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Fed Ex Field: Let's Make It a Night to Remember!


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I've noticed in the last couple of years that not everyone is comfortable yelling for the Defense even on the most critical of downs. Whether they are nervous, caught up in the moment, or just shy; all it takes is someone with a big voice and a big heart to encourage them a bit. Be kind, get to know your fellow Skins fans in the seats around you, and don't be afraid to be a cheerleader :) . This is for all of you that are comfortable leading others:

When it comes time to yell and cheer for our Defense, don't be afraid to lift your hands and voices and help those around you that might need some encouragement. Remember, they may just be a little nervous so don't assume they aren't "real" Skins fans. Don't hesitate to "slap fives" with those brothers and sisters in burgundy and gold that you don't know. It helps them feel like they belong and gets them comfortable in the experience. Lastly, their may be fans that are at Fed Ex for the first time. Help them learn how to do their job as a member of the "12th Man". If some of you ES fans are among those that are not very vocal at the games, we need you. Let's make this a night that the Redskins, MNF, and America will never forget.

Much Love to All My ES Brethren,


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I'll definitly do my part. I'm way up there in section 438. I'll be standing and turning around to the fans behind me, motioning them to stand up and make a lot of noise.

The only time that stadium should be silent is when Brunnell goes under the center.

That's it kingfish...that's the formula.

Let's do it boys and girls.


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It's raining here, and I am leaving early to pick my 9 yo son up from school to make sure that we are there EARLY. I will be hoarse tomorrow. GO SKINS!!!! We need to win every home game and division game at a minimum (that would place us at 11-5!). Need that NFC East title, and home field advantage for the playoffs!!!!! HAIL SKINS!!!!

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