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rooting for other teams...


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A true fan, of any team has only one team they root for. Those who have there second favorite team, that they watch on a weekly basis and buy their products are no more of a loyal fan than Benedict Arnold was a true patriot to America.

A citizen cannot claim allegiance to two different countries, so how can a true fan do the same? When the Redskins season ends, whether it be by Superbowl or a losing record, my season ends. I could care less who wins what or goes to the Superbowl after that. I'll watch the games but not root for anybody, unless they are playing dallASS (okay, you got me!).

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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The Green Bay Packers and the Jacksonville Jags.

My best friend is the biggest packer fan i know and he recently attended his first Packer game ever at Lambeau Field. They lost 26-0 to the Bears. That sucked for him. but big fan of Favre and my friend made the Packers my second fav. team.

The Jags, i dont know why, but always liked them just because they are different. they're just different. and physical. love physical. and David Garrard went to ECU and i saw like 15 games with him playing the QB.

but come not this week but next. No doubt that when the jags step on the field with the skins, i'll be wearing nothing but burgandy and gold cheering on the skins.

Jags are a damn good team this year. gonna be a dogfight.

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First off, I root for any team that can help the Skins by winning.

Other than that, my wife is from New Orleans, so the Saints are my adopted #2 team. But I don't lose sleep if they lose. I'd love for the Saints to do well, particulary after Katrina and all, but if they're playing the Skins (which they do this year), I have no conflicted emotions whatsoever. Skins all the way, end of story.

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I will be going for the Seahawks and the 49ers for obvious reasons this weekend and the Cowboy have the bye this week I will be going for the bye. :silly:

I also have a rooting interest in the Atlanta Falcons because of all the X-Hoikes and now they have Jimmy Williams.

Hokie, Hokie, Hokie Hi!!!!!

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But I do like to see Seattle doing well. When I was growing up in Seattle, they sucked, but we would still go to all of the games at the Kingdome. Th eonly time that I don't want to see Seattle doing well is when they play the Skins, or when somehow them losing will help the Skins out.

I used to pull for the Seahawks if I saw them playing and the game didn't affect the Redskins. But that all stopped after I moved here and started hearing Seahawks 24/7.

Now I (quietly) cheer against them. It was annoying last year hearing all of the talk from newly-awakened Hawks fans about how great their team was, despite getting homefield via a cinchy record.

And now they're 2-0 and people are talking it up again, even though their wins were against the twin powerhouses of Detroit and Arizona.

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im happy to see new orleans doin well for a change but my second team i hate to say is carolina but to be honest it isnt so much the team that i like as it is deangelo williams my hometown boy!!! did ya see him light it up this last week?

6000 yards in 4 years at university of memphis and not one fumble!!!!!

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What's with all the Ravens fans? I guess I can understand it if you're from Maryland, but half the people talking about how they like the Ravens are from VA....WTF is that all about? I personally hate the Ravens almost as much as I do the rest of the NFC East. I have no reason to root for them just b/c they're the "next" closest thing (or used to be growing up in VA).

I like Carolina somewhat, but they're looking pretty bad without Smith. Also have liked the Falcons since Vick started playing for them. As far as AFC goes, Chargers are ok and I've followed the Colts since Manning started playing for them. Yes, this is kind of a lot of teams to follow....but unfortunately since the Snyder era began as a Skins fan it's rare to still be watching them come postseason time.

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