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Some of my medieval armour pictures...


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These are pictures of some of my armour that I have used for medieval reenactment; I thought I'd throw them up here in a post for the heck of it.

The pictures aren't of a high quality, but you can see some of the lamellar that I have made; it is rare to see lamellar as a recreated armour form. (The other armour is a spagenhelm and a bazaband arm armour.) These pictures are probably most interesting to those who are involved with reenactment or interested in earlier period armour.

Perhaps someone will find them of interest, though.















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These are pictures of some of my armour that I have used for medieval reenactment; I thought I'd throw them up here in a post for the heck of it.

The pictures aren't of a high quality, but you can see some of the lamellar that I have made; it is rare to see lamellar as a recreated armour form. (The other armour is a spagenhelm and a bazaband arm armour.) These pictures are probably most interesting to those who are involved with reenactment or interested in earlier period armour.

Perhaps someone will find them of interest, though.

Mi'Lord, well met. May I enquire as to what group you are involved with? That armor appears to be very well made and very similar to the styles of armor worn by members of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for heavy-list combat. I would know that since I am involved with the group as a fighter myself.

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Somehow I knew MSF and Baculus would meet in this thread. :)

LOL. I am hoping he's a SCAdian. The armor looks similar to the style of lamellar that many of the people I fight with wear. I enjoy meeting members of the SCA from other areas of the country and world. There are about 35K of us worldwide split into 19 Kingdoms. I got the opportunity to meet people from about a dozen kingdoms last August in Pennsylvania. It's interesting to see how different groups and individuals look at the SCA from the inside.

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LOL. I am hoping he's a SCAdian. The armor looks similar to the style of lamellar that many of the people I fight with wear. I enjoy meeting members of the SCA from other areas of the country and world. There are about 35K of us worldwide split into 19 Kingdoms. I got the opportunity to meet people from about a dozen kingdoms last August in Pennsylvania. It's interesting to see how different groups and individuals look at the SCA from the inside.

It would be hilarious if he's the guy you end up fighting in that battle royale you said you entered for your friend ...

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Somehow I knew MSF and Baculus would meet in this thread. :)


at last they meet. :silly:

Also - Do you ever run around without your ass plate just for laughs? :)


(c'mon Bac/Mass... you gotta admit that was pretty funny)

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It would be hilarious if he's the guy you end up fighting in that battle royale you said you entered for your friend ...

There would be some irony there, but it's not possible. Those of you who live in the VA/MD area are in a different Kingdom (Atlantia) from me (East Kingdom). Therefore he would not be allowed to compete in the same Crown Tourney as I am entering. You have to live in a Kingdom to be the King of it.

HOWEVER, If he is attending Pennsic XXXV in Pennsylvania the August, there's a good chance we could be fighting beside or against each other. Heck, he could be one of the Atlantian's that I fought against at Pennsic XXXIV last year.

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at last they meet. :silly:

Before you start laughing too hard, I know of at least a half dozen marriages where the two people met through the SCA and that's just off the top of my head. My last long-term (4 month) relationship was with a lady I met at an SCA event, though she isn't a member.


(c'mon Bac/Mass... you gotta admit that was pretty funny)

Actually, around here not a lot of fighters armor that area of their body to begin with.

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I knew that a few of us had to be SCAdians!

Thanks CrazyZeb for putting together the images in one post. I had just sat down at my desk, FTP'ed the pics to my host and just threw the links out on the post, so I was attempting to be quick. But it does look a lot better with the images in a single post!

Sarge, it has cost a pretty penny over the years for my various armour. (It used to come to a debate of "buy a new firearm or buy some new armour?") I made a decent bit of it, though, to keep down the costs. The lamellar, in this case, I made from some plates that I bought from a stamping company, and I drilled out the holes and cut the leather strips. Lots of work, but worth it in the end!

gbear, I am not a smith, per se, but I do have some armour-making ability. And wearing maille can definitely be heavy, especially with a full-sized hauberk. This is one reason why many folks pretty plate-armour over maille. Incidentally, more historically accurate maille tends to be lighter then much of the reenactment made armour, which is often heavier (but ironically weaker) then the historical armour. And I tell you this much: You definitely feel the weight of wearing armour over a five hour period while climbing up and down some hills.

And no, this armour isn't very good against modern armaments. :-) I will say this much: Older armour styles can be an inspiration for how to make pieces of future armour, such as the various arm pieces for the Future Force Warrior armor.

Destino, I don't any pictures of my full armour suit, though you can find a lot of armour pics on the web. My full gear can vary between 35-50 pounds in weight (depending on the armour and how "heavy" I may go), and around 60 lbs with my shield and weapon added. I have both 1-4 maille type (typical European), which weighs around 35 lbs with just the armour by itself. Typically, I wear torso armour, greaves, knee cops attached to leather cuirasses (thigh armour), a bauzaband on one arm, shoulder cops, gorget (heck protection), hand armour, helm, and with a gambeson for my torso and legs, plus my weapon and shield.

As you can imagine, Jofizz, it all adds up for the combined weight. It'll definitely keep you in shape with enough combat.

So far, I have avoided the bare butt, but I have come close a few times after too many drinks around the camp fire. ;-)

Mass_SkinsFan, greetings and well met. I do indeed fight SCA, though it has been a little while since I have fought due to Real Life. I fight with a Roman group in the D.C. area, and thought we are in Atlantia, we tend to be more independent as far as our loyalties. As you can tell, I fight heavy, and usually just sword and board.

I will note: making the lamellar took a fair amount of work and has taken place over about six years. I spent a lot of time researching the armour, but I have been generally pleased with the results since it is some of the more accurate lamellar that I have seen around.

And yes Zoony, that did make me chuckle a bit. :-)

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I knew that a few of us had to be SCAdians!

Yeah, we find each other in the most mundane places at times, don't we?

Mass_SkinsFan, greetings and well met. I do indeed fight SCA, though it has been a little while since I have fought due to Real Life. I fight with a Roman group in the D.C. area, and thought we are in Atlantea, we tend to be more independent as far as our loyalties. As you can tell, I fight heavy, and usually just sword and board.

I know the feeling, my cousin from the south. I haven't been in armor as much as I should have been this last year. I generally fight Sword and Board myself, though I am also a Siege Engineer and Marshal (soon to be EK's Central Region Siege Marshal).

Do you have news from your King as to who it is the forces of Atlantia shall favor this year at Pennsic? Will the noble armies of Atlantia stand once again in their rightful place beside their cousins from their parent kingdom of old and fight on the side of the East Kingdom or has some treachery once again put a ruler on the throne of Atlantia who favors the Dragon King of the Midrealm and his Orcish hordes?

Will you be in attendance this year? If so, we MUST get together and share a drink some evening.

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Yeah, we find each other in the most mundane places at times, don't we?

It is always good to talk about armour instead of attempting to troubleshoot TCP/IP issues!

I know the feeling, my cousin from the south. I haven't been in armor as much as I should have been this last year. I generally fight Sword and Board myself, though I am also a Siege Engineer and Marshal (soon to be EK's Central Region Siege Marshal).

Aye, I can understand, friend. Hopefully you can participate in some combat this year, and perhaps we can spar a bit if we do happen to meet at Pennsic.

Do you have news from your King as to who it is the forces of Atlantia shall favor this year at Pennsic? Will the noble armies of Atlantia stand once again in their rightful place beside their cousins from their parent kingdom of old and fight on the side of the East Kingdom or has some treachery once again put a ruler on the throne of Atlantia who favors the Dragon King of the Midrealm and his Orcish hordes?

Unfortunately I have not kept up to date with recent Kingdom news. Our unit tends to be a bit isolated, at times, with the goings-on of Atlantia. And I admit, we have fought alongside the Tuchux before, which did not make the King every happy, as you can imagine. We shall see how events unfold this year.

Will you be in attendance this year? If so, we MUST get together and share a drink some evening.

I am not sure if I can attend Pennsic this year, but I would be honored to share a drink with you at your camp if I can indeed attend. And you would be more than welcome to visit our camp as well.

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It is always good to talk about armour instead of attempting to troubleshoot TCP/IP issues!

LOL. Yeah, I know the feeling. I'd rather be talking about fighting or actually fighting over being at work any day of the week.

Aye, I can understand, friend. Hopefully you can participate in some combat this year, and perhaps we can spar a bit if we do happen to meet at Pennsic.

I've been fighting a little. Just not as much as I should be. I'll be fighting at several events in the next month and I'll be ready for Pennsic. I will be working as a Marshal for some of the battles and for Siege Day on Tuesday so I won't be swinging stick the entire war.

I would love to meet you on the field and engage in some honorable combat. We'll definitely have to meet up if you get to the War.

Unfortunately I have not kept up to date with recent Kingdom news. Our unit tends to be a bit isolated, at times, with the goings-on of Atlantia. And I admit, we have fought alongside the Tuchux before, which did not make the King every happy, as you can imagine. We shall see how events unfold this year.

Tuchux. Now there's a word that brings visions to the mind. Fought alongside them last year in the Bridge Battles. They're an intersting group of dudes and some kick-*** fighters. I can imagine that the King of Atlantia would not be pleased with you folks fighting with the 'Chux. You'd always be welcome to fight alongside the Great Northern Army, no matter who Atlantia sides with.

I am not sure if I can attend Pennsic this year, but I would be honored to share a drink with you at your camp if I can indeed attend. And you would be more than welcome to visit our camp as well.

I do hope that your situation allows you to attend. I went for the first time last year. Upon arrival I ran into an EK knight that I know quite well. He looked at me and said "Haraldr, it's your first Pennsic, right?"; "Yes, Sir Anghus it is." "Welcome HOME, brother." I saw him just before leaving the next Saturday... I smiled and told him I now knew exactly what he meant by his comment on my arrival. He smiled and we've both been counting down the weeks until we can go home again to that magical place and time called Pennsic again.

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So, does the helm give you any stats like a +5 to strength or a +3 to agility?

Nope. There are no stats. There is no magic. Nothing like that. We aren't a LARP. THANK GOD.

The only thing the helm gives you is protection from the 250lb guy on the other side waving the 7' stave of rattan (simulating a polearm) who wants to knock your head off your shoulders. It's also helpful when he decides to walk directly over top of you to get to the next fighter AFTER he clubs you like the proverbial baby harp seal.

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Nope. There are no stats. There is no magic. Nothing like that. We aren't a LARP. THANK GOD.

The only thing the helm gives you is protection from the 250lb guy on the other side waving the 7' stave of rattan (simulating a polearm) who wants to knock your head off your shoulders. It's also helpful when he decides to walk directly over top of you to get to the next fighter AFTER he clubs you like the proverbial baby harp seal.

Um, I was joking :silly:

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Ye olde florid language is far more pleasing to the ear, this particular occasional Renaissance reveler has just decided, heard through the pleasant haze of several accumulated ales and in the company of like-minded wenches.

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Um, I was joking :silly:

Ok. Sorry. I don't have a sense of humor and your comment was close enough to a continuing line of complaint/pestering that SCAdians normally get (we are often confused with Trekkies, role-playing gamers, LARPs, and other fantasy groups) that I wanted to make sure you realized the error.

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