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School questionnaire with "how do you know you don't like gay sex?"


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That's a lot of dots to connect, i'm confused.

Rince's mind: Riggo's Manifesto = Mein Kampf

DCSsportsfan: #2 on the manifesto = the way America/American's are viewed

Above = my reason for original post. I wasn't trying to go after anyone in particular just the whole in general when anyone refers to America/Americans/President Bush as Nazi(s)

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Rince's mind: Riggo's Manifesto = Mein Kampf

DCSsportsfan: #2 on the manifesto = the way America/American's are viewed

Above = my reason for original post. I wasn't trying to go after anyone in particular just the whole refering to America/Americans/President Bush as Nazi(s)

Think i got. I don't think that was his intent tough. I labelled it 'Mein Kampf II' an DC was just playing off of that so that people knew to what he was referring. I'm sure he didn't mean it literally. :cheers:

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Rince's mind: Riggo's Manifesto = Mein Kampf

DCSsportsfan: #2 on the manifesto = the way America/American's are viewed

Above = my reason for original post. I wasn't trying to go after anyone in particular just the whole in general when anyone refers to America/Americans/President Bush as Nazi(s)

Ok, I think I get it now. You're saying those outside America view us as Nazi's and that's wrong?

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Think i got. I don't think that was his intent tough. I labelled it 'Mein Kampf II' an DC was just playing off of that so that people knew to what he was referring. I'm sure he didn't mean it literally. :cheers:

Yeah, I was just jokingly agreeing with your labeling of Riggo's manifesto as Mein Kampf II.

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Ok, I think I get it now. You're saying those outside America view us as Nazi's and that's wrong?

Yeah not just outside America but basically when someone disagrees with US foreign policy/Bush, especially someone in Germany haha. So back to true intent of the thread...

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not to discourage homeschooling, but these are big time stories for a reason. they're news because it doesn't happen often.

and it sure as hell aint happening in loudoun county, va.

Or even in San Francisco, California for that matter.

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The Jew is a symbol of greed, of those that chose to kill Christ.

Ummm, I hate to break it to you, but it was the Romans who killed Christ, not the Jews. He was killed for sedition because he was Jewish and proclaimed to be king of the Jews. The Romans wanted him dead, not the Jews in spight what the anti-semite Mel Gibson (who's dad thinks the holocaust is a lie BTW) tells you.

As for "the Jews" giving up Jesus to the Romans, ummm maybe you haven't been around for the past month or so, but the Gospel of Judas brings into question the Christian doctorine that Judas was indeed a traitor. Instead, it appears that Jesus TOLD Judas to give him up. Kind of throws a thorn in that argument wouldn't ya think?

Not all Jews represent "The Jew", but the social elite that control this country and the mainstream press are represented with that description.

WOW, the social elite that control this country? You mean like Exxon, Haliburton, the Carlyle Group, Cheney, Bush, Dobson, Robertson and the rest of them "Jews" :laugh: Man you are too funny, way to funny. I used to think people like you were a figment of my own psyche, thanks for showing me that I am not dillusional after all. :rotflmao:

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Yeah not just outside America but basically when someone disagrees with US foreign policy/Bush, especially someone in Germany haha. So back to true intent of the thread...

might as well finish that thought, if I'm not mistaken you haven't commented on the thread subject yet :laugh:

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might as well finish that thought, if I'm not mistaken you haven't commented on the thread subject yet :laugh:

Sorta did earlier when I plucked a sentence out of Bang's post on the 3rd page.

I am against this questionnaire but not because it is about homosexuality. I would be upset over this even if it was a heterosexual question posed to virgins. No place for this in a taxpayer-funded high school. Considering how poor our public school test scores are, one would think they could be utilize classtime.

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As for the question, it was a question by students for students, and it was presented in a Social Studies and Communications class to promote a discussion. I think the question was wrong, but the context sheds some light on this topic.

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The Jew... Jesus? He's the most popular Jew I know of. If that's the case' date=' W sure did sell the country to the Jew.[/quote']

:laugh: :laugh: Unfortunately, i think Das Fuhor RiggoReincarnated took his ball and went home. I hope he pokes his head back in and reads that post. Classic. :applause:

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Someone will be here to defend this very soon. Unreal.

In other words, someone will be here soon who actually reads the article and puts what happened into context so that we see that the question may have been poorly designed, but was not a simple direction to school children to engage in butt-sex.

God forbid we understand what actually happened.

That's ok, all of the necessary hysterical outrage at the blatant attempt to infect our children with teh gay has already been vented. No need to come back to the thread now.

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The Jew... Jesus? He's the most popular Jew I know of. If that's the case' date=' W sure did sell the country to the Jew.[/quote']

You took one statement and struck back at two issues..

A genius I tell yah, really nice...

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Ummm, I hate to break it to you, but it was the Romans who killed Christ, not the Jews. He was killed for sedition because he was Jewish and proclaimed to be king of the Jews. The Romans wanted him dead, not the Jews in spight what the anti-semite Mel Gibson (who's dad thinks the holocaust is a lie BTW) tells you.

As for "the Jews" giving up Jesus to the Romans, ummm maybe you haven't been around for the past month or so, but the Gospel of Judas brings into question the Christian doctorine that Judas was indeed a traitor. Instead, it appears that Jesus TOLD Judas to give him up. Kind of throws a thorn in that argument wouldn't ya think?

Yeah I suppose the Jews of the day weren't yelling "Crucify him!" either. Nice try to get a barb in. As for the Gospel of Judas, that's nothing new. Irenaeus wrote about it being heresy in 180AD. Supposedly Judas was the onlky one to know "the truth." Right. Lets see: 11 men who willingly went to their horrible death vs. 1 who committed suicide because he couldn't handle the guilt? Not really a question.

Back on topic. I think it was innappropriate for this to be asked in school; in any context.

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In other words, someone will be here soon who actually reads the article and puts what happened into context so that we see that the question may have been poorly designed, but was not a simple direction to school children to engage in butt-sex.

God forbid we understand what actually happened.

That's ok, all of the necessary hysterical outrage at the blatant attempt to infect our children with teh gay has already been vented. No need to come back to the thread now.

Yeah, everything's OK right? Because this stuff is noooormal :rolleyes:

(Or at least we hope that people start to think this stuff is normal, says the people from the left)

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As for "the Jews" giving up Jesus to the Romans, ummm maybe you haven't been around for the past month or so, but the Gospel of Judas brings into question the Christian doctorine that Judas was indeed a traitor. Instead, it appears that Jesus TOLD Judas to give him up. Kind of throws a thorn in that argument wouldn't ya think

Or maybe he was around, and decided that a text written 100 to 150 years after the event in question by the Sethites, also known as the Cainites, a tiny Gnostic sect who worshiped Cain as a hero, is perhaps not the best source of information on the subject, especially given that it was their religious practice to take villains and style them as heroes.

Of course, there's probably no need to drag yet another thread off course. The topic was discussed quite thoroughly here.

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Yeah, everything's OK right? Because this stuff is noooormal :rolleyes:

(Or at least we hope that people start to think this stuff is normal, says the people from the left)

I'm sure I'll draw some fire for this but the following was written by a gentleman who I will not name, from a blog full of this type of rhetoric. Homosexual agenda? You be the judge.
It's like this:

At least 60% of the heterosexuals in Texas are hateful bigots. I know this because that's how many voted in favor of constitutional amdndment banning same-sex marriage and even civil uniions.

So, my cut on it is this: If I can't live my life with full civil and human rights, then I will do whatever is required to get those rights.

If I had it my way, all gay and lesbian people would marry a heterosexual person, have three or four children and then abandon them. Once heterosexuals get the idea that gays and lesbians are NO LONGER GOING TO BE YOUR DOORMATS, things will change.

I'm a white guy, so I don't need the voting rights act. I'm male, so I don't have to worry about abortion. I'm well-educated and have no children, so, I don't care about educating your children. I'm happy to employ undocumented workers because I don't have to worry about them voting to deny me civil and human rights. I don't need affirmative action, universal health care, or good public schools. I have no allergies, so, I don't have to worry about clean air or water. I can afford air purifiers and to have bottled water delivered by undocumented workers to keep the price down.

If I had the money, I'd offer rewards to anyone who provided evidence and photographs on heterosexual adulterers so I could publish them on the Internet. I'd give a bonus if they were ministers, elected officials, or in the armed forces.

It should be the goal of all gay and lesbian people to make the heterosexual divorce rate 100%.

If I could, I would expose every gay and lesbian person serving in the armed forces and demand that they be removed immediately.

If I could, I would make it impossible for heterosexuals to marry in a church, have a wedding reception, or an anniverary party without it being disrupted in the most unpleasant manner possible.

You see, it is clear from history: Black wouldn't have their civil rights in the United States if it had not been for rioting in the streets. This demonstrates a simple principle: Gays and lesbians will not get equal rights until we destroy the ability of heterosexuals to live their lives successfully.

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Zguy, two things. First, I'd like to see a link for that. (It's not that I don't believe you, I just want to see what else this guy has to say.) Second, he's clearly a bitter man, and moreover he's a man who's gone off the deep end. To present that as something that approximates in any way the feelings of the vast majority of homosexuals in this country is dishonest.

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