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Ann Coulter on Leno


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And, by the way, her "conservative" movement, to me, seems just as godless as the Liberal movement that she says is godless. I do not see any Christian attributes from her words, actions, and thoughts on various wordly subjects: Do any of you? So, if some Liberals do not mind being called "godless," I guess you can say, at least they are honest. She is the worst sort of Limbaugh-like person that claims to be Christian, but doesn't have any real Christian attributes.

Can anyone defend her as a Christian? And the reason why I am making this point is because she herself makes this point.

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She does not claim she is a Christian, She just claims to be conservative who believes in God (there is a significant difference). Her lifestyle can not be held to the standards of Christian belief if she does not profess that faith. Just as anyone's behavior can not be held to spiritual standards they do not embrace.

Coulter has made the claims of being a Christian: "Throughout this book, I often refer to Christians and Christianity because I am a Christian and I have a fairly good idea of what they believe, but the term is intended to include anyone who subscribes to the Bible of the God of Abraham, including Jews and others."

And that is the issue - Coulter throws out so much stuff, just "blah, blah, blah," and often contradicts herself, that many do not even know what she says since even she can't keep track of what she states.


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We can all make up our own Gods that justify the way we live if we really want to - but that's just self serving BS. There is one God we can either accept him or create our own fiction to feel better about the bad choices we make.

"By their fruits you will know them"

Destino, lets try not to turn this into a religion thread. I'm not Christian. I haven't been since 13:05 EST; August 22, 2001. My maternal grandfather was a Lutheran minister for more than sixty years. My mother works as a church organist and director of music. I have more family members involved in Christian churches than I care to discuss. I've been a Stewardship Chairman for a church in my younger days. Preaching at me is just going to be a HUGE waste of your (and anyone else's) time. Save it for someone who wants to be "saved". I been to Oz and seen the little guy behind the curtain already.

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Destino, lets try not to turn this into a religion thread. I'm not Christian. I haven't been since 13:05 EST; August 22, 2001. My maternal grandfather was a Lutheran minister for more than sixty years. My mother works as a church organist and director of music. I have more family members involved in Christian churches than I care to discuss. I've been a Stewardship Chairman for a church in my younger days. Preaching at me is just going to be a HUGE waste of your (and anyone else's) time. Save it for someone who wants to be "saved". I been to Oz and seen the little guy behind the curtain already.

I don't preach to people. You asked a question and I responded. If you think you have the world figured out that's on you. What I'm saying is what I believe and even if you take God out of it the bottom line is that everyone has a choice. You can be part of the what is wrong or part of what is right. By those choices we know what is in the hearts of those we deal with.

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Coulter has made the claims of being a Christian: "Throughout this book, I often refer to Christians and Christianity because I am a Christian and I have a fairly good idea of what they believe, but the term is intended to include anyone who subscribes to the Bible of the God of Abraham, including Jews and others."

Ok. With that as background, she really has no leg to stand on if she's calling other people "Godless". I have never really paid much attention to her, since I'm not really in favor of women in the media, but there's definitely no reason to pay any attention to her now.

And that is the issue - Coulter throws out so much stuff, just "blah, blah, blah," and often contradicts herself, that many do not even know what she says since even she can't keep track of what she states.

Unfortunately the same could be said about every politician and political pundit on every part of the political spectrum. That's not just Ann Coulter's problem.

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Destino, lets try not to turn this into a religion thread. I'm not Christian. I haven't been since 13:05 EST; August 22, 2001. My maternal grandfather was a Lutheran minister for more than sixty years. My mother works as a church organist and director of music. I have more family members involved in Christian churches than I care to discuss. I've been a Stewardship Chairman for a church in my younger days. Preaching at me is just going to be a HUGE waste of your (and anyone else's) time. Save it for someone who wants to be "saved". I been to Oz and seen the little guy behind the curtain already.

I think Destino, and myself as well, has only brought this up since Coulter has made this as a main topic of attack upon others. She has basically demonized others for their religion, or lack of faith - I believe that her claims of Christianity is merely hypocritical.

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This "Ann Coulter on Leno" thread looks suspiciously similar to every other Coulter thread I've ever seen here. Let me guess, soon to come are going to be "Ann Coulter on the Factor", "Ann Coulter on Dayside", "Ann Coulter on Your World" and they'll all be saying exactly the same things with the possible exception of the color dress she was wearing. Ann Coulter is psychotic, Ann Coulter is mean, she's gaunt, too thin, unatractive, has a penis, who'd ever sleep with her, she deserves to die, blah blah blah.

Some of you need to get a life. Or at least get a little more in depth and creative with your Coulter smears.

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I think Destino, and myself as well, has only brought this up since Coulter has made this as a main topic of attack upon others. She has basically demonized others for their religion, or lack of faith - I believe that her claims of Christianity is merely hypocritical.

Ok, that's fine. Personally, I believe that people confuse the concepts of Religion and Values. Yes, many people get their Values/Morals from their religious background, but that's not the only place that I believe they come from. I know that's not the only place that mine come from.

Coulter and many others in the Republican Party seem to believe that Christianity is the be-all and end-all of social and societal morality. I disagree. No religion holds any moral high-ground at this point in history, so far as I'm concerned. We need to disassociated morals and religion from each other as a culture. We need to rebuild the concept of a cultural morality over a religious morality.

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If you thought THAT was hillarious you ought to go searching through some of my older posts. You'll be lying on the floor laughing so hard that you'll pee when you read my other views on women.

Oh, I've read them before, I assure you. I just wasn't expecting it this time, for some reason... lol

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Oh, I've read them before, I assure you. I just wasn't expecting it this time, for some reason... lol

Probably because she claims to be a Conservative, which is what I am. All too often people here (and everywhere else) are much less likely to rip people who claim to agree with them than they are to rip people who disagree with them.

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Coulter has made the claims of being a Christian: "Throughout this book, I often refer to Christians and Christianity because I am a Christian and I have a fairly good idea of what they believe, but the term is intended to include anyone who subscribes to the Bible of the God of Abraham, including Jews and others."

And that is the issue - Coulter throws out so much stuff, just "blah, blah, blah," and often contradicts herself, that many do not even know what she says since even she can't keep track of what she states.


Now that Coulter, with her typical intellectual agility (in the sense that someone experiencing an epileptic seizure is demonstrating physical agility) has included Jews in her definition of Christians, maybe she can do the same with Muslims and bring the middle east closer to unity with the west and each other in one swell foop.

I still say a PPV of her and Michael Moore, released after 48 of being duct-taped together nekkid in a sensory deprivation tank, and then dropped on a uninhabited island to survive for one week, would be a huge money-maker.

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This "Ann Coulter on Leno" thread looks suspiciously similar to every other Coulter thread I've ever seen here. Let me guess, soon to come are going to be "Ann Coulter on the Factor", "Ann Coulter on Dayside", "Ann Coulter on Your World" and they'll all be saying exactly the same things with the possible exception of the color dress she was wearing. Ann Coulter is psychotic, Ann Coulter is mean, she's gaunt, too thin, unatractive, has a penis, who'd ever sleep with her, she deserves to die, blah blah blah.

Some of you need to get a life. Or at least get a little more in depth and creative with your Coulter smears.

BlueTalon, I suggest that perhaps you may want to read Coulter, considering your above statement. After all, she has made a living off of "smears," lacks depth and creativity, and is basically 10x more nasty then any statement that has been said in this thread. After all, we haven't threatened to kill her, while she has used "kill" and "liberal" in the same breath, and liberals are, no matter what, fellow Americans.

Ann Coulter is mean, she's gaunt, too thin, unatractive, has a penis, who'd ever sleep with her, she deserves to die, blah blah blah.

What's ironic, once again, is that this is Ann Coulter: Half of what she states is an attempt to insult. She'll say all of the above, but "to liberals" or whoever does not agree with Ann: it's her Modus Operandi. To some folks, this is a thread to perhaps vent about a person that some despise - to her, such "mean" statements is a living and a way of life. So, really, who is worse? Some fans on a football who feel annoyed enough by her presence to post their thoughts on a thread, or a person who writes book after book and goes on TV, saying worse things then we have said about *her* on this thread?

Maybe Ann Coulter needs to "get a life," and that is our whole point.

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Carlin should have said "So you would rather sleep with Rush Limbuagh than George Clooney?"

Ok. Let's assume that Carlin had asked her that question and that she answered "Yes George, I would rather sleep with Rush Limbaugh than George Clooney".

So what? As I've commented in the past, a woman's philosophy on the world and her values are as important to me as her physical appearance. Yes, some people DO actually put as great or greater importance on a potential mate's beliefs as their physical appearance.

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BlueTalon, I suggest that perhaps you may want to read Coulter, considering your above statement. After all, she has made a living off of "smears," lacks depth and creativity, and is basically 10x more nasty then any statement that has been said in this thread. After all, we haven't threatened to kill her, while she has used "kill" and "liberal" in the same breath, and liberals are, no matter what, fellow Americans.

What's ironic, once again, is that this is Ann Coulter: Half of what she states is an attempt to insult. She'll say all of the above, but "to liberals" or whoever does not agree with Ann: it's her Modus Operandi. To some folks, this is a thread to perhaps vent about a person that some despise - to her, such "mean" statements is a living and a way of life. So, really, who is worse? Some fans on a football who feel annoyed enough by her presence to post their thoughts on a thread, or a person who writes book after book and goes on TV, saying worse things then we have said about *her* on this thread?

Maybe Ann Coulter needs to "get a life," and that is our whole point.

I do read Coulter, and agree with most of what she says. When I read her, I do it with my "hyperbole filter" on. The stuff I disregard doesn't bother me much because basically I share her worldview, whereas when I read Al Frankin, his hyperbole really rubs me the wrong way. I'm guessing the converse is probably true with you.

I made the point in a previous Ann Coulter thread that she is caustic, and intentionally so, and she sells a lot of books that way. An unintended consequence is that she serves as a lightning rod for conservatives, and she certainly causes sparks to fly -- but as people are responding to her and are preoccupied with that, the substance of what she says gets elevated into the public debate, sort of under the radar.

BTW, I don't consider "death to the other side" type hyperbole to be significantly different than any other type of hyperbole. So CoachingWinsChampionships' early post about killing himself and her is not the sort of thing I take seriously or get any more offended at than, say, speculation on her sexual practices. And when Coulter says something about death and liberals, I don't find that any more compelling than when Michael Moore complained to the terrorists that they killed the wrong people in the 9/11 attacks. (I haven't read her new book yet, so if she said something about "killed" and "liberals" in the same sentence in there, I haven't yet seen it. If it's horrifically egregious, I reserve the right to change my mind about it.)

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Let me ask you this, Blue: Do you consider all Democrats or Liberals traitors? Do you think that John Walker Lindh should have been executed to show liberals that "they can be killed too"? (That is the "killed" comment, at least the first one...) Just as a note - I am not trying to attack your own position. But, to be honest, I really can't *see* Coulter's position on some issues because they are always lost in her diatribes and obxious statements.

But let me ask some further questions, if I may: Do you believe that New Yorkers would surrender if invaded? Apparently, even though Ann lives in New York, that is her feeling. Also, do you believe that all Liberals are godless? Or, of you read the following page, you will see some of her further words: http://users.rcn.com/skutsch/anticoulter/evilstupid.html

I just do not see the value of her opinions, and not because she is a supposed conservative - really, I don't, and I have read conservative books on more then one occasion. When we have Horowitz, O'Reilly, and Limbaugh defending her, saying she "does not lie" when it is a proven fact that she lies and invents facts "on the spot," when we have Conservative leaders defending her, then the debate between both sides of the aisle will never develop, and the gulf widens.

For the only bottom line theme that I hear from Ann is that she hates Liberals, belives that they are evil or stupid, and they should be possibly killed. And while I am more of a moderate then anything else, I do have some traditional liberal views, especially considering the liberal history of this nation. And that is why she annoys me: This country has a strong liberal history, and Ann is so ignorant, I would venture that she couldn't even speak with intelligence on where ideas such as property and invidual rights originated.

I wish I could debate Coulter - I would fare quite well against her.

If Ann's thoughts are indeed the new Conservative movment, then the Conservative movement has most certainly changed, and not for the better.

I do read Coulter, and agree with most of what she says. When I read her, I do it with my "hyperbole filter" on. The stuff I disregard doesn't bother me much because basically I share her worldview, whereas when I read Al Frankin, his hyperbole really rubs me the wrong way. I'm guessing the converse is probably true with you.

To a degree, though Al Franken is a bit funnier, and his book was better researched. Also, his book does demonstrate some of the hypocrisy evident by some of the Right's media stars. These individuals, such as Ann and O'Reilly, are sloppy with their work, and do not hesitate to create facts to fit their needs. Everyone is perfect, but this seems to be a repeating pattern with these inviduals.

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I obviously can't answer for Blue, but I'll give you my views on this as someone who's about a far Right on the political scale as humanly possible.

Do you consider all Democrats or Liberals traitors?

Nope. Idiots and fools, yes. Potential traitors, yes. Actual traitors, no.

Do you think that John Walker Lindh should have been executed to show liberals that "they can be killed too"? .

Nope. He should have been executed for planning to engage in military action against the US Army, but not to show liberals that they can be killed.

Do you believe that New Yorkers would surrender if invaded? .

I do believe that there are many New Yorkers who would prefer that NYC was located in Europe or somewhere else that was even more socialist than New York State. As for whether they'd surrender of fight if the city was invaded... I think it would depend on who did the invading.

Also, do you believe that all Liberals are godless? .

Nope. I know a lot of Liberals who attend a church, synagogue, mosque or other religious services. I do believe that a large percentage of Liberals have no regard for the traditional morals and values that this country was founded on, however.

When we have Horowitz, O'Reilly, and Limbaugh defending her, saying she "does not lie" when it is a proven fact that she lies and invents facts "on the spot," when we have Conservative leaders defending her, then the debate between both sides of the aisle will never develop, and the gulf widens.

Every politician and political pundit lies. It's their standard MO. The liberals/Dems have no more of a right to claim indignation about lying than we Conservatives and the Republicans (who are not Conservative).

For the only bottom line theme that I hear from Ann is that she hates Liberals, belives that they are evil or stupid, and they should be possibly killed. And while I am more of a moderate then anything else, I do have some traditional liberal views, especially considering the liberal history of this nation. And that is why she annoys me: This country has a strong liberal history, and Ann is so ignorant, I would venture that she couldn't even speak with intelligence on where ideas such as property and invidual rights originated.

I hate liberals too. I believe that their policies are evil and stupid. I don't think they should be killed outright though.

If Ann's thoughts are indeed the new Conservative movment, then the Conservative movement has most certainly changed, and not for the better.

No. Ann's thoughts have no connection to Conservatism at all. They are connected to Republicanism, which has absolutely no connection to Conservatism.

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I do read Coulter, and agree with most of what she says. When I read her, I do it with my "hyperbole filter" on. The stuff I disregard doesn't bother me much because basically I share her worldview, whereas when I read Al Frankin, his hyperbole really rubs me the wrong way. I'm guessing the converse is probably true with you.

I made the point in a previous Ann Coulter thread that she is caustic, and intentionally so, and she sells a lot of books that way. An unintended consequence is that she serves as a lightning rod for conservatives, and she certainly causes sparks to fly -- but as people are responding to her and are preoccupied with that, the substance of what she says gets elevated into the public debate, sort of under the radar.

BTW, I don't consider "death to the other side" type hyperbole to be significantly different than any other type of hyperbole. So CoachingWinsChampionships' early post about killing himself and her is not the sort of thing I take seriously or get any more offended at than, say, speculation on her sexual practices. And when Coulter says something about death and liberals, I don't find that any more compelling than when Michael Moore complained to the terrorists that they killed the wrong people in the 9/11 attacks. (I haven't read her new book yet, so if she said something about "killed" and "liberals" in the same sentence in there, I haven't yet seen it. If it's horrifically egregious, I reserve the right to change my mind about it.)

I really haven't read any of her books or paid attention to anything but her most sensational media moments-- I just don't care what she has to say. I judged the book by its cover and by the outrageous stuff she says and the rude, nasty way she says things. I personally have no desire to use my "hyperbole filter" to dig deeper and find the underlying message of someone who is so clearly trying to get her moment in the sun and make some money in the process. Their messages to me are a waste of everyone's time and begin to reveal how unimportant civil debate, discussion and compromise are in modern political forums (and politics). The 24 hour news networks are too focused on delivering entertaining shows that they've forgotten all about the truth and what should be the true goal of their business.

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