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Some of my medieval armour pictures...


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Ah, Everquest. One of the most destructive forces when it comes to people undestanding the REALITY of the Middle Ages. Dungeons & Dragons being the other main one.

I thought you might mention 'The Cable Guy' also.


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I thought you might mention 'The Cable Guy' also.


"The Cable Guy" doesn't do anywhere near the harm that the "Conan" movies have done.

We actually have a staged "Conan" skit that we often dust off and haul out when we're invited to do public demos for Boy Scouts and other groups....

Our "Hero" stands in the midst of a half dozen fighters who come flailing wildly at him one after another as he cuts them down. Everyone cheers wildly. We then explain that the way it happens in the movies isn't what would have REALLY happened. We reset the fighters and do it the way it would really have happened. The "bad guys" form up into a line, advance on "Conan" and cut him to pieces while losing at most one or two of their number to the "Hero". Generally this is met with dead silence from the crowd as they suddenly realize how unrealistic the movies have made medieval combat.

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Well, I knew Mass was into the reinactment stuff but had no Idea you were Baculus. With the Deadskins sig, you've always been good by me :laugh: and the cool hoby is even better.

What caught me off guard is the weight of the armor. It's actually lighter then I thought. Wish I had the time to get involved in that type of stuff, but I'm spread so thin now it's not funny. While I love to fight, too many injuries over the years would keep me from doing battle, but man would I love to build armor and weapons.

Very enjoyable thread. I give a lot of credit to both of you guys, I know it takes a lot of work.


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Very interesting stuff guys and something I might have to look into. I am a tabletop gamer of D&D. I am currently playing the Eberron setting but played a lot of Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, and Dark Sun.

Anyway, I have always thought that crafting weapons and armor would be great fun. I didn't know that organizations that you guys belong to exist. I of course heard of LARPing but never found that intriguing. I would like to real-battle though.

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MSF, it was excellent talking to you, comrade, and if I can make War, I'll be sure to get in touch with you before hand. And yes, "Home" is a good word for such an even as Pennsic. There is another saying which I have found amusing, which is along the likes of "If you cannot meet a 'Lady' at Pennsic, then you can't meet one anywhere." ;-)

Pete, and for others such as Bugs' that are interested in armour, its history, making the armour, and actual professional armours, you can find a lot of resources on the internet. Conducting a Google search using "armour sca" or "armour merchants" can garner you a lot of hits. Also, websites such as http://www.armourarchive.org/ is an excellent starting point for reading and research. That board in particular has a lot of knowledge, friendly, and helpful folks who are always willing to answer any questions. You can also find merchants who actually sell such armour for reasonable prices.

By the way, Pete, I always enjoyed seeing the Fiddle player on your signature - very cool. :-) Thanks for the kudos! Though you may have trouble fighting, you may find that researching and learning about armouring can be a pleasurable hobby unto itself. It's like building a tree house as a kid: much of the fun is in the building of the actual project. (And I have 20 years of research in my persona, Baculus, a 3rd century Romanized Dacian.)

I also become frustrated by movies, games, and T.V., with the inaccurate representation of armour and the fighting arts. Either the armour being used is completely out of period, the weapons and styles are absurd, or such little regard is paid to the details of armour and garb. I always become annoyed when I see someone, who'd be using a shield or fighting in a shield wall, running around solo with a single sword. We know that if someone could or would have carried a shield in combat, then indeed they'd have a shield, and not just for a counter-weight! This especially goes for the arms, armour, and fighting styles of Roman units - the Gladius is one of the most ignored weapons in Hollywood. But, I am very pleased by the History and Discovery channel's efforts to shed more light on the real history of arms, armour, and fighting styles of past warriors and soldiers. And while the SCA isn't THE most historical group compared to living history organizations (another Google search term for those who are interested), it does pay heed to good historical details.

BTW, Bugs', you can read about the Society at www.sca.org. There are other groups, such as Markland, with a similiar nature of the SCA, and there are "softer" games such as Dagorhir that allow fun, swift combat without the need for armour. (www.dagorhir.org.)

If anyone has any questions or such, feel free to ask away. I am glad others have enjoyed this subject, and I was able to talk to like-minded folks.

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What caught me off guard is the weight of the armor. It's actually lighter then I thought. Wish I had the time to get involved in that type of stuff, but I'm spread so thin now it's not funny. While I love to fight, too many injuries over the years would keep me from doing battle, but man would I love to build armor and weapons.

Armor and weapons are really personal things. Some people wear a lot. Some wear a little. There are minimum standards for armor. Every fighter must have their knees, kidneys, elbows, hands, neck, sternum, upper vertebrae and head covered. MOST fighters wear more armor than that, but I've seen fighters wearing that little on the field. The weapons are made of rattan and covered in duct tape. Shields can be made of everything from plastic to wood to metal. Everyone arms and armors themselves to their own personal level of comfort.

We have some older fighters around where I live. Master Feral, the founder of the Northern Army and the man who refined the whole concept of melee tactics in the SCA has to be in his late 50's. Master Padraig has to be nearly as old. They're still two of the last people you want to see in front of you in a tournament list. I understand the injury issue though. We all need to know our limits.

Very enjoyable thread. I give a lot of credit to both of you guys, I know it takes a lot of work.

Thanks. People tend to react to the SCA at one extreme or the other.... it's either "You're all insane fruitcakes" or "WOW that's the coolest thing in the world". Though I have to admit there are others, non-fighters, who put in a lot more time and energy than many fighters do. The SCA is much more than just a fighting group. All sorts of arts and sciences are researched and recreated. Everything from mead making to tailoring and caligraphy. Those people put HUGE amounts of time and energy into their parts of the society as well.

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MSF, it was excellent talking to you, comrade, and if I can make War, I'll be sure to get in touch with you before hand. And yes, "Home" is a good word for such an even as Pennsic. There is another saying which I have found amusing, which is along the likes of "If you cannot meet a 'Lady' at Pennsic, then you can't meet one anywhere." ;-).

It was a pleasure at this end as well, Mi'Lord. If you are not able to contact me before Pennsic, or end up showing up at the last minute, I will be up in N28 camped with Arx Ventus. They'll know where to find me. That or find the Siege Marshal's tent on the battlefield, and they'll be able to find me as well.

BTW - I thought that was "If you can't get laid at Pennsic, you can't get laid". LOL. This crowd can handle the vulgar language and topic.

I also become frustrated by movies, games, and T.V., with the inaccurate representation of armour and the fighting arts. Either the armour being used is completely out of period, the weapons and styles are absurd, or such little regard is paid to the details of armour and garb. I always become annoyed when I see someone, who'd be using a shield or fighting in a shield wall, running around solo with a single sword. We know that if someone could or would have carried a shield in combat, then indeed they'd have a shield, and not just for a counter-weight! This especially goes for the arms, armour, and fighting styles of Roman units - the Gladius is one of the most ignored weapons in Hollywood. But, I am very pleased by the History and Discovery channel's efforts to shed more light on the real history of arms, armour, and fighting styles of past warriors and soldiers. And while the SCA isn't THE most historical group compared to living history organizations (another Google search term for those who are interested), it does pay heed to good historical details.

LOL. Major pet peeve here as well. Kingdom of Heaven was fairly decent but most tv and movie productions just get it all wrong. We don't have too many single stick fighters around here. We beat the piss out of them pretty quick. We don't even generally have too many guys who carry two sticks or greatweapons on the battlefield. As His Highness Dux Lucan commented to me once.... If they're good enough to be useful on the battlefield with the florentine style or a greatsword they'd be much more useful with a polearm or sword and shield.

It is nice to see groups like History Channel and Discovery getting better with the accuracy of their productions.

If anyone has any questions or such, feel free to ask away. I am glad others have enjoyed this subject, and I was able to talk to like-minded folks.

I am open to questions and comments as well. I probably have a little different view of the SCA having only been in for about 12 years compared to Bac's 20+ apparantly and living in a different Kingdom as well. Neither view will be wrong, just different.

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