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Wuerffel doubters tune in...

Orange&Blue Skins

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O&B Skins, no one is arguing with you that DW was a fantastic college QB. But that's not the man we've been seeing. Even his most stalwart defender, Spurrier, says that he's done some very "weird" things. Because SOS is a great coach, he lays the burden on himself and says things like, "I haven't been coaching him well." But do you really believe it was Spurrier's coaching that's telling DW to loft obvious interceptions? Even Wuerffel himself admitted that he wanted that pass back almost before it left his fingertips.

I'm not disrespecting your boy. But you can't blame the rest of the offense for his mistakes. The line played as poorly for Shane as for Wuerffel, and Rod Gardner did his darndest to try and knock that last INT away. You have to allocate at least some of the responsibility for the extremely poor passing game when DW is in to poor QB play, right?

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I don't know how anyone can stand up for Danny Weurffel right now.

I'm sick and tired of all yous Gators that keep telling me how SWEET DW was in 1996. Look, for the last time...GET OVER IT!!

He could torch a defense in college but now all he can manage to do is panic in the face of pressure and throw ill-advised, girly lobs down the middle of the field into double coverage.

What does that tell you...THIS AIN'T COLLEGE!!!

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Wuerffel has been absolutely HORRIBLE under pressure for the Washington Redskins. Don't put in a college game tape and watch it on ESPN Classic to prove otherwise. Put in his appearances for this team, this year, and you'll see what you need. He has utterly shriveled up under pressure. Further, what makes it worse is, when he feels a hint of pressure outside, he actually steps up into more pressure rather than sliding away from where the pressure is coming from.

All of the traits you think he doesn't display in 1996 are those on shining display of late when he's playing for us. Now, I don't mind letting Spurrier get this love affair out of his system. People don't seem to understand that the game isn't lost by letting Wuerffel try his hand now. We still have Matthews and Ramsey if he's stinking it up. If he does well, this time in two weeks we may be encouraging doubting Eagle and Cowboy fans to watch the Sunshine network because that's the Wuerffel we just saw.

We all doubt that. I doubt that. If it doesn't happen, Spurrier can let this old flame die and get onto the future. Remember now that he has always felt in his mind that Wuerffel never had a fair shot out of college. Let him give that to him. If it doesn't work, that urge will be gone for good. If it works, we'll be happy for at least the time being. And we still have Matthews and Ramsey in reserve if he collapses. It's better to do this now while we have options than later if Matthews simply can't play.

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This is just sad. At some point, all these Gator fans are going to give up their childish fantasies and accept reality.

The Easter Bunny doesn't exist, Santa Claus doesn't give toys to good little boys and girls, and Danny Wuerffel is not an NFL-caliber QB.

If Matthews is injured and Ramsey isn't ready, then Wuerffel will get another try next week. While we're all hoping he'll throw out a NFC Player of the Week performance like Matthews did week one, all signs point in the other direction. I know even blind squirrels find a nut once in a while, but I'd say Danny's chances of leading the Skins to victory are somewhat worse than the blind squirrel's chances.

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Typical Gator fans living in the past :rolleyes:

One national Championship in 1996 and they think they are the Miami Hurricanes.

Speaking of, you notice how Spurrier left as soon as the Hurricanes got on the schedule. Now that is a great college program. Gators were just wannabes with padded wins from soft opponants.

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Do the Gators play in the Big East, or is that Miami? I just ask since you bring up a soft schedule. Miami has to play a tougher out of conference schedule than Florida because the conference schedule is far more easy.

Also, do you realize that college scheduling is done years in advance? I'm guessing you don't. You may want to factor that in.

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I don't know a whole lot about College ball, but didn't Spurrier win at Duke? ..and they suck! Spurrier has proven his coaching mettle, he doesn't make the schedule, he just plays it.

As for leaving when the 'canes got on the schedule: Hmm.. what would you do? Stay in college, or go to the 'Skins, make a sh!tload of money, and get another chance to see if his brand of coaching works in the NFL.? It's a no-brainer to me...it's not like HBC said to Snyder "wait, I can't sign a contract until I see what my college schedule will be llike".

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Not trying to start anything there are ya O.D.? :rolleyes: O&B, maybe in 1996, no.....So far in 2002, ( that would be 6 years later), yes. Add "into dbl coverage" to the answer to the last question. Now, I'll be the first to admit he looked good there for awhile during the preseason, and I was ready to jump on board, (well, maybe follow closely), the D.W. bandwagon in hopes S.S. would help turn him around... so far..... nope.

Even S.S., as has been noted, has been a little confused about D.W. . I've often said in S.S. I trust, so, I will. Did so when Mathews was named starter at the beginning of the season, not D.W. Guess we'll find out. :cheers:

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I don't give a rat's a$$ what Wuerffel did in college. There are plenty of QB's who looked great in college but weren't able to come close to the same success in the pros, and Wuerffel is the perfect example.

I can't understand why some people won't let it go and face the facts. Wuerffel is not a quality QB on the pro level, and he never will be.

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We'll get a chance to see what Weurfell can do under pressure as a starter against Tennessee. Looks like Spurrier's leaning towards him. I'll give it to Spurrier; He WANTS to give this kid a solid chance. So, if he DOES start instead of Pat -- that's what Redskins sources close to Spurrier are saying -- then I'm going to cheer on DW. I'll even cheer after the 2nd INT. BUT....if we're close and he lobs another ugly pass downfield into double or triple coverage, it's over. I will NOT defend Spurrier's choice for starting DW again!


For now! Cheers....let's have a great ballgame against the Titans!


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"Sage where are you when we need you?"

I think, now that the QB's are struggling, a lot of people are overestimating Sage. He may very well develop into a quality NFL QB, but he hasn't done it yet.

If we had Sage on the roster right now, I don't know that we would be any better off than putting Ramsey in - two talented young guys who are still learning the system, and who have NEVER played in the NFL.

I like Sage, and I want him to do well, but just because he held the clipboard last year (in a completely different offense) doesn't mean he's any more qualified than Patrick. Playing either one of those guys would mean that you're going to experience the growing pains of playing a rookie at QB (sage is, for all intents and purposes, a rookie).

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Originally posted by Art


Do the Gators play in the Big East, or is that Miami? I just ask since you bring up a soft schedule. Miami has to play a tougher out of conference schedule than Florida because the conference schedule is far more easy.

Also, do you realize that college scheduling is done years in advance? I'm guessing you don't. You may want to factor that in.

Just out of curiosity, is there REALLY a University of Miami? I'm starting to wonder. Being from the DC area, you see graduates of many different schools working and living here. I have NEVER in my life met a graduate of that institituion. I'm really starting to wonder if they are just a football team and that's it. I haven't spent much time in Florida, so I don't know. What's up with that? Is it just a terrible school or what?

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Originally posted by clubisyohankovic

"Sage where are you when we need you?"

I think, now that the QB's are struggling, a lot of people are overestimating Sage. He may very well develop into a quality NFL QB, but he hasn't done it yet.

If we had Sage on the roster right now, I don't know that we would be any better off than putting Ramsey in - two talented young guys who are still learning the system, and who have NEVER played in the NFL.

I like Sage, and I want him to do well, but just because he held the clipboard last year (in a completely different offense) doesn't mean he's any more qualified than Patrick. Playing either one of those guys would mean that you're going to experience the growing pains of playing a rookie at QB (sage is, for all intents and purposes, a rookie).

You're beating a dead horse. He's gone. I wish he was on the roster, but he ain't. Forget Sage. We've got to decide what to do with what we have.

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Originally posted by Orange&Blue Skins

ESPN Classic, Sunday at 6pm.

Does Danny get flustered by a blitz?

Does he have "deer in the headlights" eyes?

Does he throw weak-armed floaters?

See for yourself.

Seriously, o&b...was this some sort of joke? There is another thread on here that says 'trade Stephen Davis'. I am CONVINCED that some people on here are not watching the same games I am. I hate to even respond to this, but my jaw literally dropps everytime SS or anyone else advocates playing Wuerfel. Seriously, how many people predicted a sack and/or an INT after Wuerfel came in on Sunday? I know I did...

:shootinth :gus: :shootinth

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Originally posted by GoSkins


We'll get a chance to see what Weurfell can do under pressure as a starter against Tennessee. Looks like Spurrier's leaning towards him. I'll give it to Spurrier; He WANTS to give this kid a solid chance. So, if he DOES start instead of Pat -- that's what Redskins sources close to Spurrier are saying -- then I'm going to cheer on DW. I'll even cheer after the 2nd INT. BUT....if we're close and he lobs another ugly pass downfield into double or triple coverage, it's over. I will NOT defend Spurrier's choice for starting DW again!

Well, I will get the chance to see this first hand in Tenn. I hope that my Extremeskins shirts get here before then, so that I can wear one there. I hope you're right Go.

I can see Waffle getting crushed by the Titans pass rush. Is he mobile at all?



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Danny AWFUL reminds me of another GREAT College QB that played for the Redskins. Does Heath Shuler bring back memories??

First off, anyone who compares Wuerffel to Schuler should be banned from the Internet, unsubscribed from the English language, and have his reproductive organs removed. Schuler wasn't even any good in college. When we picked him up I almost puked.

Second, I'd suggest you folks go with Art on this one. His posts have been insightful and well thought out. If you do you'll lead happy productive lives and move beyond all these nonsensical bitterness.

Having said that, I believe Art's posts have been a coping mechanism to explain why the HBC will give Danny the start and to deal what many of you view as an unbelievable bone-headed move.

I truly believe Wuerffel is the best QB on the team. Art somewhere deep down I think you may agree. In the preseason I think you said it yourself, Wuerffel just has that intangible something. He is the best leader on this team and although it doesn't translate through the TV camera, he inspires confidence in the huddle.

The funny thing is, allot of guys here think Matthews is an acceptable QB. Danny is twice as good, and if weren't for some fluky circumstances during the preseason, I think DW is your starter.

I tell you what; I will save you guys some room on the DW bandwagon, and invite you back on warmly after the Tennessee game. In some ways, I'm actually pleased to see all this adversity and gnashing of teeth. It will make it all that much sweeter when the HBC, Marvin and Danny are driving us deep in the playoffs.


PS: Art, I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, that is not my intention. This is just my impression.


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Waffle recent problems have been his decisions he could have audibled to a running play instead of the need of making the immediate big play.

The skins only gaining 57 yards against flubby and company is ridiculous.

One Dollar is from tampon bay and a gator fan so his sh1t talking is like the jilted lover who after seeing their other half move on to someone better dis them by saying the sex wasnt great

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Originally posted by Orange&Blue Skins

I truly believe Wuerffel is the best QB on the team. Art somewhere deep down I think you may agree. In the preseason I think you said it yourself, Wuerffel just has that intangible something. He is the best leader on this team and although it doesn't translate through the TV camera, he inspires confidence in the huddle.


You know, I was going to reply to you on the other thread until I read the first post on this one and now...this. I admire the fact that you have that much confidence in Wuerffel. It is admirable. I can't and won't say that I understand it though.

How you can consider him the "best" leader on the team that he just got to the Redskins this year over players like Arrington, Champ, and Green among others is beyond me.

Enjoy your fantasy of Wuerffel "taking the team deep into the playoffs". It's not 1996 anymore and the Florida Gators don't play in the NFL.

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