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the quarterback situation


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How many great "Superbowl Champion/Great" quarterbacks do we have in the Hall of Fame? I think it's ZERO...But, we do have a championships with Theisman, Williams and Rypien...Brunell is next... Gibbs knows what he is doing, so chill out my fellow SKINS fans...It's all good.

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How many great "Superbowl Champion/Great" quarterbacks do we have in the Hall of Fame? I think it's ZERO...But, we do have a championships with Theisman, Williams and Rypien...Brunell is next... Gibbs knows what he is doing, so chill out my fellow SKINS fans...It's all good.


I guess the thing that makes it hard to "chill out", at least completely, is that Gibbs has never drafted a QB as high, or under such a pretense of praise as Jason Campbell.

Not only was he a first rounder, but we traded the next years 1st rounder when we had just picked in the top ten in that current draft. That shows that Gibbs thinks more highly of Jason than any previous young QB ever.

Not to mention - the modern NFL is a much more QB driven enterprise - it is not nearly as easy to excel amongst mediocre QB play in my eyes.

Does that mean we can't win with Brunell? (who I think has 1 year left before retiring) No, I think we can - but not if Brunell puts in mediocre performances. :2cents: My nervousness stems from his inability to show he can do that still. I'm nervous about lots of positions though, not just him.

I'm nervous about Shawn springs, Joe Salavea and even Rocky/Holdman.

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well brunell had enough talent to help us win 11 games with basically only two options (three if you include portis) to pass the ball to. why not trust a guy that led you to the playoffs? i mean, i don't know what you want the team to do. should we have gone for some high priced QB this offseason? should we have gotten culpepper? drew brees? i mean, you seem to know what's wrong, but offer no other option that the team could have followed instead of keeping brunell as the starter.
Start Jason!!!!!!!!! I meen, why not? How can cambell fail with the talent that he would have around Him. Look at our first 4 games we play. You tell me that we cant go 3-1 with cambell running the offense. All I'm saying is give the guy a chance in the first 4 games and see what he can do. Our deffense will bail him out, We have a strong run game, We have great coaching staff and vet players that will guide him. Jason has a stronger arm, he can move around and he can throw deep. If he makes a mistake so what thats apart of the game. We cannot keep him on the bench. He has to get better and the only way is to be on the field. You learn by doing, not sitting down. I think that Jason is a gamer. Big ben did'nt sit. Vick did'nt sit, Mc nabb did'nt sit, Carson did'nt sit.............. They played......and thats how they learned. All of those Qb's are good and have lead ther teams to the playoffs and superbowls. One Has a ring.
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I just want to be sure that people understand that he isnt clearly better than our other QBs.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Mark brings leadership and confidence to the position that while I believe Campbell is developing, he just isn't there yet. Going into camp with Mark named starter was absolutely the right thing to do. No QB controversy. No media pressure. No pressure on Campbell.

Ask Campbell in about 5 years how he feels about how Gibbs brought him along.

I think you'll find he will have been very appreciative of what Gibbs and the coaching staff did with regards to the time they spent with developing him, having him learn the ins and outs of the game before putting the pressure on him to perform in gameday situations. Once he has learned the Xs and Ox of the new offense of Saunders, he will be prepared to deal with the pressure and sudden decision-making situations without being worried about the actual execution of the play.

And that is my opinion.

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How many young QB's have been ruined by starting them too soon? Way too many. They weren't ready, and their confidence was destroyed. Gibbs knows this. He takes time developing young QB's. Didn't I read that he likes to develop them over a 3 year period, then turns them loose.

And if Campbell was running the exact same offense as last year, he might be in a better position, but he is learning a new offense...for the 6th time in 6 yrs. The experience of MB is best for us now verses the rookie like mistakes Campbell will make right now. Gibbs only wants the QB to manage the game, not win it for us. He thinks MB can do that. He also doesn't want the QB to lose the game for us...JC's youth and inexperience in a new offense just might do that.

And concerning MB...don't any of you remember reading on Redskins.com how Saunders was excited over how well MB was running the offense in practice. Sorry guys, but if Saunders is excited over MB running this offense, then so am I. He is the one out there coaching HIS offense, he knows who can handle it. Now if he wasn't happy with MB, then that would certainly change everything....but he is happy, and Gibbs is happy...therefore, I am happy!!!

Have a little faith in our coaching staff guys(one of the best in the NFL...lest you forget, I remind you), they know what they are doing...and they are the only ones who know whether or not we have the ability to take the SB this year. This may not be our year, it may be next year. Let's enjoy the ride. It looks to me like the SB is in our future. We just don't know how soon it will be...but we are all hoping it is this year. Trust in the coaches...TRUST! Quit whining, and enjoy watching our coaches do what they do best....COACH US TO A CHAMPIONSHIP! Was that me yelling...UBetcha!


nUFF sAID!!!

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I agree that bring Campbell in slowly is a good idea. Plus the draft scouting reports said he to sit and learn a yr or two. But we cant be handcuffed with Brunell. Its time to play who ever looks the best, and give Collins and Campbell sometime with the 1st string so we can somewhat compare and see if anyone standsout.

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Not to mention - the modern NFL is a much more QB driven enterprise - it is not nearly as easy to excel amongst mediocre QB play in my eyes.

You mean like Peyton Manning? Recent SB winners include Dilfer, Johnson, Roethlisberger, who are all average QB's who didn't throw much on teams with great defenses, and then Brady who is a clutch in important games but still isn't considered on the level of Manning by many despite Manning's inability to do anything in the postseason. Brunell is better than the first 3 at least. He put up pro bowl numbers last year.

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MB didn't give up all of those points against San Diego, Kansas City, Denver or uh who else, oh yeah Tampa bay. What is that you say? That in those games with small leads in the fourth quarter we couldn't pick up a couple of first downs to ice the game, that is true. MB didn't call the plays, miss the blocks on running plays or fumble to the other team. He also didn't blame others or make excuses. It is a team game. And there is more to playing quarterback that stats.

You play the games with the players that you have.

10 and 6 in 2006 weren't we?

Could have been better and it could have been worse with a couple of points falling either way. Discuss among yourselves. Cheers

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I agree that bring Campbell in slowly is a good idea. Plus the draft scouting reports said he to sit and learn a yr or two. But we cant be handcuffed with Brunell. Its time to play who ever looks the best, and give Collins and Campbell sometime with the 1st string so we can somewhat compare and see if anyone standsout.

What is it that us fans need to see from the quarterback play, we don't make any decisions. You need to quit doubting Gibbs, he knows a little more about football than us.

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What is it that us fans need to see from the quarterback play, we don't make any decisions. You need to quit doubting Gibbs, he knows a little more about football than us.

Gibbs said himself that Campbell is ready to play now. However, he then went on to say Brunell is our leader. :doh:

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The QB situation to me is simple, really. This is Brunell's chance to take us somewhere. If he doesn't get the job done this year, he's done as our starter, period. However, he deserves the benifit of the doubt because he played well enough last year to get us to the playoffs.

The proof is in the pudding.


I've been watching last season's games and I think you gotta go with the guy who brought you to the dance.Brunell.He has excellent "chemistry" with our 3 main offensive threats Cooley,Moss,and Portis.As great a Cooley,Moss, and Portis were last season they didnt throw those passes to themselves so you cant help but to respect Brunell.I like what I see so far in Jason Campbell.I think he should see plenty of playing time this pre season and during the regular season as well.But if it comes down to the wire...Do or Die you gotta go with Brunell.There's alot to be said for experince.Simply said I'm ridin with #8:helmet: win, lose, or draw.

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I have always felt that the QB position is the most overrated in football. Perhaps that because as a kid I saw THeisman, Williams & Rypien win Super Bowls. I love them all because they are Redskins, but none of them are what I'd call "great". Then recently we have had QB's like Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer, etc. win Super Bowls. I think if you have a QB who does decent & stays consistant anyone can do the job behind a good offensive line. You mean to tell me Stan Humphries couldn't have done the same thing as Rypien? So hopefully Brunell is able to stay healthy & get in a groove with the weapons that surrond him.

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Ooo you gave Campbell a nifty nickname to express your displeasure, you must be cool!

Can I have an autograph?

Seriously, since the year 2000, 2 superbowls have been won by the likes of Trent Dilfer, and Brad Johnson. So you are going to sit here and use the example OF ONE team out of 32? How many teams last year had pro-bowl caliber QBs and didnt win the superbowl? How many the year before that? How many for the past 5 years? Peyton Manning hasnt won a superbowl yet, I guess it proves that good QBs dont win superbowls(BTW Big Ben barely threw over 15 pass attempts a game).

You know what those Super Bowl teams had in common, TB, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh? They all had very strong defenses and good running games. NE also had that, the only exception is, they had a very prominent passing game as well. 1 team doesnt make a rule.

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Brunell doesn't have to be Peyton Manning to win the Superbowl. He just needs to be a steady, veteran leader who avoids mistakes and gets the ball into the hands of the many talented players around him.

And I'm so sick of all this Ben Roethlisberger worship. The guy completed only 10 passes a game last year! TEN! Let's see: they ran the ball 35 times per game, averaged 4 yards per carry, and only completed 10 passes per game... and you want to credit Ben for their success. Get real.

Just for comparison, Brunell completed 17 passes per game. He was far more important to the Skins than Ben was to the Steelers.

I agree with MRMADD. I don't care what Brunell's passer rating is, I don't care if he has all 1 yard TD's or if he throws for only 25 yards. The fact is, he won 11 games (incl. playoffs) for us last year. That's all that matters. In the words of Al Davis- Just Win Baby!

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I don't get why some people seem to have the desire for drama. There's none here. Brunell is our QB and there's not a lot that is going to change that except for injury.
A-freakin-men. Brunell is a game manager. Coach Gibbs has always desired a game manager at QB and his track record speaks for itself. If Brunell gets injured I do see Campbell going in. Thats it.
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Start Jason!!!!!!!!! I meen, why not? How can cambell fail with the talent that he would have around Him. Look at our first 4 games we play. You tell me that we cant go 3-1 with cambell running the offense. All I'm saying is give the guy a chance in the first 4 games and see what he can do. Our deffense will bail him out, We have a strong run game, We have great coaching staff and vet players that will guide him. Jason has a stronger arm, he can move around and he can throw deep. If he makes a mistake so what thats apart of the game.

Then why don't you give Brunell the same benefit of the doubt. Turnovers happen. And you didn't spell Campbell right.

We cannot keep him on the bench. He has to get better and the only way is to be on the field. You learn by doing, not sitting down. I think that Jason is a gamer. Big ben did'nt sit. Vick did'nt sit, Mc nabb did'nt sit, Carson did'nt sit.............. They played......and thats how they learned. All of those Qb's are good and have lead ther teams to the playoffs and superbowls. One Has a ring.

Ben didn't sit because Maddox was injured and they had no one else. Vick played because of his running ability. he still can't pass. McNabb had all the intangibles and Philly was rebuilding when they drafted him. We are not rebuilding. Carson sat 1 year under Kitna, then had a growing up year to make mistakes. We can't afford a growing up year for JC. And you can learn a lot by watching and studying game film.

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This is my first post here on Redskins.com. I hate to say it but I agree with Riggins. The QB position has been my concern all off season.

True he is a game manager but he also is too tentative with his throws and lacks the arm strength needed to make the crucial throws.

Lets face it. The offense was enemic down the stretch last year and Brunell played a big part in it.

Why in the world we did not go after Drew Brees in the off season I will never know.

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QB is the most criticized position in the game, and boy do some of you make that obvious on here. Brunell is our QB, there's no question marks here. He played very well last season with fewer options than he will have this year. Have a little confidence in the guy, Gibbs and the rest of the coaching staff obviously does. The guy put up pro bowl numbers last year and he's still under the microscope here. People need to stop jumping the gun on putting a new QB in as soon as he makes 1 bad throw. Face it, none of us here have any influence on who is starting, so just have some faith that our hall of fame coach is making a solid decision.

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If we fail this year(Lord I hope not, it has been a long dry spell!) it will be because the QB position. Brunell did not have Pro Bowl numbers last year. He was terrible the last few games. The defense is the only reason we was in the playoffs.

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Brunell was solid most of last year prior to the knee injury, at times he was even good. He was rarely great. I don't know if that was due to Ferris, Jacobs, Thrash, etc. or his inability to play the whole field. He has much better tools and hopefully we see more of the Brunell that played in the Second Dallas and Giants' games.

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In my opinion Mark played really well last season. I don't know the stats; but I suspect that he was near the top of the TDs vs INTs stat for all NFL QBs; and I think that stat is probably the most important in measuring how good a QB is.

One of the most significant factors in how well a QB performs is the protection he has. Another is how good the running game is. Another is the quality of the receivers. Furthermore, winning a championship requires a very good defense.

My main point is that success for me is winning. Joe Gibbs has created winning teams with very good defenses, great offensive lines, a very good RB, good receivers, and a QB who can read defenses and will not force the ball when the receiver is not open.

In 2004 our defense was very good. Our OL was not good. Our RB was good and our receivers were adaquate. In my view the reason our QB looked bad was the protection was not good. Neither Pat or Mark had time for receivers to get open and that resulted in interceptions, sacks, and fumbles. Pat and Mark looked bad as a result.

In 2005 our defense was very good. Our OL was very good until injuries to both a starter and his backup happened at the end of the season. Our RB was very good. Our #2 receiver got injured; so our receivers were lacking because of lack of a good #2 WR. Our QB was very good and was successful until the OL injuries. In my view the injuries to the OL created the situation where the running game dropped off as well as the passing game. Joe Gibbs tried to compensate by having Mark roll-out to buy time; but that meant the field was cut down to only the left half and defenses rolled that way. So, in my opinion, Mark Brunnel was not the cause of us not going all the way to the Superbowl; it was mostly the injury to Randy Thomas and then Ray Brown.

I have heard Joe Gibbs say many times that games are won and lost in the trenches and I do believe that. It is the OL that makes the running game successful by opening holes and they also make the passing game go by giving the QB protection to allow him to wait for a receiver to get separation from the defender.

In summary, I am not concerned at all with the QB situation.

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If we fail this year(Lord I hope not, it has been a long dry spell!) it will be because the QB position. Brunell did not have Pro Bowl numbers last year. He was terrible the last few games. The defense is the only reason we was in the playoffs.

As an outsider looking in (eagle fan) - I disagree with yoru last statement. Although Brunell was only average the last 1/2 of the season, I think what Gibbs likes about him is his skill at avoiding costly turnovers. He still did turn the ball over, but I think he was the best option at QB last year, and I believe this year as well. If JC or PR played the last 1/2 of the season last year, I truly don't believe you would have went to the playoffs.


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