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Most memorable/terrible games at the Meadowlands...


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Most memorable...it has to be the 1999 game...we dusted them 50-21

Terrible...probably will be unanimous...1986-87 NFC Chmapionship game we lost 17-0 I'm still miffed at how Gary Clark drpped that perfect pass that would have been a TD. The winds were SERIOUS!

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The NFCCG in early 87 was probably the one big Skins game that I had little care or confidence in. I had gotten back from a school trip to the USSR and while there was psyched to hear that we had beaten the Bears, but that momentary elation was brought back down to earth in the next second as I then heard how the Giants had demolished the 49ers in the other game. I had gone to the Giants-Skins regular season game at RFK where they beat us 24-14 and I thought they were clearly the better team that year.

As for bad games in NY, you can certainly take your pick of the last three losses up there. 2002 was a nightmarish game in the rain that took about four hours to play WITHOUT overtime (I think a review on like whether Tiki stepped out of bounds or not took around 20 mins) and featured Jim Tuthill falling on his butt during a FG attempt. Then we had Patrick Ramsey doing his best Heath Shuler impersonation in '04, and last year......well, we don't even have to go there.

Another memorable game was '91, where the undefeated Skins just coming off a bye went down 13-0 at half before coming back in the second half and winning 17-13. Huge.

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Another awful one - the opener in 98 when Frerotte ruined his career.

Oh thanks for keeping the party rolling!! Gus threw like a 40 yard TD pass to Westbrook that would've given us a 14-0 lead but Shar Pourdanesh got called for holding then the second-half meltdown occurred with Marvcus Patton reaming out Gus on the sideline. I think the one and only other time he ever saw the field again was when Norv put him in for the 41-7 drubbing at Minnesota.

And what about another forgettable game.....weren't the playoffs still on the line in '97 when we were up there for a late season game and just stunk the joint out!! I forget the score, but remember Hostetler was our QB?

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Oh thanks for keeping the party rolling!! Gus threw like a 40 yard TD pass to Westbrook that would've given us a 14-0 lead but Shar Pourdanesh got called for holding then the second-half meltdown occurred with Marvcus Patton reaming out Gus on the sideline. I think the one and only other time he ever saw the field again was when Norv put him in for the 41-7 drubbing at Minnesota.

And what about another forgettable game.....weren't the playoffs still on the line in '97 when we were up there for a late season game and just stunk the joint out!! I forget the score, but remember Hostetler was our QB?

Ugggggggh. The 97 headbutt helmet slam Hostetler embarrassment. The 89 team, the 96, and the 97 team - just couldn't find a way to get out of its own way. So frustrating. So many couldas in 97 - another 4th quarter @ Dallas meltdown, the Giants tie, losing to Tony Banks' Rams at home. Awful memories, but their ours!

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Most memorable...it has to be the 1999 game...we dusted them 50-21

Terrible...probably will be unanimous...1986-87 NFC Chmapionship game we lost 17-0 I'm still miffed at how Gary Clark drpped that perfect pass that would have been a TD. The winds were SERIOUS!

Ditto on the 86-87 playoff game... It is still a bad memory for me. We outplayed them in the second half but those Meadowland winds were a biaaatch! That was the only season they beat us 3 times. I really thought that we were going to the Super Bowl, especially after dusting off the defending champion Chi-Town Bears in Soldier Field.

The most enjoyable memorable game for me was last season. We hammered them in "The Payback Game" 35-20 at FedEx Field... The stadium was rocking the entire game. It was also the game after we buried Dallas, 35-7. Moss had 3 TD's on 5 rec for 160 yards. It had playoff atmosphere... It was amazing! Portis sealed the game on a signature 19 yd TD run.

:gaintsuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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Most forgetable game at the Meadowlands for me was the '88 season opener, MNF, featuring the then-last two Super Bowl Champs. The game was a dud, low-lighted by a blocked punt (Gary Reasons and Tim Sherwin) returned for a Giants touchdown. A dishonorable mention goes to the '03 game, Shane Matthews the starting QB (or was it '02?).

Most memorable game for me was the '81 game, a see-saw thriller on a rainy, windy night which the Redskins eventually won (forgot the final score). Around that time, the 'Skins were finally starting to come together as a team under the first Gibbs stint.


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worst game there besides last year was that game in 03 with shane matthews as QB

4 hours in the rain, I was there, I live in upstate NY so it was a treat for me to go to my first redskins game. The Skins took a nice lead at halftime I believe like 10-3 or 17-6, matthews looked good in the rain, hooked up with rod gardner for a TD, but the second half, kerry collins destroyed us. amani toomer had a huge TD and shockey made huge catches and pissed me off like no one else.

it was cold, wet, and miserable and I cried when that idiot kicker fell, I cried the whole way home

best memory- def 1999 opener up there 50-21

occasionally i'll pop it in when the skins are struggling on Offense to get me hopeful again haha:gaintsuck

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I think I remember the Ole Ball Coach actually winning up there, yet he looked miserable the whole time freezing his tail off on the sidelines. I think was '03 when a foot of snow had dropped unexpectedly the night b/f. The stadium staff didn't have time to shovel out the seating bowl and only like 2/3 of the crowd showed up. People were making snowmen in the stands. Think we won that day but I could be imagining it through my burgunday colored glasses. I definitly remember The 1986-87 NFCCG when Jacoby had his mangled hand all wrapped up in a plastic bubble under the tape. What a warrior. His fingers are gnarley crooked today.

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By far the most memorable is 1991

The Giants had beaten us 6 straight times and we were down by 13-0 at the half. Gary Clark had some key drops in the first half, only to redeem himself with 2 2nd half touchdown catches keying a 17-13 win

Worst memory, 1997. We win, we go to the playoffs and probably win the division. Typical Norv team lays an egg and the Giants blow us out 30-10

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Very interesting notion. I guess John Locke wouldn't buy the idea that I was BORN with a love of the Redskins. :)

No, but if you apply LABOR to your love of the Redskins, the team becomes much more valuable to you. In fact, it becomes your personal property. You start referring to the team by using pronouns such as "us" and "we." You begin to think of FedEx field as "our house." You think that Dan Snyder, although flawed and obstinate, is "still my brother," who must be defended at all costs. Yes, this team has become very valuable. It is a LABOR of LOVE. One that we have all invested in heavily.

I know the feeling. Thanks for the talk, Mr. Locke. :point2sky

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