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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

Dude, what are you smoking? Must be some good sh!t.

Ol' Ball coach has won everywhere he's gone, and won a national championship. And, far from buying players with rolexes, he ran a clean program at UF, ratting out 5 other SEC teams for recruiting violations.

Meanwhile, your Saints, while playing well haven't really achieved much under Haslett ... a few playoff appearances, but otherwise

not much.

I'll take a proven championship winning coach who's consistently torched opponents for 15 years straight over a grumpy Defensive coach any day.

Let's also not forget that our Redskins whupped your heinies 40-10 last year with a pathetic offense, one decent WR, and a crappy QB.

If you don't think Ol' Ball Coach can score on you, you're going to be in for a rude awakening:

People said the Fun and Gun wouldn't work. It does.

People said the WR's wouldn't be wide open. They are.

The losses to Philly and SF were aberrations while the defense learned a new scheme.

Rose colored glasses sure are nice.

Spurrier has proven nothing in the NFL.

The Fun and Gun works to the extent of being 19th in the league in Offense and 2-2. How impressive.

Last year was last year.

Classic cry of a mediocre teams fan... the losses were Aberrations and the wins are the "real" Redskins. Give me a break. The Redskins have done NOTHING this year.

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See this is why you should not be allowed to play with either statistics or sharp objects. Citing NFL rankings after 5 weeks has a lot of shortcomings, but lets stick with the obvious, some teams have played 5 games and some teams have only played 4.

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

We made the Eagles look better than they really are.

That's something to be proud of.

I could make the same case about the Lions.

And the argument about us only winning by however many points... a win is a win is a win. We have plenty to spare... want a couple of ours?

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Originally posted by Yomar

See this is why you should not be allowed to play with either statistics or sharp objects. Citing NFL rankings after 5 weeks has a lot of shortcomings, but lets stick with the obvious, some teams have played 5 games and some teams have only played 4.

Who's playing with stats? That big long list of twisted, misleading stats that apparently makes you guys feel like you have a chance this weekend?

Why is it apparent to everyone outside of this board that the Saints are a better team?

Anyhow, the bickering is for the birds. This Sunday we'll know for real. If we lose, I'll take my lumps, if not, I'll dish em out. Simple as that.

Saints 37

Redskins 17

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And the argument about us only winning by however many points... a win is a win is a win.

So then, what was the point of this quote?

The Cardinals were one touchdown away from beating you.

Isn's a win is a win is a win? I mean which way is it? Is it only a win is a win is a win when the Aints are involved?

How conveniently hypocritical :rolleyes:

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Spurrier has proven nothing in the NFL.

The Fun and Gun works to the extent of being 19th in the league in Offense and 2-2. How impressive.

Last year was last year.

Hmm ... well, if you were to ask knowledgeable people in the NFL, like Ernie Accorsi,Wellington Mara, Ron Wolf, Peyton Manning who they thought was a better coach.

I don't think it would be Haslett.

Heck, ask Donte Stallworth whether Spurrier will succeed.

Spurrier, Lewis and the team are 2-2 IN THEIR FIRST YEAR TOGETHER. And we've gotten better every game.

That's better that a "proven" NFL coach whose team tanks down the stretch and goes 5-11, isn't it?

In any case, you and the Aints (that is, Aint Never Won Nothing) will find out just how "mediocre" we are this Sunday.

Bring your bag, you'll need it.

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

So then, what was the point of this quote?

Isn's a win is a win is a win? I mean which way is it? Is it only a win is a win is a win when the Aints are involved?


Actually I tend to believe a 6 point win over the Buccaneers, 3 over the Steelers, 6 over chicago, or 14 over Green Bay, is better than any win over the Cards or Titans... but that's JMHO.

Anyhow.. I'm done here, this is getting pretty dumb. It's all talk until Sunday.

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Originally posted by Loose Cannon

Could the offensive stats be bloated because Philly hung almost 500 yards on your defense????

Well, that's a debatable point.

However here's one that's void of any argument.

The 'aints lost to a Detroit team thats ranked 31st in total offense and 29th in total defense.

They barely beat by 3, a Steelers team that's ranked 19th on offense and 20th in defense. If that's not a definition of a mediocre team, what is? In fact, our victory over a mediocre 3-2 Cardinals team is looking a smidgen better than your victory over a 1-3 Steelers team.

Before this weekend I said the Eagles were ripe for the picking. This weekend, watch helplessly as the 'aints fall victim to a Redskin team that is on the rise.

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Originally posted by Loose Cannon

The Niners have played nobody good except Denver, and they lost. If you think beating the Rams qualifies a team as "good", you're sadly mistaken.

The Eagles blew you out.

The Cardinals were one touchdown away from beating you.

Tennessee lost to the Cowboys.

Other than the Eagles, the schedule is weak. The only good solid team you've played destroyed your team. I'd say that's pretty mediocre.

Please...let's not play the, "so-and-so beat so-and-so" game. It really doesn't matter which team beat who previously, all teams have off days. A good example of that is Philly losing to the Titans.

Basing your logic on who beat who, instead of matching up both teams by their strengths and weaknesses is weak anyway. Or using scheduling for that matter. You can say our schedule was mediocre, fine. Does that give your team an automatic win on sunday? No.

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You guys will all look silly next week when the Saints hand us our a$$es. Seriously, we are in for a beating. Our OL can't stop their blitz packages. Brooks is too good when he's not being pressured. Those two factors will kill us next week. Sorry guys, but I would avoid the smack for a bit.

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Just so I'm sure to the math, a touchdown is worth six points, right?

A touchdown isn't worth 8 points and no one told me, right? I'm only asking because I keep hearing idiots say we won by six when we won by eight and I wonder if they even know the mistakes they are making.

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Why can't we handle their blitz package? They have nine total sacks in five games. Hell, WE have more than they have and we've played one game less. Why is it that they have a potent blitz package all of a sudden? I'm not saying we'll shut them out, or that we are all ready for anything they could throw at us, and I suppose it could be possible that they get to us good.

But, Tennessee was, and is, more effective at producing pressure on the QB through blitzing than the Saints have been. I have Brooks on my fantasy team, so I know exactly how good he can be and I think we may have trouble in this game if we aren't firing together on all cylinders even better than we did against Tennessee. But, you need not create fictional advantages to support your contention that we won't win this week.

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Originally posted by Yomar

The Saints laid down like dogs last year. Everyone says all the "cancers" are gone etc., etc. We'll see, its an easy thing to say when the good times are rolling, I want to see the Saint's mettle tested and them respond like a top team.

I hope Lavar snaps Deuce McAllister in half like the glorified 3rd down back he is.

To be fair, the saints DEFENSE were the ones who quit, and I think the fault for that lies in the hands of the coordinator: After all, those are his boys.

For leading *snicker* a defense that yielded 40 points on AVERAGE in their LAST FOUR GAMES of 2001, what does the DC get? A nice, cushy college job. Guess where?


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Jim Haslett was the D Coordinator for the Steelers in the late 90's, before coming to the Aints to be the HC.

You can say that they had a DC in Aintsland last year, but dont think of that position as anything other than Haslett's puppet. The D quit on Haslett, but that vaunted O didnt do much else in those last 4 games either.

Props to the Aints for winning the close games this year. Can't wait til' Monday to see these guys come back and say how much the Skins didnt win but the Aints lost the game.

Its the same $hit every week when the Skins win.

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Here we go......again and again and again and again. When I was stationed in Mississippi 10 years ago, every year I had to listen to Saints fans on crack say stuff like ,"This is the year, we're going to da show" and, "Who dat, who dat, who dat say they gonna beat them Saints?!?!" Every year, and every year, the same results. Maybe.. MAYBE make the playoffs, only to go home after the first round.But usually a losing season was the outcome. Back then it was Bobby Hebert and the defense that was gonna do the job, and today, ten years later, it's the same thing, only the names have changed. It's great to get hyped over your team, but let's be real........you're the Saints, perenial LOSERS. Live with it.

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Originally posted by Loose Cannon

Hmm... could the reason the strength of schedule looks so formidable be because all of the Redskins' opponents PLAYED THE REDSKINS?

Could the offensive stats be bloated because Philly hung almost 500 yards on your defense???? The Redskins have played two quality teams... one of which was struggling at the time. We all know what happens when they go up against a contender. 37-7 ring a bell?

It's funny how the team with the lesser record always resorts to twisted, useless stats. If you want to do that, fine, I hope it helps you sleep at night. I'd prefer to look at this:

New Orleans 4-1

Washington 2-2

I'll take Haslett over Spurrier anyday. This is not college. There is a salary cap. The Washington Spurrier will never be able to buy stars with Lexuses and Rolexes... and there are no Vanderbilts on the schedule.

I'll take the man who has been coach of the year in this league... won in the playoffs in this league, and who is winning in this league as we speak, unlike ol "Ball coach".

Don't kid yourself with stats. The Redskins are not even in the same echelon as the Saints. If we lose Sunday, I'll admit I was wrong, but it's not gonna happen.

Playoffs? What do mean playoffs? Haslet has won one playoff game. That's all. Hardly a great legacy. Make the playoffs on a regular basis and win a superbowl then we see just how great he is.

The skins are a work in progress that should only get better as time goes.

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