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On the Saunders downside.


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Just because Collins stunk up the joint in one game doesn't mean much to me. Would he do the same playing with the starters? I seriously doubt it.

To me the only downside with Saunders is that there are plays, especially with 3 or 4 wide receivers, where the QB has to get rid of the ball quickly and still has a good chance to take a hit, especially if there's a blitz on. Those are the plays that worry me because it could wear Brunell down by the end of the season.

Is this something you've noticed in what you've see so far of the offense, or is it based on his history with the Griefs?

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The sky isn't falling. Relax.

What's that? The sky's falling you say?

Panic!!!! :40oz:

Collins sucks terribly since he stunk it up against the Bengals. It's spreading to the team! Looks like we're going down with the ship. :violin:

What? Three more games before they even start to count???

Oh. Alright then.

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Ok, I'm not going to say collins = downside of Coach Saunders.. That's just stupid!


I do think Saunders "may" have a downside...

It may turn out that Al goes for the big play instead of managing the game by his play calling. Although I think Gibbs will keep this in check, one of the reasons we won games last year was because we dominated time of possession and kept the defense off the field. If we score to fast or chuck it up in the air all the time we won't be very affective. :2cents:

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I honestly think Collins was a nervous wreck when he played Sunday night. I don't think he will look like that as the season progresses. I know a lot of you want his head on a spit, but give him a couple of preseason games, and then decide. He actually had a couple of nice passes late in the second quarter. I know he feels horrible about his performance, and I am sure he will improve this week.

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As a Redskins fan with the best interested of the franchise (future and present) in mind, I have to imagine that Jason Campbell ultimately wrestles that backup spot from Collins since, eventually, he will be the likely starter in the NFL.

Which means that Todd Collins is, at best, our third string quarterback.

I don't know any team in the NFL that is enthusiastic about their third string quarterback. Realistically, Collins only sees snaps in a regular season game if Brunell and Campbell go down. In that unlikely event, I'm not all together hopeful for our postseason chances anyways.

Now I don't know if Collins is a serviceable 2nd string or 3rd string quarterback. He didn't look like one last week. But what I do know is that no one outside the coaching staff is in a position to make that evaluation after one meaningless preseason game.

And frankly he threw ok when he had protection and time. How serviceable does a guy have to be to play 3rd string quarterback?

An added bonus is that, assuming he spends the next season getting cozy with a clipboard, he happens to be the only player on the team with intimate knowledge (does that sound scandalous?) of Saunders offense. Not many teams get *any* use out of their third string quarterback on a given year. We have, by some measures, an extra coach.

I like where we're out, qb-wise. I'm far more concerned with CB and O-Line depth (although the coaches are taking steps to remedy both, as good coaches would).

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You're basing this on one pre-season game. Perhaps if he looks that poor during the next 3 games, where he just can't get comfortable, then we can discuss this. Remember, the guy hasn't started a game in what 5 years or so?

Picture being the only guy in the huddle who knows what the play is supposed to look like. It's a bad feeling. Don't worry Collins will look great on the sidelines with a clipboard. What do they put on the "emergency" quarterback's clipboard anyway? Pizza orders, maybe drinks for after the game?

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Collins looked bad in one preseason game. Not the end of the world. I've been reading other posts about fans reactions to Collins during camp, and most seemed to me to believe that Collins could lead the offense if called upon, how well no one knows, but not many people seemed too upset w/ us having Collins. Now, he has had one bad game, playing behind an o-line that most on here are saying was unimpressive (to say the least), and people are calling for his head. People, lets take a step back and remember everyone has a bad game now and then, and it is only preseason after all. Can we at least give Collins a three game trial period before we bring out the executioner? Heck, lets see how he does through ALL of the preseason before writing Collins off. The coaches don't seem to have a problem w/ this concept, so what gives?

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I do think Saunders "may" have a downside...

It may turn out that Al goes for the big play instead of managing the game by his play calling. Although I think Gibbs will keep this in check, one of the reasons we won games last year was because we dominated time of possession and kept the defense off the field. If we score to fast or chuck it up in the air all the time we won't be very affective. :2cents:

I've been thinking the same thing for a while but hopefully Saunders offense is just a more effective version of the Gibbs offense of last year that wears out the defense. Our depth isn't great on D and probably wouldn't do well playing 35-40 minutes a game.

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