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Florida A Life Lab For Helmet Laws?


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The number of motorcycle riders without helmets who died in crashes in Florida was about 22 a year before the state repealed its helmet law, and rose to 250 in 2004, after helmets were made optional.


*Disclaimer* - All FREAK news comes from Florida so it may not be a good example......

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Too bad they don't calculate the increased medical expenses that got passed on to Joe Shmoe, whose insurance premiums will relflect the poor choices of idiots with 10 cent heads.

Meh, we won't be paying for their social security or old age care, though. Natural selection at its finest.

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Actually, it is really expensive to keep a vegetable alive in a hospital bed for a couple of decades.

For people that ride in states that don't have a law should sign a legal document stating that no tax payers money (local/state/federal) will be used for the care of the person that got his head busted open because of their lack of a helmet. I like the idea that the Social Security be included if they become a vegetable as a result of their busted head. Let these people use their insurance, life savings, house, friends, relatives and whatever other sources of revenue to pay for their head injuries. Just don't use taxpayers money.

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The number of motorcycle riders without helmets who died in crashes in Florida was about 22 a year before the state repealed its helmet law, and rose to 250 in 2004, after helmets were made optional.


*Disclaimer* - All FREAK news comes from Florida so it may not be a good example......

The state of Floridas' legislature should be ashamed of themselves.
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