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Question for fans outside of Redskin Territory


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I live in Orlando and I sometimes have people ask me about the 'Skins. Most people around here are Bucs fans... :puke: I work at Disney's Wide World of Sports and now the Bucs are in town, I have to deal with them for 19 long days.

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Oh yeah and to make it better I get **** from Rams fans??? they are the worst collective set of football fans ever!!!

this is really a baseball town though, hate the Cardinals and you have a problem.

I certainly get the, "you live in st louis now you should just become a rams fan" They dont get the fact that i bleed B&G and so will my children and their children and...

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In KC, there isn't a lot of razzing, but what you get is the "oh my" you're not a Chiefs fan thing. Fans here are so KC centric that it drives you crazy. Its as if a world doesnt exist outside of the town.

I tell them to simply drive 3 hours out of town and as if KC no longer exist to bring them back to reality.

Folks in KC have an inferiority complex, so they diffinitely build themselves up by living, and breathing all things KC.

I really dont concern myself too much with it. I was born and raised in DC, so I know where my roots lie, but KC is a nice town settle down in, so I dont hold their shortcomings against them.

I'm pretty new to MO, but I hear from St. Louisans (sp) that KC definately has an inferiority complex and really doesnt know that an outside world exists... so its funny to hear the same from someone in KC. BTW... HTTR from across the state.

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2 years ago all the "loyal" jets fans in my neighborhood would give me the business. last season they were all suddenly giants fans and were talking smack. apparently, whichever team is in the playoffs is their "favorite." new york fans are lame.

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In KC, there isn't a lot of razzing, but what you get is the "oh my" you're not a Chiefs fan thing. Fans here are so KC centric that it drives you crazy. Its as if a world doesnt exist outside of the town.

I tell them to simply drive 3 hours out of town and as if KC no longer exist to bring them back to reality.

Folks in KC have an inferiority complex, so they diffinitely build themselves up by living, and breathing all things KC.

I really dont concern myself too much with it. I was born and raised in DC, so I know where my roots lie, but KC is a nice town settle down in, so I dont hold their shortcomings against them.

I hear ya on the Chiefs fans. I worked on a consulting gig out there for a few years and they bled red. I've never seen so many people wearing jerseys to work on Fridays. They were definitely in a world unto themselves, so I always got satisfaction when the Raiders would upend them.

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In Pasadena (MD) it was about 80/20 Ravens/Skins fans. Actually it was more like 70/20/10 Ravens/Skins/others. To give you an idea, my group of real good friends (I've been friends with them since high school, and they've been friends even longert than that) from that area has one Ravens fan, one Patriots fan, one Packers fan, one Dolphins fan, and me. Of course, due to our age group, we grew up in a time when Baltimore didn't have a local team, so we all sort of branched out in different directions. So we all give each other the business a little. From the neighborhood, you would get some crap, that's for sure - I got a TON when I showed up at the Ravens/Packers MNF game sporting the colors - but it generally wasn't too bad. Now that I've moved up to the Cape - well, we'll see what happens when the season starts and I go down to the local bar to check out the games, but as several other folks in Pats territory mentioned, this is a baseball area. I'd get more crap for sporting an Orioles shirt than I would anything Skins related.

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I permanent residence is right outside of DC but I go to St Joe's in Philly so I live there about 8 months of the year. It is hell. The first week of school my freshman year i got in 2 all out brawls because of arguing with those idiot eagles fans. That year was horrible since they went to the Super bowl (although that was a great day). I wear my skins jersey all over town and will get screamed at constantly. Cussed at by people i dont even know. I LOVE IT. This year was even better. They said things but I just laugh in their face. Eagles fans are the most pathetic fans I've ever been around. This year should be great. Hail Skins!

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My bad then. I didn't realize you were from N.C. And my little comment there about separation of church and state was really just meant to be a little wisecrack there with no real sharp message anywhere within a ten block radius of it. (You know... Jay Leno style). Also, I suppose prayer in the proper sense really does not have to have any religious tones to it at all; in the legal sense it would mean more like a 'request' or a 'petition' to the court. And yes, I probably would have said the same thing, since I tend to think of both the word "prayer" and the word "judgement" more in terms of the religious rather than the legal context. You got to admit though, that phrase "pray for judgment" (with no "continued" at the end) can be easily misinterpreted and does sound like it would stir up some trouble.

BTW- thanks for the little "son" you threw in there. Thought I missed it, didn't you? You got me this time, but one day I'll still be in my prime and you'll be in a nursery home. And you know what I'm gonna call you then?

That's right "pops." ;)


I too live in panther country, that was once Redskin country, but allot of us stayed true to our Redskin team. But, I do here hear alot of talk from panther fans. All I can say for sure is I hate the panthers cause they only show them on TV in my area and no longer the Redskins. Thank God for the NFL channel. What was free now cost me over $400.00 but worth every penny

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I get it all the time but we have gone from having 2 teams to no team. I love putting Fader Fans in their place but all they can say is they won Super Bowl XVIII. We have a lot of Cowgirl Fans in Los Angeles. There is nothing better then being in the Sports Bar with 3 Skins fans and 30 Cowboys fans. They cant get none because they suck and they think they are the going to the Super Bowl every year. Monday night last year I ran them out and they left by half time when they came to FEDEX. I take my abuse like I give it and were going to the Super Bowl this year so they dont want to see me.

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Oh, I get it. I love when I get one of those Cowpuke fans is saying I should be a fan of the team closest to home. Of course that's when I point out that based on that idea they need to be a Texans fan. I tell thwm I don't mind if the Texans win as long as they are not playing my Redskins. As a matte of fact I would love to see the Redskins and the Texans in the Super Bowl.

HTTR :dallasuck

Ahhh... amen to that. I have adopted the Texans as my second team (although I'm going to the Texans game and I'm hoping the Skins destroy them), but never before the skins. HTTR!

Actually, I probably get more grief from my buddy that is an eagles fan... I've never had anybody outside of work say anything negative about wearing skins gear. Lot of cowpukes wouldn't even look at me in the office this past season. Good times.:dallasuck

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not so bad in san diego (which is german for whale's vagina, btw). it helps that we're in different divisions. i sometimes get, "why the skins?" but once i explain that i'm from the east coast, they understand. it also helps that the chargers sucked for so long, and that half the people here are raiders fans. chargers fans really only hate raider fans, with denver fans being a distant second.

I'm in San Diego to, and feel the exact same way. I'll get "well are the Chargers your second favorite team?" I do like to see the Chargers do well, it makes things out here a little more exciting, but I found it very tough to forgive them for giving the game away to the Cowboys last year. Beat our division rivals and I'll love them.

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Nobody really says anything to me out here in Arizona. Plus, this place is full of fans from other parts of the country so there isn't much "Cardinals" faithful here to really raz anyone:laugh:

There are tons of Cowgirl fans, Green Bay, and Skins fans. Plenty of Giants and Jets, too. It's a melting pot over here and even the die hard cards fans I know have respect for the Skins. Most of them remember what we used to do to them when they were in the NFC East.

Some guy at Starbucks the other day was comlimenting my Portis jersey saying that Portis played an awesome game here last year and he can't wait to see the Skins play here again this year. Poor sap still thought we were in the same division:laugh:

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I have questions to Redskin Fans that outside of Redskin Territory and mainly in other NFL Team's Territory. Do you get razzed for you Redskin Loyalty and not being a fan of the team of the area you live in?

As for me I lived in Denver when the Broncos won back-2-back Super Bowls and I got razzed by Bronco Fans for staying a Redskin Fan and not jumping on the Bronco Bandwagon. I would hear stuff like "You live in Denver now, you should be a Bronco Fan" or "You should be a Bronco fans cause the Redskins suck and the Broncos won the Super Bowl"

I currently live in Seahawk Territory but even though I don't get razzed for staying a Redskin fan I get razzed for not becoming a Seahawk Fan.

Wonder if any other fans who use to or are currently living outside Redskin Territory had the same issues.


I moved to Denver a year ago and noticed the same phenomenon. My guess is that alot of Denver is transplants from the surrounding states that have no NFL team, so they adopt the Broncos when they move here. This is also a HUGE bandwagon town. When the Avs moved here, they won the Cup making the Avs the toast of the town. Since Melo came to Denver it seems that the Nuggets are the team du jour.

There is also serious animosity out here towards the Skins. They are still in shock from the 2nd quarter of SBXXII

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I used to when we beat the Bills in the SuperBowl. The Southern Ontario area is filled with Bills fans/bandwagon hoppers.

I remeber the "homerun throwback" play the Titans pulled on them and being the only one in bar laughing my arse off; everyone else was in shock and I got a few "what are you Titans fan?" I said no, a Redskins fan and that was some God aweful special teams coverage!

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I live in Boston, and people here are so wrapped up with the Red Sox, the Patriots - even with all their recent success - are a distant second fiddle. During the Spurrier years, I had to take a lot of gruff, but let's face it, we were a total sham of an NFL team. I agreed with the critics.

Still, no one ever asked me to get on a Patriots bandwagon, because no such thing genuinely exists. Even at the peak of the NE dynasty, interest was tepid in comparison to Red Sox news. Red Sox Nation is practically a cult; fans are consumed with irrational Yankee hatred and the most scrutinizing brand of roster obsession I have ever seen. There is no question a Red Sox offseason crisis would lead the news over a Patriots regular season result. The baseball fans here, in my opinion, are an ugly collection of visible louts and affluent individuals who attend Red Sox games more for its status as a social event than as a sporting contest. Patriots? Celtics? Bruins? Nobody cares. Celtics and Bruins games, which I have both attended, are a bland joke.

This is a bit of a rant, I apologize, but I have to put up with these morons on a daily basis.

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I'm really in Bengals territory as I can walk to the stadium from my house! I have been here for 10 years so I tell people I root for the Bengals (since I am paying for their stadium) but am a die hard Redskins fan.


I'm in Bengal country so it's been a breeze for years and years. Lately though, they think they're somebody.
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I never had a problem with it when I lived in Danville, Va. Now that I'm in NC I get crap from alot of Panthers fans but I quickly remind them that their dad is probably a Redskins fans. Most of the people here used to be Skins fans or didnt watch football until the Panthers came along

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