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Ann Coulter on Leno


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Who watched it tonight? Anyone else want to shut that gas bag up?

First, does the girl eat? She is skin and bones and the black dress was a pale attempt for her to look sexy.

She explained her conservative view and promoted her new book. She pointed out that liberals got upset at the 9/11 women comment but not at calling them godless. She also pointed out she doesn't need a bodyguard because she hangs out with conservative men and she has never slept with a liberal.

The media hyped the show with George Carlin and Coulter but there was no fireworks. Carlin just sat there quiet. You could see that Carlin disagreed with her and I really wish he would have spoken up. I really wish Carlin would have ripped her a new one.

End rant.

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I wouldn't touch her. Could you imagine the baggage with that pyscho? My god, I'd end up killing myself (but of course I'd be sure to take her along with me- to save you all your sanity, you're welcome). Anyhoo, she's a nutcase, and an annoying, ****y one at that.

Not to mention, she has a penis.

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She came off as extremely narcissistic. I don't mean in the vanity sense, but more of the actual medical condition. It was ridiculous.

I wish Carlin would have spoken up too, but I think he was being respectful of Leno's show and didn't try to Hijack it. My favorite part was when Leno tried to make the point that her contempt for liberals and stuff is all just a front; part of the formula of her success. As if she was always illmannered towards other people just because of their party association. Of course, she denied and basically admitted to being a cold hearted ***** 24/7. I guess she never has compassion for people who don't share her views, even when the cameras are off, and she's just a regular Joe like the rest of us.

P.S. - Answering a question with another question is the worst type of answer ever. (in reference to how coulter responded to Leno's question about the 9/11 widows -- "thats an issue to them, but calling them godless isn't?")

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"....she has never slept with a liberal."

Seeing how she's a conservative Christain, shouldn't she also not be sleeping with conservatives?


Exactly. You would think that she would advocate abstinence before marriage...but whatever. Who wants to sleep with someone as conservative as her anyway? She probably does it with the lights off and her socks on.

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With someone like Ann Coulter, I just wonder how long it will take for people to realize that she is a charlatan. I don't know who's more pathetic, Ann Coulter or the people who pay any attention to her.

Definiltely the people that pay attention to her and buy her books; she's making money off of them. :)

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The media hyped the show with George Carlin and Coulter but there was no fireworks. Carlin just sat there quiet. You could see that Carlin disagreed with her and I really wish he would have spoken up. I really wish Carlin would have ripped her a new one.

What useful end would have been served by Carlin and Coulter going at it last night on live TV? Would anyone's mind have been changed on anything? Would anyone have been proven right or wrong on any issue? Or would it just have been another opportunity for the media (on both sides) to portray the differences between Liberals and Conservatives as a cultural war for the soul of America?

Whether I agree with Carlin or Coulter on any particular issue, I don't believe it's appropriate to attack them on a personal level. Whether it's in regard to their lifestyle, their appearance, etc.... That's the last bastion of people who can't actually make a reasonable case for their own point to begin with; and it's what this thread appears to be quickly devolving into. Disagree with Coulter's positions, opinions and writings all you want. That's fine. When you start making the personal attacks you lose the vast majority of your credibility in my mind.

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Whether I agree with Carlin or Coulter on any particular issue, I don't believe it's appropriate to attack them on a personal level. Whether it's in regard to their lifestyle, their appearance, etc.... That's the last bastion of people who can't actually make a reasonable case for their own point to begin with; and it's what this thread appears to be quickly devolving into. Disagree with Coulter's positions, opinions and writings all you want. That's fine. When you start making the personal attacks you lose the vast majority of your credibility in my mind.

Excellent point, MSF, and worth repeating.

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Whether I agree with Carlin or Coulter on any particular issue, I don't believe it's appropriate to attack them on a personal level. Whether it's in regard to their lifestyle, their appearance, etc.... That's the last bastion of people who can't actually make a reasonable case for their own point to begin with; and it's what this thread appears to be quickly devolving into. Disagree with Coulter's positions, opinions and writings all you want. That's fine. When you start making the personal attacks you lose the vast majority of your credibility in my mind.

Her appearance is entirely relevant to this discussion, which you would realize if you'd seen the interview. During one question, she responded by essentially calling herself sexy (w/ a hot dress and long hair), thus bringing her appearance into any discussion of what actually transpired last night.

On a separate note, Carlin was being respectful of Leno by piping down. Would it have been great to see him zing her a few times? Absolutely- but not in that forum. She was Jay's guest, and I'm sure Carlin is aware that Jay doesn't make a living by allowing his guests to be ambushed onstage.

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Liberals are Godless but Coulter is a single working woman that has never cared to have a family yet talks about what kind of men she sleeps with. She promotes violence, has no regard for human life that isn't american conservative or unborn, has no problem lying or insulting anyone, and I can't remember the last time this queen of the harpies even mentioned charity of any sort. Her book was released on 06/06/06.

Folks - she's the devil. Just accept it.

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O.K., I'll admit it. I watch the show last night in hopes of seeing a train wreck. Unfortunatly, it didn't materialize.

When Coulter first came out, I got a kick out of Carlin's remark that he "had to move to the right" of Coulter in order to sit down.

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She does not claim she is a Christian, She just claims to be conservative who believes in God (there is a significant difference). Her lifestyle can not be held to the standards of Christian belief if she does not profess that faith. Just as anyone's behavior can not be held to spiritual standards they do not embrace.:2cents:

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Liberals are Godless but Coulter is a single working woman that has never cared to have a family yet talks about what kind of men she sleeps with.

It seems you're imposing your "God" on her. I can tell you that the "GodS" that I believe in would find very little wrong with her actions. I don't believe I've ever heard (and I definitely don't care) what her religious beliefs are. I will admit it would be hypocritical of her to call others "Godless" if she isn't adhering to the tenants of her own religion.

She promotes violence, has no regard for human life that isn't american conservative or unborn,

Gee, that actually sounds like MY beliefs for the most part. Then again I have a belief that humanity is quickly devolving mentally into a creature not worthy of life anyway.

has no problem lying or insulting anyone,

I will admit that Coulter's personality is pretty harsh at times. Harsher than I'd generally prefer. Which is part of why I don't generally pay much attention to her. Though, before tossing the lying accusations out there, members of the Left-Wing media might want to make sure Michael A. Bellesiles' name doesn't come up.

and I can't remember the last time this queen of the harpies even mentioned charity of any sort.

So what? Charity is a personal decision. I probably paid more for breakfast this morning than I've donated to charity in the last four years as well. That's my (and her) right. Besides, way too much of our taxes are going to the same people in the form of state and federal aid already. To paraphrase a well known cliche.... "I gave at the paycheck."

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I wouldn't touch her. Could you imagine the baggage with that pyscho? My god, I'd end up killing myself (but of course I'd be sure to take her along with me- to save you all your sanity, you're welcome). Anyhoo, she's a nutcase, and an annoying, ****y one at that.

She's totally the chick that burns all your clothes after the breakup.

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Exactly. You would think that she would advocate abstinence before marriage...but whatever. Who wants to sleep with someone as conservative as her anyway? She probably does it with the lights off and her socks on.

Dead fish........

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It seems you're imposing your "God" on her. I can tell you that the "GodS" that I believe in would find very little wrong with her actions. I don't believe I've ever heard (and I definitely don't care) what her religious beliefs are. I will admit it would be hypocritical of her to call others "Godless" if she isn't adhering to the tenants of her own religion.

We can all make up our own Gods that justify the way we live if we really want to - but that's just self serving BS. There is one God we can either accept him or create our own fiction to feel better about the bad choices we make.

So what? Charity is a personal decision. I probably paid more for breakfast this morning than I've donated to charity in the last four years as well. That's my (and her) right. Besides, way too much of our taxes are going to the same people in the form of state and federal aid already. To paraphrase a well known cliche.... "I gave at the paycheck."
"By their fruits you will know them"
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I just don't see the physical attraction to that woman. When she looked straight at the camera before the show ended, both my gf and I went "Ahhh!" and moved back away from the TV. It was scary. I guess if someone finds her attractive, more power to them, but as far as appearances goes, she is defintely not my cup of tea. She is zero reason for vanity, because she is very much an average woman in beauty: Better her conservative "he-men" than me. *Shivers*

I was also surprised Carlin did not say anything, and I think he was with his body language, but I believe he was trying to avoid a scene and had some self control. Unlike Coulter, who seems to blurb anything that pops up on her brain. By the way, it was funny awkward when she was trying to joke around with Carlin, who didn't seem interested, and that (interesting) Irish singer who had the "fascists" sticker. How appropriate.

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