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Ah, "the more things change......." Why am I not surprised to see this type of response again?

This is the very reason why some have become disenchanted with ES, even when the responsible members try to offer a friendly piece of advice to keep things in line there is always someone who has to make a snotty reply.

Did it ever occur to some of you that there are members here that actually respect this site and the crew that keeps it going? Not just like it, not just enjoy coming by but genuinely respect everything that goes into making ES what it is?

It takes very little effort to go back into the archives and see the same type of positive action by members drawing the same type of response. It is a chronic problem, and like most one that is addressed in the forum rules quite clearly, those very same rules that we were all steered to at the beginning.

The mods have suggested for years that the members make an attempt to lend a hand when necessary to make suggestions in a pleasant and worthwhile fashion if they notice something that is amiss. The members themselves have repeatedly offered their help in doing so so that the mods might address more important concerns and, dare I say it?, have the chance to enjoy being here themselves (gasp!).

Chewy? I appreciate you making this thread originally and bumping it again when it was necessary, and even more so I respect the fact that you haven't become so cynical about the attempt that you simply throw up your hands and write it off as a lost cause.

And yet I had to post on page 8 about a topic not really all that important in the grand scheme of things. I apologize if i offended anyone,

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Chewy? I appreciate you making this thread originally and bumping it again when it was necessary, and even more so I respect the fact that you haven't become so cynical about the attempt that you simply throw up your hands and write it off as a lost cause.

O contraire, while I have thrown my hands up on several occasions, I keep hope alive that I have enough time in a week to actually learn something new I didn’t know about my boys. Some days I wade through 10 or 15 threads only to find pure crap and end up leaving, while other days I see a thread or two from somebody who actually has something meaningful to say. Unfortunately the crap far out weighs threads that actually have information that I want to hear about.

While I am sure there are 1 or 2 new members that came in after member 20 thousand <insert sarcasm>, I mainly keep my eyes open for the “Old School Crew” pre merger for new threads.

I truly miss the old days when Extreme felt like a family.

I miss that the most.

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I'm not totally sure I understand the opposition to the size limitation. I have seen some very creative sigs that fit into the size limitations. PCS has one of the best I have seen, and I love the way he modifies it for different holidays etc. I know when I was on dialup it took forever sometimes to load a page because of the over sized sigs. Now that I finally have a form of DSL its not so bad, but I can personally understand the limitations. Not only from a bandwidth eating cause, but from the user perspective.

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Thanks Hap. Much appreciated.

I love the sigs, some of them are very funny and clever, love the hot girl sigs. Don't understand why it matters how big they are. As long as they aren't HUGE. Whatever. I still can't figure out how to make one, so I won't be breaking this law.

The reasons,(or at least the most important ones), the size of the "sig" is important is explained in the rules.

15. Please maintain respectable size signatures within the limitations set herein. Maintaining reasonable size signatures minimizes the amount of load time needed to access a given page. Furthermore, it reduces the amount of excessive scrolling required of users perusing threads. Signatures should not exceed 550 pixels in width and 200 pixels in height. These dimensions are not a guideline, they are a rule. It is the standard dimension for the entire signature size a member can use. Regardless of the quantity of photos posted, the sum area of all the photos must not exceed the stated size limitations. In addition, signatures should not contain any more than 10 lines of text. The sum total of the height (ie. 200 pixels) INCLUDES text or any combination of images and text.

As for making one, you don't have to necessarily do that yourself. There members here that have offered to make one for other members. They can be found here


Also, you can learn to make one yourself. One such tutorial can be found in the above forum.


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O contraire, while I have thrown my hands up on several occasions, I keep hope alive that I have enough time in a week to actually learn something new I didn’t know about my boys. Some days I wade through 10 or 15 threads only to find pure crap and end up leaving, while other days I see a thread or two from somebody who actually has something meaningful to say. Unfortunately the crap far out weighs threads that actually have information that I want to hear about.

While I am sure there are 1 or 2 new members that came in after member 20 thousand <insert sarcasm>, I mainly keep my eyes open for the “Old School Crew” pre merger for new threads.

I truly miss the old days when Extreme felt like a family.

I miss that the most.

Couldn't have said that better. To the good 'ole days...... :cheers:

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