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Can dems get the conservative vote?


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It's just too bad their isn't a Jingoist party for Mass and others of his limited ilk to vote for.

I guess their is always the National Alliance.


Guy's sounding like the next McVeigh. Wondering if somebody should notify the FBI.

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LMAO. We already had a war with you f**** in the 1860s. We'll trounce you again if need be.

I don't really understand this comment. If it is meant as a racial issue, you need to understand that no form of racism whatsoever is acceptable so think the next time before you type. Explain your comment if it was meant in any other way. If it was meant in the way that I assume it is, I take offense to it and ask you to keep that to yourself.

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It's just too bad their isn't a Jingoist party for Mass and others of his limited ilk to vote for.

I guess their is always the National Alliance.

Actually, if the Constitution Party didn't have that ridiculous "Christian" platform, they're a group I could seriously consider getting behind.

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LOL. Yes, you folks did. The difference is that this time it would not be a matter of states seceeding from the Union. This time it would be a matter of people like me looking over the sights of a rifle or handgun and pulling the trigger on political figures and other high-ranking members of your loony, left-wing government.

Even the Secret Service admits that they could not stop someone who was willing to give up their life to penetrate their security curtain.

You know that you can be arrested for even putting what you just did in writing like you just did, you just committed a felony called conspiracy to commit murder

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You know that you can be arrested for even putting what you just did in writing like you just did, you just committed a felony called conspiracy to commit murder

Yes, actually I did know that. I also know that I would not go quietly if someone came to arrest me for it. In fact, I wouldn't go at all, except in a plastic bag.

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Yes, actually I did know that. I also know that I would not go quietly if someone came to arrest me for it. In fact, I wouldn't go at all, except in a plastic bag.

If you really believe in killing democratic party leaders should they find success in coming elections, you belong in a padded cell. Right now, before you hurt someone, is a good time to stop and think about seeking professional help.

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Back to the point of this discussion, rather then letting this get to armed conflict

No, fiscally conservative liberterian leaning republicans will not vote for democrats. If anything, they will pull a 1992 and vote for a 3rd party candidate such as Ross Perot, or a 1994 in Virginia and vote for Marshall Coleman instead of Oli North

As was stated earlier in this thread, if a Democrat changed his platform to bring in the vote of a conservative Republican, well that guy really isn't much of a Democrat anymore

I am also curious to see where Dean cut spending in Vermont during his term as governor, his record is what did intruige me at first ,but seeing that he is a raving lunatic and pretty piss poor on national security issues, I would not be able to vote for him

The budget, taxes, and debt are just one component, if a Democrat said he would cut taxes and cut discretionary spending and have both lower at the end of his term he would get my vote

If he also added he would reduce military spending, he would NOT get my vote. So in Dr. Dean's case, it would be difficult to make a prediction considering he has never dealt with a budget featuring a military component before

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Yes, actually I did know that. I also know that I would not go quietly if someone came to arrest me for it. In fact, I wouldn't go at all, except in a plastic bag.

Mass, this will be the second time I've asked you to keep your discussion of shooting fellow Americans off the board. We give you a lot of latitude on this board. It's gonna end very shortly if you continue to go down this road.

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Mass just let it go, man. There are some people on this board who are very sensitive to that kind of stuff. Don't let them get under your skin. Take a breather and collect yourself. I think you are a valuable poster to this board.

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Yes, actually I did know that. I also know that I would not go quietly if someone came to arrest me for it. In fact, I wouldn't go at all, except in a plastic bag.

Not to be disrespectful, but these statements that you are making are idiotic and give conservatives a bad name

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Mass just let it go, man. There are some people on this board who are very sensitive to that kind of stuff. Don't let them get under your skin. Take a breather and collect yourself. I think you are a valuable poster to this board.

Yah, he makes you look slightly moderate! :laugh:

Actually, Mass, don't pull a KFFL on us. I'm serious, here. We disagree but I respect you and your unwavering lunacy, and I'd hate to see you have to go.

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Mass just let it go, man. There are some people on this board who are very sensitive to that kind of stuff. Don't let them get under your skin. Take a breather and collect yourself. I think you are a valuable poster to this board.

well when you have a poster talking about assasinating leaders of this country, people tend to get a little uppity

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well when you have a poster talking about assasinating leaders of this country, people tend to get a little uppity

Well, you know what I meant. :D Basically, politics seems to stir people up and then arguments ensue.

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Well, you know what I meant. :D Basically, politics seems to stir people up and then arguments ensue.

sure it does, unfortunately sometimes people toe the line and some people use a catapalt to propel themselves way beyond the line. I agree with Mass on many things this however is not one of them, just as I think that it is nuts for people to talk of doing the same to President Bush.

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THe Dems are too beholden to the loons right now to ever appeal to a conservative voter. It doesn't help that they champion loon issues either, global warming, gay rights etc.

The Dems have a golden opportunity to step back to the mainstream, but they are too stupid to take it

Conservatives will simply stay home this fall, giving the Dems wins by default

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THe Dems are too beholden to the loons right now to ever appeal to a conservative voter. It doesn't help that they champion loon issues either, global warming, gay rights etc.

The Dems have a golden opportunity to step back to the mainstream, but they are too stupid to take it

Conservatives will simply stay home this fall, giving the Dems wins by default

Funny, though, how the most mainstream prominent Democratic of perhaps the past 20 years is the most hated by conservatives. Though it's probably because he had the nerve to be elected President. :)

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A Democrat in the mode of John F. Kennedy (strong national defense, reduce taxes) might well be able to win the vote of disaffected conservatives. Unfortunately for the Democrats, there are no Kennedy Democrats left. What few there were have switched parties and become Republicans.

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Funny, though, how the most mainstream prominent Democratic of perhaps the past 20 years is the most hated by conservatives. Though it's probably because he had the nerve to be elected President. :)

It's REALLY funny when you consider that his most notable achievements were conservative causes assisted by conservatives in Congress: balancing the budget, welfare reform, free trade agreements. I can't think of a single liberal bill he succesfully pushed through (though he did veto some conservative ones), yet he is reviled by conservatives and loved by liberals, generally.

Another enigma to me is Nixon. I can't see how any conservative could in good conscience defend the President that implemented price controls, but it happens, for some reason.

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