Jim Webb are tied in the latest MSNBC/McClatchy poll conducted by Mason-Dixon. Each candidate received the support of 43 percent of likely voters in Virginia with 2 percent supporting a third candidate and 12 percent undecided.


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out of curiosity...why?

because in 08, they can say the other guys have been in power for another two years and still can barely get anything done. If they won. It would be such a small majority that nothing would get done either way.

So, they can go into 08, with a Prez election going on.....with their "Had Enough?" campaign.

People don't put that much thought into how many seats each side has. Just who's the majority and who's the minority. 1 person is enough to crank out the ad's about the past 8 years of do-nothing, rubberstamping, wreckless spending, weak results, etc.

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because in 08, they can say the other guys have been in power for another two years and still can barely get anything done. If they won. It would be such a small majority that nothing would get done either way.

So, they can go into 08, with a Prez election going on.....with their "Had Enough?" campaign.

People don't put that much thought into how many seats each side has. Just who's the majority and who's the minority. 1 person is enough to crank out the ad's about the past 8 years of do-nothing, rubberstamping, wreckless spending, weak results, etc.

Couldn't disagree with you more. Do you want ANOTHER two years of this crap? heck, we lost 24 in 4 days in Iraq, and they STILL don't have a freakin plan. The police we've been propping up as the "solution" was just disbanded because they were going around and mass murdering people. It is a freakin disastor, and they have no clue how to win this god forsaken war.

Yes, long term for the future of the democratic party, it would be beneficial to not gain either the house of the senate. . . short term, and for the future of our COUNTRY, I completely disargee. We need to place people in power that will at least put a stop to the radicals in power right now.

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And why is that?

Because George Allen is a pathetic stuffed shirt living off his father's reputation. He is the ultimate political onion- you peel off layer after of layer and there is nothing in the middle. He has no redeeming qualities at all - none.

Webb at least has significant military service and a brain.

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Because George Allen is a pathetic stuffed shirt living off his father's reputation. He is the ultimate political onion- you peel off layer after of layer and there is nothing in the middle. He has no redeeming qualities at all - none.

Webb at least has significant military service and a brain.

I don't know what's funnier right now.

Steele's ad's that are ulta-lame, attacking strawmen

The ad's by the Dems against Steele saying that he likes puppies, but LOVES Bush.

Or Allen's ad's that pure attack, and no "hope".

They all stink.

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Because George Allen is a pathetic stuffed shirt living off his father's reputation. He is the ultimate political onion- you peel off layer after of layer and there is nothing in the middle. He has no redeeming qualities at all - none.

Webb at least has significant military service and a brain.

Wasn't Webb the Sec of the Navy during the tailgate scandal?

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Because George Allen is a pathetic stuffed shirt living off his father's reputation. He is the ultimate political onion- you peel off layer after of layer and there is nothing in the middle. He has no redeeming qualities at all - none.

Webb at least has significant military service and a brain.

Then how did Boxer get in the Senate?

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Tailgate scandal? Did it involve the dead tree crew? :laugh:

I believe you mean the tailhook scandal. I believe that occurred in 1991, long after Webb was gone.

Oh, forgot about that tailgate scandal. that and the infamous "ban yourself" thread, but since it was sponsored by mods maybe that wasn't a scandal at all

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Virginia should be ashamed of itself.

Hey now, I resemble that remark! Seriously, what can we do? A significant portion of our population votes straight Republican tickets in every election regardless of who's running. Fortunately, many of them don't give a crap about midterms and only vote every 4 years.

I wish this election was more focused on the issues and not the mudslinging.

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because in 08, they can say the other guys have been in power for another two years and still can barely get anything done. If they won. It would be such a small majority that nothing would get done either way.
That's all well and good until another Supreme Court Justice retires, and Bush gets to appoint another conservative through a Republican-chaired Judiciary Committee. Then Roe v. Wade gets overturned, and the Democrats get to spend the next twenty years fighting for abortion again ...

Actually, maybe that you're right Bufford, and that's exactly the plan. After all, campaigning against the Supreme Court worked well for Nixon and Reagan - maybe conservative activist judges are exactly what the Democratic Party needs.

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Then how did Boxer get in the Senate?

Honest answer - the Republicans ran a candidate who was worse than she is. His name was Bruce Herschensohn, and he was a pathetic candidate - a strident television commentator with no government experience who got caught at a strip club right before the election. Now she has the advantages of incumbency and just like George Allen, she will be hard to oust in a general election.

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