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A Plug for Stephen Davis


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The current poll at Redskins.com asks: "Who do you think is the greatest running back in Redskins history?" I, like most of us, voted for Riggo. He's the hands down winner, of course, just because of the legacy he left in D.C. But behind him or third I expected to see Stephen Davis. I feel for the poor guy. I don't feel that he has ever gotten his due in the NFL. He was a GREAT running back for our team for many years. I think his quiet personality kept him from getting into the spotlight, but his talk was on the field. His accomplishments as a Redskin haven't gone unnoticed by me. He deserves better than the bottom of the named players in the poll.

And for the record, I don't believe Clinton deserves to be #2 at this point. We all are excited about what he can do, will do, and what he's already done. But to be considered one of the "greatest" after only two seasons...I'm not ready to make that claim yet. :2cents:

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Portis has accomplished more than Davis at this point. No Redskin runningback has accomplished more than Portis aside from Riggins. Davis is 3rd, I think. If Portis quit the team today, he should be remembered as the second best with the potential to be the best.


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I dunno. Two years under one's belt can't really lay claim to even the 2nd "greatest," RB to ever wear a Redskins uniform. That's a heavy claim. He's gotta earn his stipes. He's doing it now, but to be one of the greatest 'Skins he'll have to do it for a couple of more seasons, I think.

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kind of off topic, but do you guys think Stephen Davis will ever make the hall of fame. I bought an autographed Panthers jersey that he signed and I figure if he makes the hall it might be worth something.

No. He's got "Art Monk" disease. He's too quiet and uncontroversial to make the HOF, even if his numbers justify it in the end. I'm not saying Davis deserves to be in the HOF. But when a guy like T.O. will make it in spite of his horrific off the field NFL career, then I see an unjustice.

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No. He's got "Art Monk" disease. He's too quiet and uncontroversial to make the HOF, even if his numbers justify it in the end. I'm not saying Davis deserves to be in the HOF. But when a guy like T.O. will make it in spite of his horrific off the field NFL career, then I see an unjustice.

Davis has not done enough to make it to the HOF as of now I would not consider Tiki Barber a HOF (I am a Giants fan) and he has 4000 more yards then Davis from scrimmage. I compare Davis to Hampton a work horse who helped your team win a lot but will never be considered one of the top players in the game.

By the way I think Davis' numbers would be much better if that idiot Spurrier hadn't let him leave the skins.

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The current poll at Redskins.com asks: "Who do you think is the greatest running back in Redskins history?" I, like most of us, voted for Riggo. He's the hands down winner, of course, just because of the legacy he left in D.C. But behind him or third I expected to see Stephen Davis. I feel for the poor guy. I don't feel that he has ever gotten his due in the NFL. He was a GREAT running back for our team for many years. I think his quiet personality kept him from getting into the spotlight, but his talk was on the field. His accomplishments as a Redskin haven't gone unnoticed by me. He deserves better than the bottom of the named players in the poll.

And for the record, I don't believe Clinton deserves to be #2 at this point. We all are excited about what he can do, will do, and what he's already done. But to be considered one of the "greatest" after only two seasons...I'm not ready to make that claim yet. :2cents:

Yea, I feel bad for a guy who plays sports for a living and made millions of dollars in the process. Yep, alot of sympathy here :rolleyes:

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The current poll at Redskins.com asks: "Who do you think is the greatest running back in Redskins history?" I, like most of us, voted for Riggo. He's the hands down winner, of course, just because of the legacy he left in D.C. But behind him or third I expected to see Stephen Davis. I feel for the poor guy. I don't feel that he has ever gotten his due in the NFL. He was a GREAT running back for our team for many years. I think his quiet personality kept him from getting into the spotlight, but his talk was on the field. His accomplishments as a Redskin haven't gone unnoticed by me. He deserves better than the bottom of the named players in the poll.

And for the record, I don't believe Clinton deserves to be #2 at this point. We all are excited about what he can do, will do, and what he's already done. But to be considered one of the "greatest" after only two seasons...I'm not ready to make that claim yet. :2cents:

Does the fact that he holds the single season yardage record mean nothing to you?

How about the fact that after three years he was in a class with something that only 2 other RBs in the History of the NFL had accomplished? Riggo played on great teams. So far in Clinton's career he played on mediocre teams.

As far as I'm concerned Clinton is *the* most talented RB we have *ever* had line up behind the QB. Now, whether or not that translates into him being the "best" is yet to be seen. But to rank him behind Stephen Davis is ridiculous.

Clinton has done more by the time he is 25 years old than Stephen did his whole career. Just two seasons of that was with the Broncos.

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kind of off topic, but do you guys think Stephen Davis will ever make the hall of fame. I bought an autographed Panthers jersey that he signed and I figure if he makes the hall it might be worth something.

No. He will not even make it as one of the 15 finalists.

My All-Time Redskins top 5 RB's:

1. John Riggins

2. Larry Brown

3. Earnest Byner

4. Clinton Portis

5. Kelvin Bryant (4.6 avg.)

I feel in a year or two, Byner and Portis will be switching places on my list. ;)

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In terms of talent, Clinton Portis is the best back ever for the Redskins. Well to be fair, the best back I've ever seen play for the Redskins.

He should own pretty much every career Redskin record within 4 seasons.

In terms of accomplishments right now, he needs to play a few more seasons before moving past Riggins,Brown and Davis on the list. But already holding the single season rushing record, most consecutive 100 yard games and most 100 yard games in a season records is a very good start for CP.

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Does the fact that he holds the single season yardage record mean nothing to you?
Whoa! Mabye a can less of Moutain Dew in the morning is good advice? :D Of the single season rushing record is excellent, BUT IT'S ONLY ONE SEASON OUT OF TWO. Does that mean nothing to you? That by no means makes Portis "one of the GREATEST" RBs EVER.
How about the fact that after three years he was in a class with something that only 2 other RBs in the History of the NFL had accomplished? Riggo played on great teams. So far in Clinton's career he played on mediocre teams.

Um...the question was "who is the greatest REDSKIN" RB of all time. What he did before he came here should have no bearing on the voting (but it has and that is the entire point of my comments).

As far as I'm concerned Clinton is *the* most talented RB we have *ever* had line up behind the QB.
Talent? Yes. No question. But the same could be said for one Mr. Lavar Arrington who amount to barely nothing more than POTENTIAL for his entire career here.
Now, whether or not that translates into him being the "best" is yet to be seen.

Now you're starting to get it. :D

But to rank him behind Stephen Davis is ridiculous.
I disagree. Davis did a lot of good here for several years. If Portis does better, then great. I don't have a problem acknowledging that. But let's not crap on Stephen Davis in a poll where he deserves to be ranked higher. He was a VERY GOOD RB in his prime.
Clinton has done more by the time he is 25 years old than Stephen did his whole career. Just two seasons of that was with the Broncos.

:doh: But once again, his time with the Broncos has NOTHING to do with him being the greatest REDSKIN RB of all time, does it? All anyone can compare are Davis's and Portis's stats AS REDSKINS to see who's better.

Will someone lay out the numbers so we can all see for ourselves? I just say give credit where credit is due.

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In terms of talent, Clinton Portis is the best back ever for the Redskins. Well to be fair, the best back I've ever seen play for the Redskins.

He should own pretty much every career Redskin record within 4 seasons.

In terms of accomplishments right now, he needs to play a few more seasons before moving past Riggins,Brown and Davis on the list. But already holding the single season rushing record, most consecutive 100 yard games and most 100 yard games in a season records is a very good start for CP.

Very well said. The jury is still out, although most of us (me included) believe Clinton will one day be the best. But not yet.

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I dunno. Two years under one's belt can't really lay claim to even the 2nd "greatest," RB to ever wear a Redskins uniform. That's a heavy claim. He's gotta earn his stipes. He's doing it now, but to be one of the greatest 'Skins he'll have to do it for a couple of more seasons, I think.

Davis only had 3 good years with the Skins so I don't think it is a major stretch to have Portis ahead of him.

Personally I would have Riggo and Larry Brown tied for the top spot.

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when all is said and done, portis will most likely own every redskins rushing redskins record. he also has accomplished more than davis already and after next season there will be no doubt that he is the second best back we've ever had. but also with a LOT of potential to get even better

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Ok, I ran the numbers. Obviously Davis has more attempts and yards, etc. because he played longer for the 'Skins. But the comparison is worth looking at.


Games Attempts Yards Avg. TD 20+

2004 15 343 1315 3.8 5 5

2004 16 352 1516 4.3 11 6

CAREER 31 695 2831 4.05 16 11


Games Attempts Yards Avg. TD 20+

1996 12 23 139 6 2 1

1997 14 241 567 4 3 0

1998 16 34 109 3.2 0 0

1999 14 290 1405 4.8 17 7

2000 15 332 1318 4 11 5

2001 16 356 1432 4 5 8

2002 12 207 820 4 7 3

CAREER 99 1483 5790 4.29 45 24

I think the stat that jumps out is the average yards per carry. Davis was better as a Redskins than Portis has been. Will that change over time? Probably if Portis stays healthy. BUT the poll is based on PAST ACHIEVEMENTS NOT POTENTIAL. A 4.29 average is pretty good among NFL backs. I again stand by my opinion that Davis should have been ranked higher on the poll, and based on what he DID he should be ranked higher than what Portis MAY do some day.

If Portis's career as a Redskin ended today he should NOT be ranked higher than Stephen Davis, IMO.

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Sorry but I was never a big Steven Davis fan. He was a plow who got his yardage by running a lot and getting a little at a time. He had no moves and ran with his feet close together.

Ask yourself what our record was the whole time he was here. The loosing streak to Dallas... who was the runner? The first game we broke the streak... Davis was on the sidelines, Betts took his place. I'm telling you Dallas had his number. Get one hand on his ankle and he would go down like a sack of bricks.

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. :2cents:

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Sorry but I was never a big Steven Davis fan. He was a plow who got his yardage by running a lot and getting a little at a time. :2cents:

Still...4.29 ypc is a good career average, don't you think? What NFL coach wouldn't take that?

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Davis won't make the Hall of Fame, he has had a great career, that is all but over. I don't think Portis deserves to be our best back behind Riggins yet though. Do I think Portis is the most talented back we've ever had, yes, but he needs another year or two and some more title games/hopefully a championship to deserve that honor.

Larry Brown and Cliff Battles should definitely be behind Riggins.

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Still...4.29 ypc is a good career average, don't you think? What NFL coach wouldn't take that?

I still have a sour taste in my mouth from the fumble in Dallas when the Skins had the game won. Same thing in Arizona a year or two later. Portis also had a couple of huge fumbles two years ago (Cleveland, NYG) but neither game was all but won at the time.

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