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is CP in training to be the next TO?


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First off, before I get bashed, I think CP is one of the best backs in the league.

He is an exceptional blocker. (I mean like Walter Payton exceptional)

He is a Great runner.

He has good hands.

When it comes to his on the field performance, There are MAYBE one or two backs I would even consider an upgrade in the league right now.

His off field and sideline antics, however, have shown him to be a cancerous Man-baby. (his non-character press conferences are the exception to this)

Hey Clinton Portis, Joe Gibbs has forgotten more football than you have ever known in your short career as an NFL running back. Maybe you should think about that before you show up your HOF, Three-time-superbowl-winning-coach on the sidelines like you did in the preseason and again like you did last night.

You are mistaken sir, if you take Joe Gibbs's niceties to be weakness. The other super bowl winning redskins understood, that while JG's could have been a dictatorial HC like Tuna, It was outta respect that he shows for people that he is not.

Clinton Portis, how have you returned that respect and constant praise he has shown you?

well let us see:

In 2004 you said that his offense was out dated and his play calling was too. (paraphrasing here I didn't look up the specific quotes).

In 2005 you questioned his calls on the sideline in clear view of everyone else, with the famous (or infamous) "Gut and Power" statements.

In 2005 you mocked him with the "coach janky spanky" thing. Weather real or unintentional, this stunt was an unintelligent thing to do if only for the perception of disrespect toward your coach that it leaves one with.

In 2006 you had a tuff injury in the preseason, that sucks, I wish it didn't happen. but your behavior on the sidelines again was childish and disrespectful to Gibbs. then your comments after the game were also disrespectful.

Now last night, l don't know what was said between the two of you. I just saw Gibbs's reaction. It was not good.

Time to grow up son. Take off the Man-baby diapers, put on some humble pants and learn to become a graceful human being. (SEE: Art Monk) You can start by showing Joe Gibbs the respect he has earned by taking your issues with him behind closed doors instead of in full view of the world.

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What the heck are you talking about? CP wears his emotions on his sleeve, and occasionally will say something he probably shouldn't. However, your post makes no sense. It is easy to see that "Coach Spanky" was in good fun and not to put down the coaches. When Clinton yelled "Guts and Power" to Gibbs he was fired up and as the strong competitor that he is, he wanted to take the team on his back to the playoffs through tough inside and outside running, which he did.

As for last night, I don't know what you are talking about but I seem to remember a former Redskin great Gary Clark who also got upset at Coach on the sideline before but it was in the heat of battle and Gibbs knew he produced and was definitely NOT a team cancer. Neither his Clinton Portis - he is a team inspiration, not cancer.

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HELL NO!!! PORTIS is a TEAM player. Sometimes folks speak their mind when they are upset, especially after a loss. PORTIS will never be a cancer to this team. PORTIS hasn't disrespected Coach GIBBS. He's our STAR PLAYER. He carried us last year. I'm THANKFUL we have PORTIS. :notworthy

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I've been here for a while now, over 3 years, and that post has to be one of the most SPOT ON posts I've seen here.

I dread losing just as much as the next person, but being around here the 3 or 4 days after a loss is just mind numbing.

seriously man, I can not believe that after one loss our season is over and those cowpoke fanse over there are talking about how they are going to whip us and when they looked worse than we did...not to derail your dumb ass thread, threadstarter...but we WILL BEAT DALLAS.

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This is probably the 20th terrible post I've seen today. Comparing Clinton Portis to T.O. is absolutely ignorant. T.O. is an all around "me" player, Clinton is a team guy. They're not even in the same league. I'll admit that Portis can have a chip on his shoulder and doesn't always think through everything to make sure its P.R. before it comes out of his mouth, but trust me, in no way does he intentionally disrespect Coach Gibbs. This is a terrible post, you suck at the internet.

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Im sorry i would rather have a back that wants to win.Then one that cares about numbers.He plays 110% and is one of the best RB blockers in the NFL.Gibbs always says good things about him.DId you see when he scored that TD yesterday.Did you see the players run to him after he scored jumping up and giving high fives and celebrating with him.He is our team leader he is not a cancer.If we did not have CP i would not give this team a chance to do much.So in other words.




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Gibbs and Portis definatly had words... Portis is happy when we win and he is the vocal point

yes they did.

He's our STAR PLAYER. He carried us last year. I'm THANKFUL we have PORTIS. :notworthy

I agree and all true. But he does disrespect gibbs. When has he ever sung Gibbs's praises?

CP wears his emotions on his sleeve, and occasionally will say something he probably shouldn't.

the definition of a Man-baby.

It is easy to see that "Coach Spanky" was in good fun and not to put down the coaches.

u are assuming that it was. I'm commenting on the perception it could can and did leave.

When Clinton yelled "Guts and Power" to Gibbs he was fired up and as the strong competitor that he is, he wanted to take the team on his back to the playoffs through tough inside and outside running, which he did.

Fair enough, but isn't that a decision you want your HOF coach making?

As for last night, I don't know what you are talking about but I seem to remember a former Redskin great Gary Clark who also got upset at Coach on the sideline before but it was in the heat of battle and Gibbs knew he produced and was definitely NOT a team cancer. Neither his Clinton Portis - he is a team inspiration, not cancer.

IF Clark did that crap shame on him too. I hope CP isn't a cancer. I really do, cause the guy can flat out play.

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First off, before I get bashed, I think CP is one of the best backs in the league.

He is an exceptional blocker. (I mean like Walter Payton exceptional)

He is a Great runner.

He has good hands.

When it comes to his on the field performance, There are MAYBE one or two backs I would even consider an upgrade in the league right now.

His off field and sideline antics, however, have shown him to be a cancerous Man-baby. (his non-character press conferences are the exception to this)

Hey Clinton Portis, Joe Gibbs has forgotten more football than you have ever known in your short career as an NFL running back. Maybe you should think about that before you show up your HOF, Three-time-superbowl-winning-coach on the sidelines like you did in the preseason and again like you did last night.

You are mistaken sir, if you take Joe Gibbs's niceties to be weakness. The other super bowl winning redskins understood, that while JG's could have been a dictatorial HC like Tuna, It was outta respect that he shows for people that he is not.

Clinton Portis, how have you returned that respect and constant praise he has shown you?

well let us see:

In 2004 you said that his offense was out dated and his play calling was too. (paraphrasing here I didn't look up the specific quotes).

In 2005 you questioned his calls on the sideline in clear view of everyone else, with the famous (or infamous) "Gut and Power" statements.

In 2005 you mocked him with the "coach janky spanky" thing. Weather real or unintentional, this stunt was an unintelligent thing to do if only for the perception of disrespect toward your coach that it leaves one with.

In 2006 you had a tuff injury in the preseason, that sucks, I wish it didn't happen. but your behavior on the sidelines again was childish and disrespectful to Gibbs. then your comments after the game were also disrespectful.

Now last night, l don't know what was said between the two of you. I just saw Gibbs's reaction. It was not good.

Time to grow up son. Take off the Man-baby diapers, put on some humble pants and learn to become a graceful human being. (SEE: Art Monk) You can start by showing Joe Gibbs the respect he has earned by taking your issues with him behind closed doors instead of in full view of the world.

Ummmm, No

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Interesting. Maybe we should have the NFL make football robots. Each robot gets a faux contract (it's in the program), and each team has a salary cap (that way the fans have something to argue about in the off-season). As college players take their game to the next level, we use a computer to record their moves and build a robot in his likeness.

Then, you program the robot to hit the field and tackle the other robots for 60 minutes. All the owner of the team would have to do is make sure all the plays are uploaded before the game and ensure all the robots had fully charged batteries. You could write a program for that, too, no mistakes.

Hey, this would be what you guys want, right?

100% execution all the time and no emotion. The robot would never throw his helmet or get mad at himself for a blown play. Robots aren't competitors, so they would just march up and down the field, running ANY offense in history to perfection. You could run the John McKay offense coupled with the Air Coryell and throw in Al Saunders many motions and shifts.

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And you wonder why i made this topic...:rolleyes:


You are living example of what i was trying to say....:rolleyes:

oh...o.k. I guess CP should show up Gibbs on the sidelines. yeah that's cool. I guess I know nothing about football now.

And to all those who say I'm comparing CP to TO...I'm not. I'm commenting on CP's actions off the field as being disrespectful to gibbs....Maybe a thread title change is in order....sorry about that.

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