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T.O. at Dallas camp


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It seems that nothing has changed for T.O.

First day of practice, he was the last player to get on the field. Nothing like a show for the cameras trained on just him instead of him with a bunch of his teammates.

He made a good performance and the dallas fans watching began a T.O. chant:

A chant of "T.O." started immediately and grew louder at the urging of another newcomer, kicker Mike Vanderjagt. Then Owens made his way back to midfield waving his arms to keep the cheer going.

"They're excited for me to be here and I'm equally excited for me to be here," Owens said. "I got it every day in Philadelphia, fans chanting my name each and every day, so I expect that."

Same old T.O.

Check out the rest of the article here:


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TO will burn the NFC East for many years to come.
I hope your right. He has burnt Philly, now he is getting ready to burn the Cowboys. I hope the Giants are next.

:laugh: :laugh: BWAHAHAHA! Beat me to it HOF.........

How are the skins dealing with 4 out of 5 linemen having surgury in the offseason?

Fine actually, another season with the same unit who's 100% and ready to go!!!

How's your unit doing after losing multiple players, having a guy just recently coming off the PUP and having replacements that aren't considered to be superstar to average talent? This will determine how quickly the results from Q&A #1 occur.

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