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Tackling....OMFG, what happened?


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I know I'm over reacting, but WTF were the tacklers that we know. On the first Td, we had #41 leave the field( Who was that?) after he missed a tackle.

My friend said that Taylor had a bad game, I don't know, I just watch the game and see where the play heads and if we stop the pass or stop the run.

But did Taylor have a bad game or was he playing like he normally did?

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OMG its a message board!!!! You're suppose to discuss facts and what happened in the game.

Not just make post and threads that consist of:

We won!!! :cheers:

Time to put a lid on these people that talk about enjoying wins when someone wants to talk about something bad that happened in the game that we won.

What do you think Joe Gibbs does the first morning they get back to work after a win? They go over penalities.

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the Redskins defensive backfield is the vulnerable area because the team has taken a NUMBER of hits there and there has been a lot of turnover.

Not only is Springs out, but the team's best cover safety, Pierson Prioleau, is out for the season which really limits what we can do on third downs. Last year, Prioleau was used at times as a corner when teams went to four wides.

Then you count in the switch of Ryan Clark for Adam Archuleta. Archuleta is great around the line of scrimmage but is a liability down the field. Clark was a guy who excelled at coverage in the middle of the field.

There are reasons beyond talent why this group is struggling.

Rogers is 24, Taylor is 23. These guys are still VERY young and inexperienced. Rogers has still not started 16 games in the NFL, counting his starts from 2005 and 2006.

Fans expect him to be a lockdown #1 corner with no effort or struggle. Ain't gonna happen.

Rumph is a player who wasn't coached at all his first 3 seasons in the NFL as a corner then he was moved to safety. Now the Redskins are moving him back to corner and he is learning a new system on the fly.

Again, given these circumstances did anyone think Rumph was instantly going to become a key player on defense with no transition time?

Williams and Gibbs made this deal for Rumph hoping to turn around a guy who hadn't played well since 2003.

He is a raw project at 26.

Rogers will improve greatly with experience. Rumph will improve as well, although, I still think he is an NFL safety long-term.

Kenny Wright is what he is, a 29 year old journeyman who played 16 games for JAX in 2005 but was not retained by the club. He can be beaten deep. At times he gets beaten badly. He can also make plays as he did against the Texans.

Wright is best suited as a #3 or #4 corner.

Few teams in the NFL recover from losing their top corner. It is just too visible a spot to be able to cover up for easily.

Luckily for the Redskins Springs is not out for the season. If the team can hold the fort and win the next two games to go 4-2, the Redskins will be in good position to make up ground with #24 back on the field.

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One of the things that made our d so good in 2004 was that when we layed hands on you, you were about to eat turf. Our bad defensive games in 2005 were games were our tackling was suspect. Besides being weak up the middle against the pass, our suspect tackling has been our other defensive weakness.

BTW, threads of the 'we won but' flavor are only a problem when they are started within 12 hours of the game's end but after that are fair game.

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