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Prove A 757 Hit The Pentagon... (Sorry Guys!! LOL)


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Hey guys... let me start out by quoting one of my fellow Redskins fans chomerics from the Clinton thread.

Welcome to the forum. Just an FYI, there are tons of pages here on the Sept 11th attacks, and supposed government intervention. They all start out fine and dandy, and everyone usually gets a good laugh at the most receint clown sprouting of the latest crackpot theory, but nobody takes it seriously.

Heck, you probably won't find more of a Bush hater then me, and I am one of the guys who is debunking a lot of the stuff the left spews out. The reason is because it hurts the overall message. If people can point to some nincumpoop saying they blew up the pentagon, and use that person as a base for the lefts beliefs, it hurts our effort in the long run.

Either way, welcome ot the forum, but keep phrases like jerkface to a minimum and we'll get along fine :cheers:

Check out my signature first off. :D

Second... okay I want to say right now that I am not the left. I am not the right. I'm not independent!!! :) Right now I really hold no political leanings and I am definitely not very supportive of what I feel is a defunct two party system.

Now let me start by answering a question that was asked of me a lot that I didn't answer yesterday.

"Where did the crew of the 757 go if it didn't hit the Pentagon?"

Great point. Excellent question. That's really my thought too though. I mean that's part of what I am asking. Because if a 757 full of passengers did hit the Pentagon I think there would be some physical evidence of one of the human beings on that plane in the Pentagon wreckage.

There is no evidence though of a 757 except one piece of wreckage which looks like the piece of an American Airlines plane. That single piece of wreckage was removed from the Pentagon by one guy, who carried that wreckage in one hand.

Oh and there was an engine. An engine which does not belong to any Boeing plane ever made. Rolls Royce makes all Boeing engines and they deny having anything to do with the engine that was found that day in the wreckage.

I'm not saying someone planted evidence of an AA flight there, but there is just things that don't add up for me.

Here I have a tendency to ramble on so let me just use a few bullet points to illustrate my main problems, and if you guys could base your responses off of them that'd be super. This may repeat things I've said already:

1) The engine found does not match that of any Boeing airplane.

2) Eyewitness accounts range from seeing a large plane (i.e. 737, 747), to seeing a cessna, to seeing a completely unmarked white 20 seater passenger plane. There are folks here who know people who saw it go down. I don't want to completely poop on that or what other people have seen... but with varying reports such as this it's hard to trust eyewitness accounts. I'm sorry I can't trust the human eye to judge the size of an object moving about 500 mph while you are standing still. I would still though like to hear more about these accounts if you would please share.

3) The size of the hole in the Pentagon could not possible have been made by an aircraft the size of the 757. I have trouble believing that the wings of the plane would somehow be crushed into the side of it on impact... right before the plane allegedly vaporizes.

Folks have said that the burden of proof is not on the gov't. I disagree. I feel that the day the gov't no longer has the burden of proof is the day I no longer live in a democratic society.

The burden of proof is on them, but until Americans stand up and demand certain things it will be business as usual.

Now I am not outright accusing the gov't of causing these attacks. I am not saying that they neccesarily were involved in any way... I am saying *simply* I do not believe that was a 757. That is all I would like to discuss at this juncture.

If someone has some way to prove to me that a 757 hit the Pentagon and then proceeded to vaporize into thin air, leaving one piece of scrap metal which has no burn marks on it whatsoever, please do. Please do... because my mind has been racing on this for days.

Again I hope that you find my attitude a little more pleasant, and I look forward to responses.


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I posted this in the other thread. Here it is again in case you missed it:

The pentagon conspiracy has been thouroughly covered here. I'll even give you a link I found simply by entering the word 'pentagon' in the search field:


I suggest you read post #39 in that thread. I most likely answers any questions you have.

This subject has been hashed and re-hashed here dozens of times. You want to know why the burden of proof is on you? Because the government isn't claiming this or that. The American people are. We saw the planes hit. We lost loved ones. We talked to them on cell phones before they died.

If you want to claim us all liars, you better damn well have some proof. (and by the way, 'proof' does not consist of questions you personally don't know the answers to.)

Good luck.

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Your whole line of inquiry is based on assertions of "fact" that are not actually factual. They are internet babble.

The fact that one wacko says something like "There is no evidence though of a 757 except one piece of wreckage which looks like the piece of an American Airlines plane. That single piece of wreckage was removed from the Pentagon by one guy, who carried that wreckage in one hand" and a dozen other wackos post it on their blogs DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE.

For a detailed discussion of how you have been conned by these conspiracy dudes, check this link: http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm

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Hahaha you all are ****ing psychotic. Sorry for ever trying to bring up a discussion.

The problem I have is not people disagreeing with me, it's the fact that you're all a bunch of flamebaiting loser ****s who won't even attempt to debate the subject.

Suck my ample ****, Redskins Forum.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass

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Hahaha you all are ****ing psychotic. Sorry for ever trying to bring up a discussion.

The problem I have is not people disagreeing with me, it's the fact that you're all a bunch of flamebaiting loser ****s who won't even attempt to debate the subject.

Suck my ample ****, Redskins Forum.

You had ample opportunity to "debate the subject." You opted to go another direction. Please feel free to contact me at om@extremeskins.com if you'd like to discuss the matter further.

Topic over.

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