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I'm a HUGE skins fan..but PHILLY is underrated


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Noone get me wrong here. Im a huge skins fan, and i never miss a kick off, but I think everyone on this board has completely overlooked the Eagles. Before last season they made the NFC Championship game like 4 years in a row. They're defense has always been really solid, they picked up Darren Howard to go opposite of Jevon Kearse which should be rough. They're offense should be goood to with a healthy Donovan at QB and the rest of the offense being solid, they'll be a force to reckon with...any thoughts?

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Okay, well have they impoved their running game this year? If so, what has been added to improve that running game? Secondly, do they have a solid #1 receiver? If so, who is it? Has the offensive line impoved? If so, how? They will improve this year without a doubt, but maybe by 1 or 2 games. If I'm not mistaken, that still puts them right at or under .500. That won't cut it in the NFC East.


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The talent level is pretty much equal all the way across the NFC East. Its gonna come down to which teams are the best at winning football games. If Gibbs and Saunders can put together brilliant games this year, then we will have no problem with Philly or anyone else in the NFC East. Gregg Williams has been brilliant in orchestrating the defense and they should keep us in every game and even score touchdowns for us this year.

The NFC East will be decided by coaching and playcalling and none are better at that than the coaching staff of the Washington Redskins. I just can't wait to see it translate in the '06 season.


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MacNabb compiled over 3000+yards each season before last with guys like Todd Pinkston and James Thrash as his goto guys. Their defense is still pretty solid, and prolly improved now with Howard. Their line seems to be getting younger and better. Their RB and Receiver situation could be better, but again, he's done it with less talent, and Reggie Brown isn't someone to laugh at, with a solid no.2 in Pinkston. I doubt they go to the superbowl, but they could certainly make the playoffs again, or hurt other teams chances of doing so.

The team I don't see doing that well is the Giants. They are riding off being division champs last season in my opinion. I see the Redskins and Cowboys competing for divison champs, with the Eagles not too far behind.

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Okay, well have they impoved their running game this year? If so, what has been added to improve that running game? Secondly, do they have a solid #1 receiver? If so, who is it? Has the offensive line impoved? If so, how? They will improve this year without a doubt, but maybe by 1 or 2 games. If I'm not mistaken, that still puts them right at or under .500. That won't cut it in the NFC East.


You're absolutely right about those questions. But you're completely overlooking their defense. As I just stated in another thread, they are easily a top10 unit when healthy and clicking on all cylinders.

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What do you mean "the rest of the offense looking sound"...

I think it would have been wise for Philly to go after Saunders to utilize the offense they have. They have no big play receivers...if RB or Gaffney dont step it up bigtime, they will be the same as they have always been, only in a MUCH more competitive division (and conference for that matter).

The D is always solid, no matter who they add. If they have a healthy defense, they'll be formidable as long as Jim Johnson is around. Doesnt matter if its ND Kalu or Darren Howard.

Dont count anyone in the NFCE out but at the same time, you have to call it as you see it right now. And the Eagles compared to the rest of the division are no longer the head of the class.

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You're absolutely right about those questions. But you're completely overlooking their defense. As I just stated in another thread, they are easily a top10 unit when healthy and clicking on all cylinders.

Fair enough, but without a solid running game, wouldn't that be a valid reason why it will wear their Defense down throughout the course of a given game. I think the Defense and McNabb win 'em a couple more than last year. That puts 'em at .500. That won't get it done. I'm not overlooking their D, I agree with you that they have made some upgrades. But, if they don't change their offensive philosophies Gregg Williams will have a field day again defending this offensive. The book's been out on these guys for the past 5 or 6 years. It's time to write a new novel. They just have too many glaring holes on offense and consequently their D will suffer.


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Noone get me wrong here. Im a huge skins fan, and i never miss a kick off, but I think everyone on this board has completely overlooked the Eagles. Before last season they made the NFC Championship game like 4 years in a row. They're defense has always been really solid, they picked up Darren Howard to go opposite of Jevon Kearse which should be rough. They're offense should be goood to with a healthy Donovan at QB and the rest of the offense being solid, they'll be a force to reckon with...any thoughts?

I think you are wrong. I think people gave way too much credit to the Eagles for going to the NFC championship 4 times in a row. The fact is all those years they have a very easy time of it because the rest of teh NFC east sucked.

The Eagles have a good defense, however they have limited running game and now that TO is not there I think the DBs of the rest of the teams in the NFC east have gotten so good that will be able to shut down their passing game. In addition I don't think their defense has enough to stop guys like Moss, TO, Burress etc. In our first game with them last year we were able to run on them also so how are they going to be able to stop our passing and running game? Naturaly we will not know much until the season starts up but again I think they had it easy in the NFC east for a long time. Now the other have caught up and even gotten ahead.

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Healthy or ot, Donovann only has Reggie Brown and LJ Smith to throw to. Now, last year, two wildcard teams in the redskins and panthers had a similiar situtation. Except both teams had a strong running attack. Plus, Reggie Brown is no Santana Moss or Steve Smith, so it is very unlikely that he'll be able to pick up the slack for them and carry his team.

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The Eagles will be tough as any NFCE opponent will be. I just dont know if they have enough firepower to compete with the rest of the division.

The one thing they have over the rest of the division is decent QB depth.

Their last 6 weeks are brutal.

Sun., Nov. 26 @ Indy

Mon., Dec. 4 Carolina

Sun., Dec. 10 @ Washington

Sun., Dec. 17 @ Giants

Mon., Dec. 25 @ Dallas

Sun., Dec. 31 Atlanta

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The one thing they have over the rest of the division is decent QB depth.

Actually, they may have the least QB depth of any team in the division. The Eagles, moreso than any team in the division, rely on their QB to make the offense go. While Garcia in his prime may have been an excellent choice and would have provided no discernible dropoff from McNabb, that is no longer the case.

The Eagles NEED a healthy McNabb. A crippled McNabb like last season is death to the Eagles chances. He has to be able to move - w/o that he just isn't much of a threat. Garcia can't come close to providing what McNabb does when he is on his game.

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If said it once in passing, but if there was someone I'd want leading me into 4th quarter down by 10, Donavan McNabb is on the top of the list. He's a huge player. Also, the Eagles have a solid O and D Line, thus completing the foundation any franchise needs in order to make some waves.

However, Pinkston is a hack.

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Noone get me wrong here. Im a huge skins fan, and i never miss a kick off, but I think everyone on this board has completely overlooked the Eagles. Before last season they made the NFC Championship game like 4 years in a row. They're defense has always been really solid, they picked up Darren Howard to go opposite of Jevon Kearse which should be rough. They're offense should be goood to with a healthy Donovan at QB and the rest of the offense being solid, they'll be a force to reckon with...any thoughts?

I disagree. Granted... They do look a little better this year, but everyone else in our division looks alot better than last year. I hear alot of talk about their defense. Where were they last year? Their defense used to be great, but age and injuries is slowly taking them down. I dont follow Philly that close, but I do not think they did anything to prop that up. If their defense plays like last year, The offense wont be able to score enough points to win games. Not with that offense anyway. McNabb is the only player with "star" talent on the team. The Eagles used to be feared. Now its our turn. Call it karma or balance or whatever. We have come full circle!!!


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If said it once in passing, but if there was someone I'd want leading me into 4th quarter down by 10, Donavan McNabb is on the top of the list. He's a huge player.

Funny, isn't that the situation the Eagles found themselves in in the Super Bowl? :)

McNabb left it all out there, didn't he? :laugh:

Sorry, I'm not knocking McNabb as a scrub. He's a dynamic playmaker but he is one of the more overrated players out there. I can think of others that I'd rather have in that situation.

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Okay, well have they impoved their running game this year? If so, what has been added to improve that running game? Secondly, do they have a solid #1 receiver? If so, who is it? Has the offensive line impoved? If so, how? They will improve this year without a doubt, but maybe by 1 or 2 games. If I'm not mistaken, that still puts them right at or under .500. That won't cut it in the NFC East.


Mcnabb is healthy, that's improvement enough IMO.

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Actually, they may have the least QB depth of any team in the division. The Eagles, moreso than any team in the division, rely on their QB to make the offense go. While Garcia in his prime may have been an excellent choice and would have provided no discernible dropoff from McNabb, that is no longer the case.

The Eagles NEED a healthy McNabb. A crippled McNabb like last season is death to the Eagles chances. He has to be able to move - w/o that he just isn't much of a threat. Garcia can't come close to providing what McNabb does when he is on his game.

Who is the best QB in the division? I say McScab (pun intended, like him or not he did more with less whether or not against inferior opposition). And to have a guy that has shown that he can compete and win games at the NFL level gives them better depth. Not that Bledsoe, Brunell, or Manning are scrubs.

How many games have the rest of the divisions backup QBs won ? I dare to say it is likely fewer than the games that Garcia has won.

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Thats not saying they suck. Thats saying that the other 3 teams in the division are better :laugh:

I realize that...I just don't think it's a slam dunk like everyone thinks. I believe that all 4 teams are very close and it'll depend on good bounces, health, and coaching to determine which team(s) go to the playoffs and which team(s) stay home.

Now, it'd be funny to see one team just dominate after all this build-up!

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Who is the best QB in the division? I say McScab (pun intended, like him or not he did more with less whether or not against inferior opposition). And to have a guy that has shown that he can compete and win games at the NFL level gives them better depth. Not that Bledsoe, Brunell, or Manning are scrubs.

How many games have the rest of the divisions backup QBs won ? I dare to say it is likely fewer than the games that Garcia has won.

That's not the point, though. Garcia certainly has more NFL stripes than any other backup in the division. But the point is that Philly has to have a fully-functioning McNabb to have a chance against any team with a decent defense. They lack a reliable running game and proven go-to guys that can take a pressure off a QB. McNabb HAS to be the guy to provide that spark.

All the other teams in the division have other ways to take up the slack and help the backup QB should the starter go down. Philly doesn't, and Garcia can't do what McNabb does. Philly is the team most dependent on its QB. Which is why Philly is in the most trouble should the QB go down.

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Now, it'd be funny to see one team just dominate after all this build-up!

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

And that's just what the Skins did last year in the NFC East against all prognostications. If we simply had a better non-division record or had managed to win anything against the AFC we would have taken the division title.

Home field advantage is what we always should be shooting for. I agree with SkinsandTerps...those last six Philly games are brutal. Stick a fork in that team as it is already done.

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I disagree. Granted... They do look a little better this year, but everyone else in our division looks alot better than last year. I hear alot of talk about their defense. Where were they last year? Their defense used to be great, but age and injuries is slowly taking them down. I dont follow Philly that close, but I do not think they did anything to prop that up. If their defense plays like last year, The offense wont be able to score enough points to win games. Not with that offense anyway. McNabb is the only player with "star" talent on the team. The Eagles used to be feared. Now its our turn. Call it karma or balance or whatever. We have come full circle!!!


Philly does look better this year, with the addition of Howard on defense with Kearse on the opposite end, they will have the talent there. Now they have to put it together. As for offense, Reggie, Pinkston, as recievers are no slouches. Westbrook is a great RB and should not be overlooked.

Yes our division has gotten stronger, but I will say this again bro, ANY GIVEN SUNDAY. All it takes is for the opposite team to think they have this game in the bag, and bam, Philly takes it to the house. You cant think that just because 3 other teams look better on paper that they will automatically win, you still have to play it out.

The Eagles were the team to beat, thats why its important not to forget to punish them every chance you get so that they dont sneak up on you. McNabb is a top shelf QB in the NFC East and trust me he's out to prove all the Owen nut huggers wrong.

Our talent on the Skins can hopefully stay healthy through-out the season and beat out Philly but dont let your guard down in the NFL=NOT FOR LONG.

Peace, HTTR, & TITY!!!

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Outside of McNabb what offense do they have? As we saw last year, McNabb cannot carry that offense on his back all season... As for the "D", they're an aging unit and we will see how good they really are...

Here we go again...aging unit?

Howard 29 Daniels 33

Walker 29 Salavea 31

Patterson 23 Griffen 29

Carter 27 Kearse 29

McCoy 23 Holdman 31

Trotter 29 Marshall 29

Jones 28 Washington 28

Brown 27 Springs 31

Rogers 25 Sheppard 25

Taylor 23 Dawkins 32

Lewis 26 Archuleta 28

Other significant players

Hood 24 Wright 28

Cole 23 Wynn 31

McIntosh 23 Barber 31

Bunkley 23 Killings 28

If the Eagles are "aging" than the Skins are ancient because the Eagles are younger at 8 out of 11 starters and 3 out 4 other major players.

Also I believe the Skin's O outgained the Eagle's O by about 11 yds per game last year with the Eagles O outgaining the Skin's O in both games between the two teams.

Reid went pass happy the 2 years he had TO but the season before that the Eagles gained over 2,000 yds on the ground with Westbrook Buckhalter and Staley ect. Andrews Jackson and Herremans are better run blockers than Mayberry Fraley and Welboun were in 03 so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Eagles exceed 2,000 yds on the ground again this year.....Moats 750 Westbrook 750 Perry 350 McNabb 200 others 100

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