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Saunders offense


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How long do you guys think it will take us to learn this new offense? I was paging threw a preseason magazine the other day and it said KC struggled the first few years with it and the skins would be no different. For what its worth, the mag predicted us third in the division. How different is this offense from what Gibbs ran last year and realistically how long will it take us to figure it all out? Hopefully the preseason is all we need!

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Ahhh the media and their failure forecasts. Fact is, Saunders worked under Gibbs years ago when Gibbs worked under Coreyel (spelling?). It's already been mentioned that this offense is very similar to what they ran last year but with different terminology for some of the same exact plays. If the players and coaches study the playbook hard enough I really don't see there being a huge problem after training camp. :2cents:

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How long do you guys think it will take us to learn this new offense? I was paging threw a preseason magazine the other day and it said KC struggled the first few years with it and the skins would be no different.

I hope we struggle with it like KC did.

KC offensive rank under Saunders:

2001 -- 4th

2002 -- 5th

2003 -- 2nd

2004 -- 1st

2005 -- 1st

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I remember watching the game against the Chiefs last year, and it basically looks the same (of course this is coming from no expert lol). But we both have tons of screens and trick plays and like to run. I hope we don't struggle too much but im not expecting us to be in a perfect flow.

Also don't forget we hired Saunders to be the Head Offensive Coach so that Gibbs can do other things. So I doubt that Gibbs would want the offense to be completly turned around in just one year.

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To be honest, this is one thing I worry about.

sure Moss is amazing, brunell showed he has something left in the tank, Cp is a machine, the line is healthy and we got a LOT deeper on offense, but what if the new offense doesnt click? Im not putting down Saunders or his system, but what if it takes a while to put together? You cant expect our team to start producing like the chiefs O of the last few years right away, a new offense takes time to learn, and playing experince to work out the bugs and master.

Im just as excited about the skins putting up 40 points a game these season as the next fan, but I wont be suprised if we have 5-6 games where we score less than 17. I also see a few early season gams liek last year 10-7, 16-14 type of scores.

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To be honest, this is one thing I worry about.

sure Moss is amazing, brunell showed he has something left in the tank, Cp is a machine, the line is healthy and we got a LOT deeper on offense, but what if the new offense doesnt click? Im not putting down Saunders or his system, but what if it takes a while to put together? You cant expect our team to start producing like the chiefs O of the last few years right away, a new offense takes time to learn, and playing experince to work out the bugs and master.

Im just as excited about the skins putting up 40 points a game these season as the next fan, but I wont be suprised if we have 5-6 games where we score less than 17. I also see a few early season gams liek last year 10-7, 16-14 type of scores.

dude, i doubt we struggle.. it seems like saunders is adding a few more HUNDRED PLAYS but its the same terminology and mostly same formations.

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Moss broke the franchise single season receiving record in his first year in the Gibbs offense. I don't think the WRs will have much of a problem.

Portis and the RBs should be fine too. Portis especially, will look like he'll be going back to the offense that he specializes in.

I don't think Brunell will struggle with it either. He's been around for a long time, and I think at this point he can adjust to about anything.

The OL has me concerned though. They are smart and tough guys but can they learn a new blocking scheme?

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I thought I had read that Saunders' offense used the same terminology as Gibbs' offense. If the terms and concepts are the same then it becomes a matter of execution (can be worked on in practice) and familiarity (that comes with time).

To me, Saunders is going to add wrinkles and a speedier tempo instead of overhauling the entire O. No worries.

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Ahhh the media and their failure forecasts. Fact is, Saunders worked under Gibbs years ago when Gibbs worked under Coreyel (spelling?). It's already been mentioned that this offense is very similar to what they ran last year but with different terminology for some of the same exact plays. If the players and coaches study the playbook hard enough I really don't see there being a huge problem after training camp. :2cents:

His name is Don Coryell. Anyway, I am only a fan of the Saunders addition because both he and Gibbs come from the Coryell lineage. Thus, there should not be too much upheaval. It would be more difficult if we had brought in someone with a West Coast offense background - we tried that with Bill Musgrave last year, and I guess it did not work out too well since he is gone already. After all, under Gibbs, the Redskins don't lose coaches they want (e.g. Gregg Williams). I also don't think there will be too much trouble with Saunders because we have a bunch of veteran guys who should be able to pick up the changes to the offense. The only guy I'd be concerned about is Jason Campbell, since it's a lot for him to pick up as a young player and Saunders really expects a lot from his QBs in terms of decision-making. Of course, this is Campbell's 7th offensive coordinator in 6 years so I guess he is used to the change. Anyway I hope we can have some stability in the offensive scheme for Campbell's sake, so that he is comfortable and ready to go when called upon.

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The staple to Saunders offense is the way in which he uses different motions/formations to run plays and set up the defense. We already know Gibbs uses the same formations for different plays, has for years. We also know he uses many different motions for the same play, and we can audible motions, etc. as well as using the same motion for different plays.

This is very similar to Saunders concepts so I highly doubt our players are going to be looking at a totally different offense, just new wrinkles and new plays added in.

If Santana can come here his first year and produce the way he did then there is no doubt in my mind that we'll be ready to take on the challenge of Saunders new plays/motions.

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I hope we struggle with it like KC did.

KC offensive rank under Saunders:

2001 -- 4th

2002 -- 5th

2003 -- 2nd

2004 -- 1st

2005 -- 1st

Although struggling isn't the right term, the only reason KC wasn't #1 every year was because of their lack of talent at wide receiver. They never had a Santana Moss or a receiver with the skills of Brandon Lloyd.

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Although struggling isn't the right term, the only reason KC wasn't #1 every year was because of their lack of talent at wide receiver. They never had a Santana Moss or a receiver with the skills of Brandon Lloyd.

No kidding. Considering the receivers they had it is pretty darn impressive what they were able to do. Now you never know how things are going to turn out here but it is encouraging.

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KC had a solid offense in place before Saunders came over. Hell, they got 4,000 yards passing out of Elvis Grbac.

The language and plays shouldn't be any different, but I don't think you'll see the same type of scheme that was in place in KC. Saunders had the fortune of having a great O-Line along with Dunn, Kris Wilson, Gonzalez, and Richardson being very adept blockers out on the perimeter. Plus, he had Priest Holmes who was naturally a gifted receiver out of the backfield. Combine that with Gonzales' ungodly ability, he played to their personnel's strengths.

The Skins offensive personnel is different. Not to say they don't have a good O-Line, just not nearly as good as KC's was. Cooley is good, but not nearly as good as Gonzalez.

So instead of trying to replicate the KC offense, the Skins decided to beef up their personnel at wide receiver and got Lloyd and Randle El.

If anything, I suspect the scheme of the Redskins offense to look a lot like what Cincy does as they utilize a lot of 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 HB sets. I think the Skins have more threats at the skill positions than Cincy, but I'd take Palmer over Brunnell. The big question will be the O-Line. This scheme works well for Cincy because their O-Line has some great pass blockers that are solid run blockers. Thus they don't have to worry too much about the 3 WR scheme being suceptible to giving up sacks because their O-Line can handle it.

On the other hand, the Skins best O-Linemen (Jansen, Samuels, and Thomas) are great run blockers who are solid in pass protection. Plus, Braham is far better than Rabach and Thomas is only slightly better than Bobby Williams, but Eric Steinbach is far better than Derrick Dockery.

As a 'Boys fan, I suspect that the Skins will go with the Cincy scheme early. Whether it will work with the personnel the Skins have at O-Line is the question. Even still, I suspect if it doesn't work out like they would like early on, they'll probably just go to more max protect sets like they did last season.


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How long do you guys think it will take us to learn this new offense? I was paging threw a preseason magazine the other day and it said KC struggled the first few years with it and the skins would be no different. For what its worth, the mag predicted us third in the division. How different is this offense from what Gibbs ran last year and realistically how long will it take us to figure it all out? Hopefully the preseason is all we need!

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I would have to disagree with that magazine. Although Saunders is new to the team, the offense that KC ran is very similiar to that of Joe Gibbs. There will be some new language within the scheme and even some new plays but the basics are still the same for the most part. It definitely will not take as long as they say to become adjusted to the new style of offense. Also there is no way that the Skins will finish in third place for the division.

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KC had a solid offense in place before Saunders came over. Hell, they got 4,000 yards passing out of Elvis Grbac.

The language and plays shouldn't be any different, but I don't think you'll see the same type of scheme that was in place in KC. Saunders had the fortune of having a great O-Line along with Dunn, Kris Wilson, Gonzalez, and Richardson being very adept blockers out on the perimeter. Plus, he had Priest Holmes who was naturally a gifted receiver out of the backfield. Combine that with Gonzales' ungodly ability, he played to their personnel's strengths.

The Skins offensive personnel is different. Not to say they don't have a good O-Line, just not nearly as good as KC's was. Cooley is good, but not nearly as good as Gonzalez.

So instead of trying to replicate the KC offense, the Skins decided to beef up their personnel at wide receiver and got Lloyd and Randle El.

If anything, I suspect the scheme of the Redskins offense to look a lot like what Cincy does as they utilize a lot of 3 WR, 1 TE, 1 HB sets. I think the Skins have more threats at the skill positions than Cincy, but I'd take Palmer over Brunnell. The big question will be the O-Line. This scheme works well for Cincy because their O-Line has some great pass blockers that are solid run blockers. Thus they don't have to worry too much about the 3 WR scheme being suceptible to giving up sacks because their O-Line can handle it.

On the other hand, the Skins best O-Linemen (Jansen, Samuels, and Thomas) are great run blockers who are solid in pass protection. Plus, Braham is far better than Rabach and Thomas is only slightly better than Bobby Williams, but Eric Steinbach is far better than Derrick Dockery.

As a 'Boys fan, I suspect that the Skins will go with the Cincy scheme early. Whether it will work with the personnel the Skins have at O-Line is the question. Even still, I suspect if it doesn't work out like they would like early on, they'll probably just go to more max protect sets like they did last season.


wow, I agree with all of that, not bad for a C-boys fan. I think the personal is way to different to have a similiar offense, results might be the same but the offense will be different. I say the only thing that will be similiar will be the motion and movement before the snap. I love cooley to death, but he doesn't catch more than 30 balls this year. I don't think CP will catch many balls out of the backfield as well. I do think we will have three WR's with over 50 catches.

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I hope we struggle with it like KC did.

KC offensive rank under Saunders:

2001 -- 4th

2002 -- 5th

2003 -- 2nd

2004 -- 1st

2005 -- 1st

You'll struggle. Every team does when they get a new O-coordinator.

KC has a better line than you have. Larry Johnson/Priest Holmes are are more physical runners than Portis. You certainly don't have a Tony Gonzales on your team, and I believe anyone would rather have trent green than Brunell. You do have better recievers than KC though.

Also. In 2001, KC was 4th in total yards. But 16th in scoring.

It takes time. Don't expect miracles right away.

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You'll struggle. Every team does when they get a new O-coordinator.

KC has a better line than you have. Larry Johnson/Priest Holmes are are more physical runners than Portis. You certainly don't have a Tony Gonzales on your team, and I believe anyone would rather have trent green than Brunell. You do have better recievers than KC though.

Also. In 2001, KC was 4th in total yards. But 16th in scoring.

It takes time. Don't expect miracles right away.

Wow, that just drips with fear - you HOPE we'll struggle. If Saunders pans out, the Skins will by dyn-o-mite! While there will definitely be a learning curve, I don't think it'll be that steep - every report I have read says Gibbs and Saunders offense is quite similar - only the names have changed.

Other than that, there is a small difference in philosophy - while Gibbs will run one play until it is stopped (ask Randy White about that one) Saunders loves to mix it up.

We shall see - in a coach's league - no one can top the Skins' staff.


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