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Wuerffel doubters tune in...

Orange&Blue Skins

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Originally posted by escholz

Just out of curiosity, is there REALLY a University of Miami? I'm starting to wonder. Being from the DC area, you see graduates of many different schools working and living here. I have NEVER in my life met a graduate of that institituion. I'm really starting to wonder if they are just a football team and that's it. I haven't spent much time in Florida, so I don't know. What's up with that? Is it just a terrible school or what?

Damn good question. I live in NW FLorida and I've never met a UM grad. I know a couple of people that claim that they went there but none graduated. I've been to the Orange (toilet)Bowl many times but I've never acftually seen the UM campus.


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Gator Fans:

STOP it. Just because you have a good college QB does NOT mean that guy is an NFL world beater. Im sorry. Give it up, move on.

"But....but....Danny Won the Heisman! He's....from FLORIDA!! HOW CAN HE NOT BE A FUTURE PRO BOWLER ONE DAY???? WAAA!"

Give it a rest. Its old, and tired.

Heath Shuler not any good at Tennessee? What are you smoking, Orange&Blue?

Typical Gator arrogance......they think they are the only ones capable of having good QBs in the SEC. About a month ago we heard the same thing from Instigator (Who's a mod over on Gator Country) about Peyton Manning, that he wasn't that "GREAT" of an SEC QB.

Yeah, whatever. Gators, if you cant accept that Danny has had his shot and failed, go back to Gator Country, relive the past, and slap each other on the back as you reminisce about that '96 season.

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I think your impression is slightly off. While I remain interested to see Wuerffel efficiently running Spurrier's offense, I do not believe he's the best option, largely due to somewhat questionable strength of arm.

However, if he gets into a zone within the offense, that won't be necessary and he could look very good. Spurrier thinks he's doing things he's not done before. I want to see him do the things Spurrier thinks he can do and see how it goes, but, the bit better arm on Matthews with a similar feel in the offense is probably a better fit.

Matthews just has to overcome years of counter-training and get back to doing what Spurrier wants. Wuerffel will have my full support if he starts. I wouldn't be surprised with a very nice performance that allows you to come back and laugh at the world. But, with Wuerffel, I wonder at the consistency. Obviously he's pressing now and if he is already, what'll he do when he knows it's his final shot? We'll see how he handles it.

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Originally posted by Orange&Blue Skins

First off, anyone who compares Wuerffel to Schuler should be banned from the Internet, unsubscribed from the English language, and have his reproductive organs removed. Schuler wasn't even any good in college. When we picked him up I almost puked.

Second, I'd suggest you folks go with Art on this one. His posts have been insightful and well thought out. If you do you'll lead happy productive lives and move beyond all these nonsensical bitterness.

Having said that, I believe Art's posts have been a coping mechanism to explain why the HBC will give Danny the start and to deal what many of you view as an unbelievable bone-headed move.

I truly believe Wuerffel is the best QB on the team. Art somewhere deep down I think you may agree. In the preseason I think you said it yourself, Wuerffel just has that intangible something. He is the best leader on this team and although it doesn't translate through the TV camera, he inspires confidence in the huddle.

The funny thing is, allot of guys here think Matthews is an acceptable QB. Danny is twice as good, and if weren't for some fluky circumstances during the preseason, I think DW is your starter.

I tell you what; I will save you guys some room on the DW bandwagon, and invite you back on warmly after the Tennessee game. In some ways, I'm actually pleased to see all this adversity and gnashing of teeth. It will make it all that much sweeter when the HBC, Marvin and Danny are driving us deep in the playoffs.


PS: Art, I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, that is not my intention. This is just my impression.


My god......you must be Danny Wuerrfel himself to type that. Either that or related to him!

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I am a Gator fan and this thread offends me. To insinuate that DW will be a great NFL qb because of his NCAA past is ignorant.

I agree with ART, the best thing is probably to just let DW start and get it out of SS's system. End it once and for all, or if by some act of God, if Danny's praying does him some good on the football field and he does well, then fine.

I personally feel like Ramsey is going to be the answer. He has the physical tools that the others lack and from all accounts is very intelligent.

Once he learns the offense as well as DW, then he has the clear advantage because he is playing with a bazoka while Danny, Shane and Sage are packing super soakers....

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Originally posted by Orange&Blue Skins

I tell you what; I will save you guys some room on the DW bandwagon, and invite you back on warmly after the Tennessee game. In some ways, I'm actually pleased to see all this adversity and gnashing of teeth. It will make it all that much sweeter when the HBC, Marvin and Danny are driving us deep in the playoffs.

I hope you're right, O&B. But if you're not, please don't come back and waste our time whining about the offensive line. Matthews has performed adequately with the same O-line that we'll trot out against Tennessee. If you try and pull that, you're not going to get as friendly a response as you got this time.

While you're at it, you may want to head over to the Gators message board and try to convince the Gator faithful that Danny is an NFL QB, because it looks like most of them aren't so sure. Even Spurrier said, "We're about at the point with Danny where it's 'Can you play or not?'" If we've already gone to Ramsey by the third quarter, you may be wise to keep a low profile around here for a while.

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You should be spending more time worring about how to keep me from kicking your a$$ in FF this week. Quit wasting your time being offended by the truth. Do you realize I could start Wuerfell this week and still beat you?

You have bigger fish to fry my friend.


Gator Country is the worst board around. If you're not in lock step with their moderators you're banned. Any hint of criticism about anything Gator and you are banned. I am a bigggg Gator fan, but I'm not welcome at that turd site. I could go on, but there is no reason to here.

ExtremeSkins is by far the best board in the country.

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I am with coderama. I can not sit here and type that I think D.W. will turn it around and be a great NFL QB. Can he do better than he has? Probably (can't get worse). Is he better than Shane - No. Is he better than Ramsey - No.

The only way D.W. could do good in this offense is if we run 3 or 2 to 1 vs. the pass. Then D.W. might could make some intermediate throws or screen passes, etc.

As bad as I want to think differently, D.W. just doesn't have the tools.

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This post is all the evidence you need to see that O&B is a Gators fan and not a Skin. But then again, we all knew that.......


I love it when enemy posters question my allegiance to this team.

What kind of twisted spiteful little world do you live in? Your basic reason for existing is to create strife on your enemy's board. I guess cheering for felons will warp you though.

Criticizing a Redskin player that went to Florida = True Fan

Criticizing a Redskin player that went to a lesser school = Closet Homer


Give me a break. Smoot has been all show no go. He is a funny, ****y guy; but I haven't seen much out of him yet.

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Originally posted by Orange&Blue Skins Gator Country is the worst board around. If you're not in lock step with their moderators you're banned. Any hint of criticism about anything Gator and you are banned.
Interesting that on a board that you claim will ban you for criticizing the Gators, there is a TON of criticism of Wuerffel going on right now. VERY interesting.
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Originally posted by Orange&Blue Skins


You should be spending more time worring about how to keep me from kicking your a$$ in FF this week. Quit wasting your time being offended by the truth. Do you realize I could start Wuerfell this week and still beat you?

You have bigger fish to fry my friend.

I don't lose too much sleep over fantasy football.

Being offended by the truth? I have been in support of DW getting a fair chance since day one. He has had his fair chance, and he hasn't done anything with it. I personally feel the upside of Ramsey if way more important than the fact that DW was a great if not the greatest college qb. NOTE: I loved Heath Shuler too after seeing him play vs. the Gators. But look what happend. Danny's arm is a big problem. I hoped it wouldn't be, but it is.

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