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A Plug for Stephen Davis


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I think Portis will be at the top of the list within 4 years. You're right, though... For now, Davis is ahead of Portis.

I think we can probably agree that Portis is the best running back that we've ever had.

Best Redskin? He just hasn't played enough games in that uniform...yet.


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Sorry but I was never a big Steven Davis fan. He was a plow who got his yardage by running a lot and getting a little at a time. He had no moves and ran with his feet close together.

Stephen don't dance, remember? His knack for finding the holes made up for his lack of pizazz. I like that he paid his dues for as a FB before coming into his own as a TB.

Which reminds, me, not 1,2,3, or 4 but Terry Allen should be up there also, he had a couple great years with the Skins.

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Got to throw in my :2cents: here. IMHO, it all about the guy in the headset along the sidelines. I would hate to imagine what Steven Davis could have done on this team in his prime under coach Joe Gibbs. Steven was his type of North/South - Between the tackles type of runner.

The fact of the matter is Norv Turner and Mr. "Fun and Gun" himself had no use for that style of offense. So neither really used him to his potential.

Clinton Portis is a very gifted athlete and has the opportunity to do some great things here in Washington. But Stephen davis was a guy whom also had great potential in Washington only played for two coaches who's legacy have only proved that they do not make very good head coaches.

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Davis doesnt even have close to HoF numbers...and I agree that while Portis has not quite passed him in productivity (although hes only been here 2 years) he is probably more talented. And either way, you have to expect the current RB to be high on the list.

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The incredible greatness of Riggins was his toughness and the inability of opponents to stop him when the Skins were in goal line or short yardage. His 4th and 1 in the SB against Miami that broke open the game is, in my book, the greatest run in Skin's history. Larry Brown was the same kind of runner, though a bit smaller. He just ran so hard and broke down defense by the time the 4th quarter came around. It was just so tough to bring him down.

I LOVE Portis and see him as a great leader on the team. His picking up of blitzes in the backfield this last year was incredible. Still I see his tenure as a Skins as having been more positive in the statistical area than in dominating games like these other two backs have done. I'd like to see him improve in his route running and fewer drops in the passing game. Portis will never be the kind of back that Riggins or Brown were because they simply played a different style. I don't see Portis ripping the hearts out of our opponents in the 4th quarter with a Skins lead by grinding down the clock, 4-5 yards at a time. If he ends up as one of the best ever he will have to do it a different way. Slashing for big yards at a time and being a better receiver.

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The incredible greatness of Riggins was his toughness and the inability of opponents to stop him when the Skins were in goal line or short yardage. His 4th and 1 in the SB against Miami that broke open the game is, in my book, the greatest run in Skin's history. Larry Brown was the same kind of runner, though a bit smaller. He just ran so hard and broke down defense by the time the 4th quarter came around. It was just so tough to bring him down.

I could counter that the greatness of Portis is that he makes guys miss him in traffic, a talent that neither Riggins or Brown possessed.

I LOVE Portis and see him as a great leader on the team. His picking up of blitzes in the backfield this last year was incredible. Still I see his tenure as a Skins as having been more positive in the statistical area than in dominating games like these other two backs have done. I'd like to see him improve in his route running and fewer drops in the passing game. Portis will never be the kind of back that Riggins or Brown were because they simply played a different style. I don't see Portis ripping the hearts out of our opponents in the 4th quarter with a Skins lead by grinding down the clock, 4-5 yards at a time. If he ends up as one of the best ever he will have to do it a different way. Slashing for big yards at a time and being a better receiver.

Fair critiques on CP.

I could counter that while he can improve route running and his receiving skills, he's still light years better than Riggins ever was as a receiver.

Also, as for "ripping the heart out of opponents in the 4th quarter". First, he did it last year (Giants & Eagles) with spectacular game winning runs. Second, if you mean clock burning drives then it would help if CP had the HOGS blocking for him like Riggins did.

I guess I'd put it this way, take CP at his best (now) and put him behind the HOGS. Then take Riggins at his best and put him behind this current line. Who will produce bigger numbers and wins?

My answer would be CP.

CP has not come close to Riggins' achievements in Washington (career record, 6 straight 100 yard games in the playoffs, Super Bowl legend) yet, but as a runner, Riggins was never in CP's class. At least not the Riggins of the Gibbs glory years. I don't remember seeing him as a Jet and only have a handful of games of him during the pre-Gibbs years so it's not fair to come to a conclusion about him based on that. I always considered Riggins to be the best ever and had fond memories of him. But over the last few years I have been able to watch every game he played during his "legend making" time (82-85) acquiring games and transferring them to DVD so I've been able to watch him play without nostalgia clouding my judgement and for me without question Clinton Portis, right now, is a far superior back than Riggins was.

Riggins was a great tough man running behind a great/historic offensive line.

Clinton Portis is a great running back.


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Davis only had 3 good years with the Skins so I don't think it is a major stretch to have Portis ahead of him.

Personally I would have Riggo and Larry Brown tied for the top spot.

:applause: :applause:

Thank you, I don't understand people turning Stephen Davis into Jerome bettis.

He was a decent running back. Good, never great. Like byner, but with MUCH less production with the redskins.

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I get a distinct feeling that a lot of people think that either of the three, Riggo, Davis or Portis is the best, but it is well known that the best RBs are the ones running behind the best OL, so would a person of Portis' ability have been a better RB than Riggo running behind the HOGS, does it really matter, the best RB is the one with the best yards running behind the worst OL, last season Portis turned a 5 yard loss on one play into a 15 yard first down or something like that, Portis is easily the best of the the three when taking the OL into consideration

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Stephen Davis did a nice job for the Skins. It was a shame the escalating cap numbers forced his departure. HOF? No way. CP has a chance to some day go to HOF, but will need some more healthy, productive seasons.

I don't see how the RB's (except Riggins) can fairly be ranked due to tenure, schemes, coaching, timing etc...

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I gotta say I always liked Earnest Byner when he was with us. I also liked Terry Allen a lot, but neither of those guys really get their props from Skins fans, at least not what I have seen. I'm still a little ticked at Riggo for holding out on us a year.

I'm hoping CP hits his stride this season with the new air assult about to be released.

He could quickly become my favorite ever.

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No. He will not even make it as one of the 15 finalists.

My All-Time Redskins top 5 RB's:

1. John Riggins

2. Larry Brown

3. Earnest Byner

4. Clinton Portis

5. Kelvin Bryant (4.6 avg.)

I feel in a year or two, Byner and Portis will be switching places on my list. ;)

Excellent list!

And as for forgotten players-- Kelvin Bryant was sure one of them but a real talent.

Also, I know it was only 1 year, but I was really impressed by Ki-Jana Carter in his very brief stint as a Skin.

If CP plays like this (his current staus quo) he will easily be #2 on that list by the end of his current contract (or earlier). If my some miracle, he retires a Redskin or plays practically his entire career here (remember even Monk, Clark and Mann left the Skins and played for other teams) he'll be #1 on that list.

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Ok, I ran the numbers. Obviously Davis has more attempts and yards, etc. because he played longer for the 'Skins. But the comparison is worth looking at.


Games Attempts Yards Avg. TD 20+

2004 15 343 1315 3.8 5 5

2004 16 352 1516 4.3 11 6

CAREER 31 695 2831 4.05 16 11


Games Attempts Yards Avg. TD 20+

1996 12 23 139 6 2 1

1997 14 241 567 4 3 0

1998 16 34 109 3.2 0 0

1999 14 290 1405 4.8 17 7

2000 15 332 1318 4 11 5

2001 16 356 1432 4 5 8

2002 12 207 820 4 7 3

CAREER 99 1483 5790 4.29 45 24

I think the stat that jumps out is the average yards per carry. Davis was better as a Redskins than Portis has been. Will that change over time? Probably if Portis stays healthy. BUT the poll is based on PAST ACHIEVEMENTS NOT POTENTIAL. A 4.29 average is pretty good among NFL backs. I again stand by my opinion that Davis should have been ranked higher on the poll, and based on what he DID he should be ranked higher than what Portis MAY do some day.

If Portis's career as a Redskin ended today he should NOT be ranked higher than Stephen Davis, IMO.

U definitely cannot compare the achievements portis has had two years under a Hall of Fame Coach, granted. Davis, had the Turner/Schottenheimer era???? On top of that Portis has only been with us for 2 years and he already has the single season rushing title, according to those statistics it took Stephen Davis 4 years of being a Redskin to accomplish that to Portis' 2 years under a underproductive, yet underachieving offense??? I think what Portis has already done is an achievement....

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Talent? Yes. No question. But the same could be said for one Mr. Lavar Arrington who amount to barely nothing more than POTENTIAL for his entire career here.

This means pretty much nothing. If Portis produced like this for 5 more seasons, I'd say that's pretty damn good. It's not potential - it is tangible, REAL results that we are talking about. He already is good and already has perfomed. So if he merely reproduces what he has already accomplished, then he'd clearly be better than Stephen Davis.

How does this have anything to do with Lavar who NEVER really got things right and never actually became a great player?

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Does the fact that he holds the single season yardage record mean nothing to you?

How about the fact that after three years he was in a class with something that only 2 other RBs in the History of the NFL had accomplished? Riggo played on great teams. So far in Clinton's career he played on mediocre teams.

As far as I'm concerned Clinton is *the* most talented RB we have *ever* had line up behind the QB. Now, whether or not that translates into him being the "best" is yet to be seen. But to rank him behind Stephen Davis is ridiculous.

Clinton has done more by the time he is 25 years old than Stephen did his whole career. Just two seasons of that was with the Broncos.

I love having so many people on these boards. It means that someone else usually has your opinion, and has already stated it. I agree with this guy.

I will also say that I was a HUGE Davis fan when he was here. It's just that CP is much more of a total package.

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Portis has accomplished more than Davis at this point. No Redskin runningback has accomplished more than Portis aside from Riggins. Davis is 3rd, I think. If Portis quit the team today, he should be remembered as the second best with the potential to be the best.


word. steven davis is not fit to flush the tiolet clinton portis uses

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No. He will not even make it as one of the 15 finalists.

My All-Time Redskins top 5 RB's:

1. John Riggins

2. Larry Brown

3. Earnest Byner

4. Clinton Portis

5. Kelvin Bryant (4.6 avg.)

I feel in a year or two, Byner and Portis will be switching places on my list. ;)

Good list.... :applause: :applause: :applause:

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:applause: :applause:

Thank you, I don't understand people turning Stephen Davis into Jerome bettis.

He was a decent running back. Good, never great. Like byner, but with MUCH less production with the redskins.

I think a lot of the younger members of the board really came alive the same season Stephen broke out. We actually went to the playoffs that year, after years and years of mediocrity. The fact that SD was not projected to be much of anything and basically came out of nowhere to carry the team was amazing. He was almost an avatar for us younger fans, a symbol that maybe, just maybe, the bleeding was done. Despite his limited tenure here, I will always have a soft spot for this guy, despite his fumbilitis.

Of course, we continued to suck for the next five years, but who was to know? We had gone to the playoffs, missed the Championship game because of a freaking bad snap (GRRRRRRRRR), the sky was the limit. That season was the season I stopped being a fair-weather fan and started to believe, for better or for worse. Stephen Davis had a lot to do with that.

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No. He will not even make it as one of the 15 finalists.

My All-Time Redskins top 5 RB's:

1. John Riggins

2. Larry Brown

3. Earnest Byner

4. Clinton Portis

5. Kelvin Bryant (4.6 avg.)

I feel in a year or two, Byner and Portis will be switching places on my list. ;)

I agree with this list.. But what about Reggie Brooks! ;p

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I tend to agree with this list too

1. John Riggins

2. Larry Brown

3. Earnest Byner

4. Clinton Portis

5. Kelvin Bryant (4.6 avg.)

And while Stephen Davis was a good back, and maybe would have done better under Gibbs, he just never really did anything that made me go WOW! Out of 7 years with the team he only managed 3 productive seasons, so to me it's easy to compare him to Portis and give Portis the edge. It took him 4 years to finally break 1000 and didn't do it until the skins had a competent team.

Portis came in breaking 1000 yards on a team that went 6-10. That first year he carried that offense and many times was the only life they had. He took this team on his back and carries that offense. Not something Davis ever really did.

Though it will take time and team success for Portis to unseat Byner and Brown, but give him a couple of years and he'll do it. If he manages to hang around for 6 or 7 years and helps us win a superbowl, he may even start pushing Riggins off the top of some lists.

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I think Stephen Davis had a lot more potential aside of all the injuries he had. Problem is his career never got to take off until it was too late here in D.C. When he went to Carolina and got injured he was doing great things there just like here....Obviously not a hall of fame prospect but he deserves his due for the crap he has put up with so go ahead and give it to him.

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