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On the Saunders downside.


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One possible downside of Coach Saunders as our OC is having to take Collins as a QB. Maybe we could make him an offensive assistant and bring in another QB for number 3. Maybe we should have done it from the beginning.

I don't know. Anyone have any thoughts?

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Maybe if MB and JC go down with injuries we can just bypass Todd and put in ARE.....:silly:

Seriously though, I think Collins can look a little better. If he had to come in and win a game in the second half(ala Weinke last year for the Panthers) I think he's capable with the OL and RB's we have. Let's give him at least 2 more preseason games before we throw him in the fire.....

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Are you actually joking? Because Saunders brought in a quarterback to help teach the system that will win us at least two more rings, you think that he should be a simple assistant? The guy with head coaching experience who, for all intents and purposes, should be the Kansas City head coach right now?

This thread boggles my mind.

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If they didn't think he was capable to play, they would have made him a coach and brought in another player right from the start, just as you suggest. Obviously Al Saunders has seen a lot more of him than a few series in one pre-season game.

I'm looking forward to seeing him play these next three games. I think we'll see why he's here as a QB.

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While Collins can hopefully play better, it really is unfair to basis his overall value on preseason game, in which his first 2 possessions came with the backup O-Linemen against the Bengals starting D front.

Once the Bengals made their defensive subs Collins made some nice throws but was still out played by Campbell. I suggest we wait and see how he does the rest of the preseason before we move him to the coaches booth.

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This is similar to the Brunell situation - people said he was only around because Gibbs liked him. Let's just accept that these are some of the best football coaches around, if not the best, and that they didn't get to that position by making bad decisions.

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No one is panicked.

Redskinss: I didn't imply that Coach Gibbs would, as you put it, sacrifice the best interest of the team because there buddies with someone, don't impute your interpretation to others. People, yes even coaches are capable of makeing mistakes in judgement. Witness the NFL draft. Every though that occurs to someone is not cause for an argument. You might consider that.

Newcliche: Sorry that I wasn't clear. I meant make Collins an assistant coach.

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Just because Collins stunk up the joint in one game doesn't mean much to me. Would he do the same playing with the starters? I seriously doubt it.

To me the only downside with Saunders is that there are plays, especially with 3 or 4 wide receivers, where the QB has to get rid of the ball quickly and still has a good chance to take a hit, especially if there's a blitz on. Those are the plays that worry me because it could wear Brunell down by the end of the season.

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...there are plays, especially with 3 or 4 wide receivers, where the QB has to get rid of the ball quickly and still has a good chance to take a hit, especially if there's a blitz on. Those are the plays that worry me because it could wear Brunell down by the end of the season.

That's a good point...we'll need Portis in to provide some good protection. Don't have too much faith in Betts or Cartright to make the stop.

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Whatever. Collins has been practicing this offense for 5 years and looks like garbage.

No excuse.

The rest of the team and players he was playing with have not been, though...and the reason he looked like "garbage" had almost nothing to do with not running the "system" correctly, since the system was barely run in that game.

Logic is a *****, isn't it...

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I don't think we got Collins to go in and win us football games. We got him to teach Brunell and Campbell the nuances of the system during practice so they can look good in games.

I think we DID get Collins so that he could go in and win us games...knowing how this system runs was probably seen as just as important as physical skills (if not moreso)...physical skills are of little value if you can't run the offensive system in place and manage the game well. Collins was seen as being able to do just that...I still think he can (not saying you don't, btw).

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Maybe I should elaborate on what I meant when I said we didn't bring Collins in here to win us games. The coaches didn't sign the guy because he is a winner who has lots of experience. The fact is that he only has 17 starts in 11 years as an NFL quarterback, 3447 career passing yards, and a career quarterback rating of 70.4. Since the 1998 season he has only 229 passing yards. His upside is knowing the system, not playing in games and teaching it to the other QB's so they can be successful. If we wanted a veteran backup QB who is a proven winner with tons of game experience, we would have gone after a Jeff Garcia type of guy. Either way, if I am right or wrong, I trust that Saunders made a smart decision by bringing in Collins, and don't view Collins as a downside. After all, he has only been in one preseason game for us.

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