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Any Redskin Fans take Pleasure in Dallas Fans Misery in the Heat Comeback??


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I used to be a huge NBA fan during the Jordan era. Over the past 6 years I can not stand the NBA, I would rather watch paint dry then the boring and never ending NBA playoffs. I am not sure it was the fact that the Wizards continually failed or the fact the NBA just became a bore.

For the first time in a very long time I watched nearly all of the NBA finals, why? Because after seeing all the Dallas fans so happy during games one and two, setting up a web-site for the parade AFTER game two and having the media and everyone else say that it was a done deal.....man there was nothing sweeter then seeing there faces during game 6 when Terry missed that 3 at the buzzer.

It definitly brought back memories of the MNF game where all the fans at Dallas stadium thought the game was in the bag, the announcers had written the game off and then BOOM we are up 14-13 and the Dallas fans don't even have time to complain, they are just all in basic shock and dismay. :laugh:


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I am a die hard REDSKIN fan and a HUGE Mav fan.

I live here in Dallas.

Do NOT equate the city to the football team or the other teams in this city.

They are NOT alike.

Oh, and to answer your question......No, I am not taking pleasure.


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Yea it was great. Im thanking Shaq, DeWayne Wade and the rest of the Heat Team in my head for beating them.

But wanna know somthing funny how the 14 Point Bomb we dropped on Dallas Stadium in those last 3 minutes?

I went to school the next day to laugh at my friend and this what he did.

*Looked at me like I was an idiot and said*

"It was just luke dude...."

*Rolls Eyes*

I laughed so hard after that!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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i actually wanted the mavs to win. i have no loyalty to either team, but for some reason my heart just went with the mavs for the finals (not because they won the first two games, i chose the mavs before the 1st game). but the heat pulled it off. d wade is a hell of a player and a man-beast.

so no, i didn't take pleasure in my own misery lol

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Well I am happy with the Heat winning for a different reason. I live in Sacramento, thus being a Kings fan which means I HATE the Lakers. So it I get to laugh at Kobe Bryant now since Shaq went on to win the championship without him, and Kobe still looks like the man who broke up the dynasty. :)

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Sorry Blondie but I can't root for any team with Dallas in the name. I have nothing against the players but as much respect as I have for Avery Johnson, that's how much I HATE Mark Cuban. Leave it to the NBA. If the NFL had an owner like that he'd be drummed out of the league.

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Sorry Blondie but I can't root for any team with Dallas in the name. I have nothing against the players but as much respect as I have for Avery Johnson, that's how much I HATE Mark Cuban. Leave it to the NBA. If the NFL had an owner like that he'd be drummed out of the league.

I do agree that Cuban is a tad over the top.

But I can promise you this.......if I had HIS MONEY.....I would be more than a "tad" over the top!!



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I am a die hard REDSKIN fan and a HUGE Mav fan.

I live here in Dallas.

Do NOT equate the city to the football team or the other teams in this city.

They are NOT alike.

Oh, and to answer your question......No, I am not taking pleasure.



i actually like and respect the mavs. Dirk Nowitzki is one of my favorite players. and of course, it helps that my best friend is a die hard dallas fan (not to mention a packers fan, but he's not into football as much as basketball).

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I can seperate the two sports pretty easily. And I've noticed alot of you guys do too. I have nothing against the wizards. I really like Jamison too. So if they were in it, I'd most likely be rooting for them.

I have to admit, I hate every philadelphia team though.

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Honestly I could care less if the Mavericks won the series....Heck Darrell Armstrong is a "Legend" for his bold move! The Wizards were eliminated so it didnt matter to me...i only watched about 30 mins of the whole series anywho.

Mavericks and Cowboys are a different specie....I love the Wizards and the Redskins but bball and football are completely different when it comes to hatred for teams.

U dont see and didnt see ANY bandwagon Mavs fans around here on their playoff, Finals run....if the Cowboys do anything good u will see them pop up around here......but if the Cowboys get beaten by us the gear goes in the closet.

I dont mind the Mavericks at all.....maybe Shaq will retire now that he got another ring......it would make the Wizards division easier that is for sure.

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I'm loving it .. I think the Mavs believe their own hype and what the media was putting out there . You might be more athletic and deeper you may even have more star power but that does not make you the better team. The better team won last night. You can make an argument for the refs whatever which I think is kind of lame. The truth is that they did not get the job done. It shouldn't even gotten to this point. Mavs have no one to blame but themselves . I was on a Mav board a little while ago and between them and the Seahawks fans . I have no idea who is whinning the worse. I am happy with the results I said Miami was going to win. Everyone down here on my job looked at me like I lost my mind. I am a Lakers fan so of course I didn't want anyone else from the West to win it if the Lakers couldn't .

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The Mavs aren't our rivals. There are only two cities I hate all teams in, New York and Philly.

I was actually pulling for the Mavs. Plus TO is a Heat fan. Need I say more?

My hatred for Dallas goes far beyond my hatred for Terrell, he is just a hired gun.


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