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Shockey Ankle problems..


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Some fans will say "Aw man, I want to beat the Giants at full strenght."

You know what I say? **** that...give us every advantage we can get.

I hate injuries. I hate it when people get injured. I would never wish them upon ANYONE.




. . . but I'll sure as **** take any advantage that they give us!

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Some fans will say "Aw man, I want to beat the Giants at full strenght."

You know what I say? **** that...give us every advantage we can get.

What fan would possibly say that, especially unless we were also at 100%

I could maybe see if there weren't a HUGE lingering injury that's killing our defense right now

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I read that he will practice on Wednesday. Doesn't mean bumpkus, of course. With an ankle injury, it may take Shockey a little longer to post up for the pass. I would love to see Archuletta pick one off him, as Taylor comes up fast for the hit, like the one he paid Owens.

This is a violent game of heartbreak and elation. These guys live for the adrenaline kick. So, I would not be surprised when he shows up in uniform.

Let's shut down the NYG running game. Who knows? Al Saunders, the Guru of Screens, may understand how to stop it, when implemented against us. This is what I saw of the effectiveness of Tiki Barbers running ability: the Screen. Find a way to foil them, while using it against them.

Let's not forget Amani Toomer. Carlos Rogers is due for a big game changing play. He should take every opportunity to improve his ability to read offenses. Taking that which can be assumed: success with the running and passing game; we know the secondary is still suspect. Take away the "air" and let Tiki run. They will be stopped.

Hail Redskins!

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shockey even though he is a whiner is a tough player

if he's on the field he demands attention,and I don't want to see warrick holdman covering shockey.

some no name TE from the jags turned holdman inside out in pass coverage this past weekend,hate to think what shockey could do....

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if he's on the field he demands attention

exactly why you want him on the field...he demands attention and starts yelling at everyone and their mother when he doesn't get it , thus speeding up the meltdown and mutiny that Coughlin seems to be having on his team.

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