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Gibbs values vs. Parcells’s


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Being bored and waiting for the season, or at least camp to begin, I was reading all NFL-related daily press and notice one thing about our team and our archrival that I found very interesting and I want to share with you.

Many sources around the league agree that this year could be the last year for both Gibbs and Parcells. The all articles about Tuna basically say that if he doesn’t win this season he is out of Dallas and signing T.O. was a deal with the devil that he made to preserve his legacy. As for Gibbs many agree that he’s rebuilding organization for the long run, that he eases his way out and prepare the organization to function successfully after he leaves coaching.

What interesting illustration of differences between “me-first” and “team-first” philosophies!

It reminds me of another little personal observation at the game against Dallas at FedEx last year. I am not a ticket holder so I don’t get to go to FedEx very often. But this time I got lucky (and consider the outcome of the game it was the best Christmas present I ever got). My seats were behind end-zone and both teams side-line were a fair distance away, but still I was trying to take a look at both coaching legends “alive”. Parcells was very easy to see, he was standing few steps apart from the rest of the coaches and players, and it seems as game progressed this distance kept increasing. Gibbs – I never was able to make him out. There was group of coaches and players and he was somewhere there, just one of them, part of that collective body that is called football team.

And I remember thinking: this is how different those two men and I hope both teams take after their respective leaders.


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Gibbs will not publicly humiliate his players. He does his disciplinary stuff behind closed doors and in the locker room (when addressing the entire team). I know this from the conversation I had with Mr. Ricky Sanders a couple of weeks ago. Tuna has no qualms about publicly calling out players as displayed at Fed Ex last year. It's just two completely different approaches. Obviously, the latter approach will not work with T.O., so it will be interesting to see the change of approach, if any. I wonder if Tuna will be able to discipline his team the way he always has. I believe T.O. will weaken Parcells' ability to gain the respect of other players...but that remains to be seen.


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Great points and very well articulated. I think in Parcells you have this restless, transient spirit, who has rollercoastered his way through his coaching career, earning respect among his former coaches and players by challenging them through confrontation. Some folks respond to this philosophy, others wilt.

I think in Gibbs you have a guy who is at peace with himself and, in many respects, is the complete antithesis of Parcells. He creates relationships built around strong character and trusts people to perform their jobs when called upon.

They're both great coaches and, philosophically speaking, I fall squarely on Gibbs' side in terms of leadership styles I've thrived under professionally. However, I wouldn't necessarily discount Parcells' style because there are folks I know who prefer that type leadership.

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They have different styles but in the end both earn deep respect from their players. As much as people say Parcells coaches with fear he sure has a lot of players that follow him around whenever he signs on for a new gig.

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i don't think parcells would ever argue with you that it is "his" team.

on the same note, i don't think gibbs would ever argue with you that it is "his guys team."

they are literally night and day different. it's like comparring FDR to Stalin.

i'm glad we have FDR.

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Actually if you look at it objectivly, they both are very successful. Parcells is a Totalitarian and Gibbs is a diplomat. You cannot honestly say that both coaches have not built there teams for the future. Dallas is young and skilled and building through the draft. Washington is More mature and building through FA with proven players. Parcells is more of Micro manager and Gibbs manages the managers. Two different styles both produce results. One is a HoF coach and the other will be there 5years after he retires.

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I think it's more a question of personal style and spirit than anything else. Clearly, both approaches can work. What you prefer is based on the person you are.

I think Gibbs is one of the five greatest coaches ever. I put Parcells slightly below him, I guess. If my life depended on one game, I would probably choose Gibbs to coach it.

But - if I were a player - I think I would prefer Parcells as my coach. I come from a pretty rough and tumble Italian family and I have a feeling that the Gibbsian "God and grandbabies" approach would start to drive me crazy after a while if I had to hear it 24/7. Parcells could abuse me all he wanted, and it would only remind me of Thanksgiving dinner.

I'm certainly in no position to call one or the other the better person.

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i don't think parcells would ever argue with you that it is "his" team.

on the same note, i don't think gibbs would ever argue with you that it is "his guys team."

they are literally night and day different. it's like comparring FDR to Stalin.

i'm glad we have FDR.

FDR is overrated.

Its more like the football coach that is still bitter about when his career ended due to injury, in which you respect the guy, compared to a generous loving hand of a saint.

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Actually if you look at it objectivly, they both are very successful. Parcells is a Totalitarian and Gibbs is a diplomat. You cannot honestly say that both coaches have not built there teams for the future. Dallas is young and skilled and building through the draft. Washington is More mature and building through FA with proven players. Parcells is more of Micro manager and Gibbs manages the managers. Two different styles both produce results. One is a HoF coach and the other will be there 5years after he retires.


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Gibbs coaches by way of love, Parcells by way of fear.

It has been my experience that Fearing the loss of Love beats Loving the loss of Fear everytime. What I mean by that is as simple as, you draw more flys with honey than you do with vinegar. My stepfather lead with fear, he never got the most out of me. God leads with love, and he wins hands down.

I think in times of war, you need a leader you fear, but because you fear disappointing him because he cares so much about your success. That's Joe Gibbs. :allhail:

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It has been my experience that Fearing the loss of Love beats Loving the loss of Fear everytime. What I mean by that is as simple as, you draw more flys with honey than you do with vinegar. My stepfather lead with fear, he never got the most out of me. God leads with love, and he wins hands down.

I think in times of war, you need a leader you fear, but because you fear disappointing him because he cares so much about your success. That's Joe Gibbs. :allhail:

More coaches have won with Parcells' route than with Gibbs'.

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One thing's for sure - if I needed a tape sent in to the league office for review, because I thought the refs botched a call - there is noone in the league I would want coaching my team more than one Joe Joseph Joey Archibald Gibbs.


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It has been my experience that Fearing the loss of Love beats Loving the loss of Fear everytime. What I mean by that is as simple as, you draw more flys with honey than you do with vinegar. My stepfather lead with fear, he never got the most out of me. God leads with love, and he wins hands down.

I think in times of war, you need a leader you fear, but because you fear disappointing him because he cares so much about your success. That's Joe Gibbs. :allhail:

Bill Parcells believes in the Old Testament God who blew up cities and killed first-born babies to prove a point.

If TO crosses him, Parcells will smite him.

Gibbs is more of that New Testament God. Redemption and all that jazz.

Vince Lombardi would make the New Testament God run a lap or two. Just to show Him whose boss.

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And, of course, street thugs who shoot at people

I keed, I keed :D

Oh no you didn't:stop:

I think Gibbs is better at building and establishing trust with his players although (hate to say it) Parcells nows what he's doing, even if it is just for his rep.

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I think it's also worth pointing out that Gibbs is not exactly always a "looking out for the future of the franchise" guy. The team he left Pettibone was an aging carcas.

And I bet he regretted that every year since then. And I'll bet that will not happen again. He'll leave the team in great shape this time around. Especially if he wants his son to stay involved with the franchise in some capacity.

That's the thing about Coach Gibbs, he's an honest introspective person who is probably pretty hard on himself and demands more from himself than even those around him.

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Being bored and waiting for the season, or at least camp to begin, I was reading all NFL-related daily press and notice one thing about our team and our archrival that I found very interesting and I want to share with you.

Many sources around the league agree that this year could be the last year for both Gibbs and Parcells. The all articles about Tuna basically say that if he doesn’t win this season he is out of Dallas and signing T.O. was a deal with the devil that he made to preserve his legacy. As for Gibbs many agree that he’s rebuilding organization for the long run, that he eases his way out and prepare the organization to function successfully after he leaves coaching.

What interesting illustration of differences between “me-first” and “team-first” philosophies!

It reminds me of another little personal observation at the game against Dallas at FedEx last year. I am not a ticket holder so I don’t get to go to FedEx very often. But this time I got lucky (and consider the outcome of the game it was the best Christmas present I ever got). My seats were behind end-zone and both teams side-line were a fair distance away, but still I was trying to take a look at both coaching legends “alive”. Parcells was very easy to see, he was standing few steps apart from the rest of the coaches and players, and it seems as game progressed this distance kept increasing. Gibbs – I never was able to make him out. There was group of coaches and players and he was somewhere there, just one of them, part of that collective body that is called football team.

And I remember thinking: this is how different those two men and I hope both teams take after their respective leaders.


so in your opinion parcells has a me-first attitude, but doesn't care about the team? so in your opinion he hasn't changed the dallas organization? hasn't brought talent in? hasn't prepared the team for the long run? hasn't changed the philosophy of the team? hasn't changed how they draft? so none of that has actually happened. so the team is going to immediately fall apart because as soon as he leaves the talent is just going to evaporate and be gone? yet What has gibbs changed? brought in more FAs, same as before. redskins still don't draft well. he brought in good assistnat coaches, but no gaurantee that they would stay afte he leaves or if the new coach would keep them

what makes gibbs' approach a long term look and parcells approach a short term? the legacy of bill parcells has been one of rebuilding every where he has been, Jets, Giants, New England and Cowboys. each team enjoying years of success and talent on team years after he had left them. The jets made several playoff runs on the strength of the players parcells drafted. New England won their first couple of superbowls with players parcells had drafted and one of his former coaches.

I think your hatred for the cowboys is clouding your judgement. obviously a very subjective statement and evaluation on your part.

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so in your opinion parcells has a me-first attitude, but doesn't care about the team? so in your opinion he hasn't changed the dallas organization? hasn't brought talent in? hasn't prepared the team for the long run? hasn't changed the philosophy of the team? hasn't changed how they draft? so none of that has actually happened. so the team is going to immediately fall apart because as soon as he leaves the talent is just going to evaporate and be gone? yet What has gibbs changed? brought in more FAs, same as before. redskins still don't draft well. he brought in good assistnat coaches, but no gaurantee that they would stay afte he leaves or if the new coach would keep them

what makes gibbs' approach a long term look and parcells approach a short term? the legacy of bill parcells has been one of rebuilding every where he has been, Jets, Giants, New England and Cowboys. each team enjoying years of success and talent on team years after he had left them. The jets made several playoff runs on the strength of the players parcells drafted. New England won their first couple of superbowls with players parcells had drafted and one of his former coaches.

I think your hatred for the cowboys is clouding your judgement. obviously a very subjective statement and evaluation on your part.

I think this is a fair assessment of Parcells. I was getting tired of the weak arguments of "Gibbs loves God!"

Keith Davis is Cowboy

:doh: He didn't say "get shot at", he said "shoots at people". And all of you get on us for reading comprehension.

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