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Ray Nagin is a POS


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You got Nagin's name right this time. Unfortunately I think that is about it.

In your estimation, which government is taking the land away to pad their pockets with.

What government is doing the strong arming? City, State, Federal?

What is your recommended solution? That the property that belongs to people that do not come back remain in the current state that it is in?

The Fed's are strong arming its own people. They can offer them money for the land. Instead they are going to take it. Is that fair? No, its not.

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Gov. Blanco is a POS she failed to declare the city a federal disaster. To keep it real with you. The reason everybody blames Niagan is because he is BLACK. The WHITE woman is the one who F*cked up!
Now that's right class, because someone is a boob, it must be racially motivated hatred on the part of the White Conspiracy. Give me a break.:doh:

If anything its the reverse.


"I don't care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day." --New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin

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I also find it interesting that a vast majority of people that live in New Orleans will receive no money what so ever from their insurance companies because of the recent court ruling that stated the storm surge that caused 90% of the devastation wasn't covered by their house insurance/hurricane insurance....

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I also find it interesting that a vast majority of people that live in New Orleans will receive no money what so ever from their insurance companies because of the recent court ruling that stated the storm surge that caused 90% of the devastation wasn't covered by their house insurance/hurricane insurance....
Now that IS messed up. I hate insurance companies.:mad:
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Well, as offensive as the first sentence is, the 2nd sentence is "So, let's be fair." And I think we can all agree that fairness is a good thing.

I also think the problems in N.O. dwarf the reconstruction efforts in NYC. Has anybody even tried to measure the economic impacts of these 2 very different disasters? The attack on the WTC must have destroyed a few residences, but what % of the population of NY was displaced? What was the impact on GDP in the city, the tri-state area, etc? What was the population of NY before 9/11 and what was it a year after 9/11?

How are you going to convince, for instance, small business owners to come back to New Orleans. Lets say you own a dry-cleaning store down there. If there are half as many residents in your area as there were before, how are you going to make a living down there?

Sorry, I only have questions. And I think any of the above are more important than Nagin's latest brain-fart in front of the cameras.

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First and foremost. The Katrina Devastation is way worst and spread out then at ground zero. Second, Why doesnt anyone point the finger a Gov. Blanco. She is the Gov. of the state. She has the power to make things happen. She had the right to declare a state of emergency for the state and she failed. It wasnt untill Nigan got on the radio and expressed his anger, till the entire city received help. Nigan is just a Mayor he doesnt have power. If everyone wants to blame Nigan then he should have her job. The city of NO does not receive any money from these oil companies that are drilling right off the coast. The majority of their money come from Tourism. Gov. Blanco is a POS she failed to declare the city a federal disaster. To keep it real with you. The reason everybody blames Niagan is because he is BLACK. The WHITE woman is the one who F*cked up!

Sorry, but your facts are wrong. She declared a State of Emergency 2 days before katrina hit :doh:

Not arguing with you, just making sure you know the facts.

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If the city received some of the billions that the oil companies are getting. Then maybe the levee would have been up to par. As far as the clean up efforts. If half of a city is destroyed it will take years to clean up. The N.O. isnt a two hotel town. The goverment are starting to take all katrina victims property away from them illeagally. So all of the reconstruction and clean up money is really the money the G'ment is getting by strong arming people out of ther own property. I guess we can all blame Nigan for that too.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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Maybe if all the people weren't stupid enough to live in a city that was below sea level(and sinking further every year) to begin with, maybe they wouldn't have had a problem.:2cents:

your statement was even more stupid

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dear God. this man never ceases to amaze me... i just spent a week in July working in New Orleans, and i have to say the situation there is still pretty bad. oh and by the way there is no ninth ward, its all a myth, the ninth ward is only mud and twisted metal now.

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First and foremost. The Katrina Devastation is way worst and spread out then at ground zero. Second, Why doesnt anyone point the finger a Gov. Blanco. She is the Gov. of the state. She has the power to make things happen. She had the right to declare a state of emergency for the state and she failed. It wasnt untill Nigan got on the radio and expressed his anger, till the entire city received help. Nigan is just a Mayor he doesnt have power. If everyone wants to blame Nigan then he should have her job. The city of NO does not receive any money from these oil companies that are drilling right off the coast. The majority of their money come from Tourism. Gov. Blanco is a POS she failed to declare the city a federal disaster. To keep it real with you. The reason everybody blames Niagan is because he is BLACK. The WHITE woman is the one who F*cked up!

Wondered how long it would take before someone played the race card in his defense

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your statement was even more stupid

Really?? Tell me how..please??

I live in the mountains of NC. The New River flows through this country. When it rains hard, the river floods.

Do I build a house on the river?? COMMON SENSE says no.

The entire nation today could use a good dose of common sense, especially those in New Orleans. :2cents:

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Really?? Tell me how..please??

I live in the mountains of NC. The New River flows through this country. When it rains hard, the river floods.

Do I build a house on the river?? COMMON SENSE says no.

The entire nation today could use a good dose of common sense, especially those in New Orleans. :2cents:

It's like saying to the children that live in those third world countries that suffer from starvation for one reason or another that they should "live where the food is". I'm not gonna say that it was stupid but it came off as a little insensitive.

BTW gotta love the responses in this thread.

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Nagin's re-election is all the proof I need to know that I NEVER need to go to New Orleans, rebuilt or not. Let a white mayor breathe the words "vanilla city" and he'd not only be thrown out of office, but publicly crucified in a figurative sense. Racism is wrong no matter which side is doing the discriminating.

The media non-play (and it WAS played down) is akin to the fact that a black comedian can make white jokes all day. But what happens if a white comedian does ONE black joke? Just imagine...

I kind of look at this situation the way I do DC re-electing Barry. You keep voting for idiots, you deserve whatever you get (or don't get).

And just for the record, the money is there...why not build NO inland, with a canal to a man-made port. At least it would be above sea level, decreasing the chance that a storm would still be of biblical proportion when it hit...and decreasing the damage if it did.

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It's like saying to the children that live in those third world countries that suffer from starvation for one reason or another that they should "live where the food is". I'm not gonna say that it was stupid but it came off as a little insensitive.

BTW gotta love the responses in this thread.

Sam Kinison would've loved you.......

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Really poor analogy, but Nagin is right. He's the local point man for failures on a city - state - federal level. I can't see why anyone would want that job - no one is going to fully fund the effort to restore the city, and unless the levees are fully restored and strenghtened (many are not), the next hurricane is going to do much the same as Katrina.

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Nagin's re-election is all the proof I need to know that I NEVER need to go to New Orleans, rebuilt or not. Let a white mayor breathe the words "vanilla city" and he'd not only be thrown out of office, but publicly crucified in a figurative sense. Racism is wrong no matter which side is doing the discriminating.

The media non-play (and it WAS played down) is akin to the fact that a black comedian can make white jokes all day. But what happens if a white comedian does ONE black joke? Just imagine...

I kind of look at this situation the way I do DC re-electing Barry. You keep voting for idiots, you deserve whatever you get (or don't get).

And just for the record, the money is there...why not build NO inland, with a canal to a man-made port. At least it would be above sea level, decreasing the chance that a storm would still be of biblical proportion when it hit...and decreasing the damage if it did.

First, watch Blue Collar TV or BET late night - you'll see the occasional black joke by white comedians.

Second, the money is not there. Both the state and fed are lagging in the cleanup effort and promised funds and services. Even NYC couldn't get the fed to fully fund the promises Bush made after 9/11.

Third, if you're going to move NO, then also move the entire gulf coast inland. Same principle, and it will save on rebuilding various parts once a decade. In fact, we also need to move Florida farther north and inland. And all those trailer parks in hurricane and tornado zones?? Ban them. Force them into brick structures.

And force march all California residents into Nevada and Utah. Can't afford to pay for that big one when it hits . . .

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